(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.)
Let’s complete our look at love – the fiber, glue, and solvent of Creation – by looking at other implications of love being all there is.
One is the fact that love can never be snuffed out or shut out, as Jesus reminds us:
“Rejoice therefore in the knowledge that the life-force that powers your human vehicles is Love, that It is indeed eternal, and that it can never be snuffed out!” (1)
“Even the strongest and most powerful attempts to shut It out completely fail.” (2)
Another is that we cannot extend our love to some and not to others, as Jesus reminds us. Love must flow to everyone:
“When you welcome Love into your open hearts, you also allow and intend [thereby] for It to flow out through you to all with whom you interact personally, to all who pass through your energy field each day, and to all on Earth.” (3)
It cannot be contained, categorized, or limited, he says.
“Love cannot be contained, It always flows abundantly and ceaselessly into and through every space that offers even the most minimal of welcomes, endlessly seeking to integrate and mingle with all of life. All that anyone need do is allow It to enter. It desires to fill those empty, lonely, and abandoned spaces that have been locked closed due to fear and free them from their fear. …
“It cannot be dammed or stored for use in circumstances the ego might think are to its advantage.” (4)
Love uses us. We don’t use love.
“Love,” the Arcturian Group tell us, “is interpreted and experienced according to the state of consciousness of the individual.” (5) Our filters and beliefs shape what we do know and can know about love.
Our ignorance has allowed us to think love can be personalized, categorized, and regulated, the Arcturian Group suggest. It cannot.
“Because of spiritual ignorance within the third-dimensional belief system, this sense of connection or ‘love’ has over time become personally and universally categorized, limited, and regulated into beliefs far removed from what love really is.
“LOVE IS and can not be categorized or put into ‘appropriate’ or ‘inappropriate’ slots from which it is judged.” (6)
Meanwhile, we as a civilization are gradually becoming more loving, everywhere in our lives, Saul reports. We end with the thought we began with.
“The awareness that there is only Love, that anything else is unreal, illusory, while accepted by many intellectually has not been felt in their hearts. That is now changing.
“Over the last few years – not decades, let alone hundreds of years – more and more of you have been intending to be only loving with whatever has been arising in your personal lives, and that most powerful intent is driving the implementation of many of the changes that need to be planned and put into effect.” (7)
We’re slowly, gradually coming to understand that love is the basis of all that is, love IS all that is and all that ever will be.
We’re slowly, gradually coming to see that the most important thing for us to pay attention to is love. Nothing exceeds in importance the realization we intend to have that we are always and only ever have been love.
Below every other mission, this is our core mission.
(1) Jesus through John Smallman, Sept. 15, 2015, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
(2) Ibid., March 9, 2017.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Arcturian Group, May 24, 2015, at https://www.onenessofall.com/Welcome2.html.
(6) Ibid., Aug. 3, 2014,
(7) Saul, June 30 2017.