Our memories have been erased
Arcturian Group: All of you reading these messages are Beings of Light–some more aware of it than others, but all trying to understand spiritual truth while living lives under a veil of forgetfulness that comes with an incarnation on Earth. (1)
SaLuSa: You accepted the veils that were drawn across your eyes as you dropped deeper into the lower vibrations. Now you are emerging once again, and being reminded of your true selves and your history upon Earth. (2)
Matthew Ward: Each soul comes into a physical lifetime with balanced energy, which contains full awareness of its Beginnings, and the goal of each is to retain that balance as its “self” follows its soul level guidance.
However, a “veil” of forgetfulness falls between the soul’s awareness and the self’s conscious knowledge as the infant adapts to expectations of parents and later, other authority figures, peers and society. (3)
Sanat Kumara: You are not simply a fragment of who you are above. … In this incarnation, you have brought the fullness of your soul design, the totality of your being, into form.
Now how is this different than other incarnations, other journeys on other planets that you have made with me and with others? Let me preface this by saying that each of you has an enormous array of talents, abilities and capacities.
In previous incarnations … you did not bring the fullness of everything, of who you are….
That is not true in this incarnation, in this period of Ascension. … You are not simply masters in the making. You have brought the totality of your mastery in a wonderful diversity of ways to the planet. So you are fully the reflection, the embodiment of that spark of love that you are above, say in heaven, and certainly the totality of your being as you are in what you think of as the higher dimensions. You do not lack anything…
The greatest obstacle that we face with you and that you face is you accepting how powerful you are, that you have this innate ability. That is why we speak of Universal Law, creation formulas, divine qualities; we are simply your memory joggers. We are your assistants. (4)
Pleiadian Council of Nine: While many of you have come from [vastly pure states of consciousness], you have not yet grown back into [them] and we can say with happiness and Love that you will be able to fully remember these states of consciousness upon growing back into them. …
Personally, you are going to uncover and remember revelations that will help you to adjust to the states of consciousness you have come to the Earth from, and on the world stage you will be given truths and disclosures that will shock much of your collective back into awareness. …
Every one of you have maintained the strongest and purest connection to the higher realms; it is simply that such a connection cannot be made known to you all at once for indeed, this would burn you out, dearest souls. We do not wish for that to happen, and you as well would not want to gain a perspective that you have not naturally grow into because, again, you would be overwhelmed. (5)
Great Divine Director: You are returning to the awareness that you belong to a unified field of consciousness, that you have never left this field, but have only stepped away from it in consciousness for a short time.
Your awareness of Self has been blocked by self-imposed veils of forgetfulness; those veils have been torn asunder and are swiftly dissolving for all humanity, even the most intransigent of beings, the former “controllers” of this planet. (6)
SaLuSa: As the veil is lifted the Light will illuminate your mind with the truth of who you really are. In reality you are great Beings of Light, who stepped down into the lower realms for no other reason than that you wanted to expand your evolutionary experiences. (7)
Pleiadians: The day will soon dawn when each of you shall remember these things, and to yourself you shall marvel, “How did I ever forget I was so glorious?” The truth shall be revealed in it’s own time and always when it is most appropriate.
Knowledge is power, it is said, and the truth is the most potent knowledge of all. Do you think you are effective now? Well, just wait until you carry your full knowing in your arsenal of Godly weaponry. You shall be quite literally unstoppable.
Go out and spread your Light. Each new one who awakens instantly becomes a carrier of the new frequencies. They, in turn, automatically influence the others that they come in contact with – each of those moving on to perpetuate the energetic chain of influence. (8)
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) Arcturian Group, July 14, 2013, at https://www.onenessofall.com/.
(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 23, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm .
(3) Matthew’s Message, April 9, 2009, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage/.
(4) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Above and Below, Part 1/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 27, 2013 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-law-of-above-and-below-august-27-2013-part-12/.
(5) The Pleiadian Council of Nine through Wes Annac, April 29, 2013 at https://aquariusparadigm.com.
(6) “The Great Divine Director: Be True to One’s Self,” channeled through Tazjima, 1 June, 2013 at https://bluedragonjournal.com.
(7) SaLuSa, May 31, 2010.
(8) “Pleiadian Message via Bella Capozzi: Angels In Human Form,’ May 1, 2013, at https://cupcakesandangels.wordpress.com.