By Petra Pixie McGuire, August 12, 2018
Incantation/Activation from recent upload Media Pole Shift, New Earth Infinity Portals – 11th August 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse X
I have received the energetic codes through this Eclipse Trinity into Infinity Stargate energetic. I hold these codes within me. I ask now that you assist me in the integration of these codes as I bring forward cosmic downloads and DNA uploads creating the stargated upgrades of third dimensional and fifth dimensional merge.
I thank you for presenting yourself to me as my higher self, so much closer than before as we move through the final eclipse of the Trinity.
The veils between the worlds are thinned at this time and you are closer and closer and closer until we merge until we are one.
You are me and I am you, we occupy the same body, the same consciousness. I see through your eyes the cosmic wonders of the Garden of Eden and you see through my eyes the world of man.
You are the anti matter to my matter and I am the child of the Father, Mother Union.
I hold strong to the unification of these multidimensional poleshifts that take place within and without this day.
I give thanks for the star that you are and for the seeds that I am as I seed the stars of the memory fields in the name of Excalibur.
I bring online the empowerment that is the mane of the Lion, the paw of the Sphinx and I allow my Egyptian, Lemurian, Atlantean and Sirian memories to come online and take their places within all that I am and all that I shall be.
I am but a child, a baby in the ways of Ascension and my knowing this, my acknowledging this and my integration of this makes me an Ascended Master.
Then you, dear star, higher self aspect stand as my beloved child and the cycle begins again. I embrace this inner pole shift and I give thanks and hold the highest gratitude for this experience that is the Trinity into Infinity Eclipse, Lion’s Gate Alignment.
I walk into the rebirthing pool, the plasma star gate that is the partial solar eclipse and know that my celestial and my solar light codes are activated at this time.
With unconditional love, in the greatest of blessings, this pole shift, this rebirth is all that I am, it is done.
We are the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine