Like a teaching hospital
I’d like to see each organization I begin take on the responsibility of being a “teaching” organization. The equivalent of a teaching hospital?
A teaching foundation? A teaching project?
I intend to have some accredited training program running side by side with the permanent organizations. (1)
Once we get down to the work of building Nova Earth, we’ll be creating new paradigms right and left in philanthropy, business, work, child care, education, etc.
Meanwhile I watch myself thinking from old business paradigms of scarcity, lack, survival, etc. They go off inside me like popcorn. Keep the size of the workforce low. Create no more benefits than you have to. Bargain the worker down.
I’m never going to act on such advice and I feel embarrassed at seeing those ideas arise in me. I observe myself reacting strongly.
New paradigm: Yes, it’s OK to hire people. It provides employment.
Salary? What would you like to earn?
Benefits? Every benefit available.
From all I’ve heard, there will be plenty of funds for everyone willing to serve as a pipeline to channel prosperity. A few articles ago, I listed all the sources I knew. (2) But I suspect there are more.
Here are the two discussions I’ve had with Archangel Michael on the subject of funding sources for a pipeline:
(1) 2013: Steve Beckow: Will my money be coming from the Chinese elders?
Archangel Michael: It will come from a variety of sources. There is a great deal of wealth, not only upon your planet but off planet. (3)
(2) 2018: Steve Beckow: First of all, I want to have more understanding of where the inflow of money is coming from. Some of its coming from the Chinese elders, right?
Archangel Michael: Yes.
Steve: … And some from the prosperity packages?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: Some from sequestered illuminati money, from human-rights abusers?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: Is there any coming from the St. Germaine World Trust?
AAM: Well, the various prosperity packages include St. Germaine’s World Trust.
Steve: Is St. Germaine’s World Trust working through the prosperity packages?
AAM: It can. …
When we say that in the current amorphous structure – well, amorphous as you know it – that St. Germaine’s World Trust is tucked into under that umbrella of prosperity packages, there is also the chance – because it is not written in stone, not even in amethyst – that if things do not go forward at a pace that is desirable for the unfoldment of the Mother, that he will proceed with the disbursement of his funds in a different way. …
Steve: … From historical assets? [Trading platforms/historic bonds, etc.]
AAM: Yes.
Steve: … Off-planet gold?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: Now that is what the off-planet people contribute right? It’s gold? They don’t contribute currency on Mars or something?
AAM: No, well, gold is what is being formulated in the other distant planets and even star systems. Gold is a universal currency and it certainly has value upon this planet of Gaia. So, yes, those [galactic] transfers have mostly been made and made about a year ago. (4)
I think it’ll be more a matter of how to get it out there than the “it” to be gotten out.
In the midst of it all, I think it’ll become important to share “best practices.” Engineers might share best technologies.
We need a flow of ideas. And we need a safe place to explore the new.
I think most of us will have had the experience at some point in our lives of being ridiculed for having unconventional beliefs. Several times in my life I’ve seen doors close because I was considered to have “gone too far” or “left the fold.”
We need a place committed to us expanding in safety to fill our roles, to learn how to get bigger as the demands on us increase. (5) Very soon we’ll be called upon to think globally as financial stewards of the Divine Mother. But beyond that is Disclosure, which will multiply the scope of our functional reach.
Fortunately, I’m led to believe that the expansion of responsibility will be accompanied by an increase in vibration due to the rising energies.
I predict that before we make coalitions and pool efforts after the Reval, many of us will want the experience of flapping our wings a bit and doing something ourselves, so to speak. I know I will. Seldom do people get a chance to act on their dreams. This is our chance.
I’ll cooperate with a few other colleagues to keep the flow of ideas going. But I’ll be focused on discharging my duties rather than promoting cooperation. Others will have to take on that function.
And I’ll write about it, encouraging the flow of ideas in all directions and through all experiences.
(1) Not only good for rapid technology transfer but a training ground for possible future employees.
(2) “The benefactors who’ve joined together to make Abundance possible on this Earth are numerous. They include St. Germaine and his colleagues who’ve been organizing this since the Middle Ages.
“They also include Lee Wanta who’s been battling for his funds since the Reagan years, to be used for the restoration of Planet Earth, farmers who’ve been litigating the government for decades, historic bonds that have been used as Illuminati ‘trading platforms’ but now are to be used for the public good, ill-gotten gains which are being returned to the people by executive order, and gifts from the Chinese elders, royals, and philanthropists around the world.
“It even includes off-planet gold brought by our star family to Earth to help pay for the revitalization of the planet and the relief of the poor.” (Steve Beckow, “No Operation Bigger,” July 29, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/07/29/no-operation-bigger/.)
“Funding by one of the prosperity programs which the Company of Heaven has orchestrated … include[s] (and [is] not limited to) a currency revaluation, historic bonds, prosperity packages, farm claims, the Wanta Fund, the St. Germaine World Trust, sequestered Illuminati funds, etc. … Off-planet gold, money from the royals, money from the Chinese elders, the list goes on.” (Steve Beckow, “Waiting for the Dawn,” July 27, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/07/27/waiting-for-the-dawn/.)
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 2, 2013.
(4) AAM in a personal reading, ibid., March 28, 2018. At the time, Linda Dillon described watching, from the Neptune, ships going down to Earth carrying off-planet gold to the appropriate financial institutions.
(5) I detected Michael’s lack of enthusiasm every time I mentioned the Lightworkers Congress. When I asked him about it, he said that I was not a very sociable person. He asked me to leave the founding and running of the LC to others. So the idea is now out there, available to someone else to take the ball and run with it.