Brought to you by the Company of Heaven
We may not be used to thinking of lightworkers as being a cog in a very big machine.
But sometimes seeing things that way can restore balance and sanity to a situation that feels confusing and insane.
Our waiting period has been insane. Why it has to be so is confusing.
But let me pick up from where I left off in a previous article on us and the Reval. (1)
The benefactors who’ve joined together to make Abundance possible on this Earth are numerous. They include St. Germaine and his colleagues who’ve been organizing this since the Middle Ages.
They also include Lee Wanta who’s been battling for his funds since the Reagan years, to be used for the restoration of Planet Earth, farmers who’ve been litigating the government for decades, historic bonds that have been used as Illuminati “trading platforms” but now are to be used for the public good, ill-gotten gains which are being returned to the people by executive order, and gifts from the Chinese elders, royals, and philanthropists around the world.
It even includes off-planet gold brought by our star family to Earth to help pay for the revitalization of the planet and the relief of the poor.
All of that – and more – has required terrific coordination on and off-planet.
Imagine the logistics required to get the world to this point – and I haven’t even mentioned the governments to enroll (and keep enrolled) and the financial arrangements to be set up and coordinated.
A mammoth operation.
While all this has been going on, we the front-line troops in the redistribution of wealth have waited for the means, direction, and signal to begin our work.
I believe that the other side, in charge of getting funds here and arranging for their security and logistical arrangements, is hoping that we’ll use the time to develop our plans, cleanse ourselves of our residue of issues and resentments, and grow into the work ahead of us.
When I see it from this bird’s-eye vantage point, I feel less like grumbling and more like pitching in. There’s no human operation – certainly not D-Day – that I can think of that seems to have been more involved and extensive.
We are where the rubber meets the road, no doubt. But we have myriads of folks behind us whose collective effort brought us to this point.
(1) “Waiting for the Dawn,”