Bottom: (l-r) Sitara, Tom, and Fran; Top: Kathleen, Cynthia, and Steve W.
I was giving a talk in my mind to some “new members” of the Bellingham Meet-up, which to my knowledge is the only meet-up around the world that continues to meet. Thanks due to everyone but especially Sitara.
I was imagining that new members came and, whereas no one could be said to be “leading” the meet-up even though Sitara facilitates it, I’d somehow volunteered to give a talk on why we meet, what we do, what function the meet-up serves for me.
And I saw the function as threefold.
First, it allows all of us to actually do something to serve the Divine Mother. We may discuss our plans as a group or to one another.
We trade graphs and charts and lists. We keep each other’s morale and enthusiasm up as we wait for abundance to arrive. We keep each other up on the news. We see that new arrivals have a currency “starter kit,” perhaps a few trillion Zims.
Second, it allows us to serve the Mother, not by serving flag or country, not democracy or freedom, as worthy as those are, but by following our own hearts. The others are abstract, but to be allowed to follow our very own heart is sacred.
We’re able to do so because of the third factor. That factor is funding by one of the prosperity programs which the Company of Heaven has orchestrated. These include (and are not limited to) a currency revaluation, historic bonds, prosperity packages, farm claims, the Wanta Fund, the St. Germaine World Trust, sequestered Illuminati funds, etc. (1)
Does anyone ever wonder how all of these prosperity programs could come together/mature at exactly the same time? What kind of coordination did that require?
Or perhaps it’s a coincidence that everything arrives at a single point in time to be released to the general public, via us, the Mother’s financial stewards. I don’t think so.
So you could say that this is a meet-up of the Mother’s heart-led financial stewards, warming our hands around a bonfire at night while waiting for the dawn and our actual work to begin. That would certainly capture for me how it feels to be at this particular fireside gathering.
(1) Off-planet gold, money from the royals, money from the Chinese elders, the list goes on.