To have my world be safe, I have to start by making myself safe. I’m a ways away from that.
As my impatience in lines shows, the world is not entirely safe from me yet.
I have to start with my own field of awareness and experience and ensure that I keep others safe from my own violations of the peace.
If I travel through the world being safe myself, I think it maximizes my chances of others responding to me in the same way.
Some people will align with me and be safe; others won’t. But the largest number, I think, will be safe if they see me being safe. They may imitate me, align with me, or entrain with me, depending on how you see the situation.
As Kathleen has been showing me, if there is danger without, it’s because there is either danger or the seeing of danger within. If I had no knowledge of danger inside myself, I wouldn’t see it outside myself.
At one point in time, we DID live in a dangerous and hostile world. The cabal was planning on starting World War III and that would have made the environment hostile (radioactive) and other people dangerous. In the hardscrabble world that would have been left, everyone would be competing with everyone else for scarce resources.
But that plan itself was defeated. Moreover, as the light continues to rise, as Matthew Ward points out, people with very little light in themselves cannot sustain the body. They leave, something that would not have happened even several decades ago.
“As Earth enters higher and still higher frequencies along her ascension pathway, individuals with dark proclivity – the unconscionably brutal, greedy and abusive of power, some in ruling positions but many others controlling behind the public scene – will leave the planet.
“Without light except the spark that is the soul’s very life force, those persons’ bodies will die and their souls automatically will go to the very dense energy planes that correspond with their lifetime energy registration. In those placements, they will be offered a constant beam of light, and if they respond, their consciousness levels will rise.” (1)
I saw myself the other day, walking across the park, feeling unsafe and radiating energies of caution and suspicion. I saw another man approach me and imagined that he could respond in one of two ways to my energy and presence: Oblivious or unaware, he could ignore me and go on his way.
Or aware, he could respond suspiciously and aggressively towards me, who sees him as a possible threat. A lot (but by no means all) depended on how I was seeing the situation.
I have to start with me and see that the world is safe around me before I can live in a safe world.
(1) Matthews’ Message, Feb. 7, 2009, at