Credit: Life Coach Code
Michael once said to me: “You are reticent to be the clarion call. … Let it go.” (1)
Yes, I am reticent.
But I also get that a clarion call is needed.
I feel the need to raise a subject that I know is going to be important later on and is better raised now.
I want to say it before we all vamoose the ranch after the Reval.
I regard this as a true statement: If you call yourself a lightworker, it follows like night and day that you’re also intended to be a leader.
I predict that leadership will be our business as long as we’re lightworkers because only lightworkers know the whole story.
Only lightworkers know where we’re headed and for what reason. (2) Only they know who’s leading the show (the Divine Mother) and what role we all play in her unfolding drama. (3)
Only lightworkers know the purpose of life (4) and the larger significance of this Ascension. Or that there is an Ascension at all.
Only lightworkers have heard the Divine Mother ask them – and have responded:
“Build what is divinely beautiful. I give you my divine authority to do so. I will guide you. I will help you. But I entrust this to you as well. …
“We are helping you. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way.” (5)
Archangel Michael reminded us that, if lightworkers did not step forward, there would be a vacuum.
“If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] then there is a massive vacuum because many of the billions upon your planet have not yet learned, adapted and integrated the new tools – the fullness of this new energy.
“So [when non-lightworkers] are assigned … or try to step up … to create and to take the leadership role, they do not have the training and insight to do it in a way that is achievable. … So there is a lack, a vacuum of leadership.
“Now, who, upon this wondrous planet, has been hiding in the shadows or edging out, or in the limelight and is ready? … Who has been diligent and practiced patience and fortitude and stamina, and anchored the divine qualities? Who is it that is prepared to do this? Well, it is the lightworkers.” (6)
This is the clarion call. This is our invitation. Either lead or leave an unbridgeable gap.
If lightworkers don’t lead, I’m not sure if Nova Earth would get built. Because, if we don’t lead, then we’d all level our consciousness down to whomever is leading. And if that happened, our action would probably lack determination. It’d probably lack stability and cohesiveness. We’d probably wobble and be lethargic as a society.
Look at our leaders at the moment – the nominal leader of the G7 quits the group (June 11, 2018). Excuse me? Did he just shoot himself in the foot? The late-night talk show hosts are being handed their material on a silver platter.
Reality trumps fiction. Are these folks to be our role models? Is it their consciousness we’re going to level down to?
Why? Only because lightworkers have not filled the gap in leadership.
Lightworkers know what’s so and have the persistence and the vision to build Nova Earth.
As I understand it, we’re destined to just keep expanding as a family. Michael once said that the circle of lightworkers would grow to take in the whole world some day.
Archangel Michael: Does the conversation expand organically and naturally? Does the energy go out to the entire planet, those who want to hear and those who don’t want to hear? Yes, it does. But it begins with the lightworker community. That is what we have need of.
Steve: And I suppose then more and more people join the lightworker community?
AAM: Exactly, until it is one family and one path. (7)
We’re asked to lead not because we’re somehow a chosen people. We’re not, except in the sense that we chose ourselves, but more because we know the Divine Plan and our roles in it.
We’re organizing ourselves. We’re preparing ourselves. We’re ready. When we begin, don’t be shy. This is what we came for. We’re going to need to lead.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.
(2) See Gateway to Higher Dimensionality: Understanding Ascension Vol. 1 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V1-2.pdf
Gateway to Higher Dimensionality: Understanding Ascension Vol. 2 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V2.pdf and
Gateway to Higher Dimensionality: Understanding Ascension Vol. 3 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V3.pdf
(3) See It’s All a Journey of Love: The Divine Mother in Her Own Words at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Its-All-a-Journey-of-Love-10.pdf and
All Paths Lead to the Mother at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/All-Paths-Lead-to-the-Mother.pdf
(4) See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment.pdf
(5) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/
(6) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015/.
(7) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-a-global-reset-of-values-part-22/.