Having forgiven everyone in my life, I am this moment simmering in bliss.
And, in this state, knowing becomes easier. (1) In it, I see the fundamental principle that provides the foundation for my work (perhaps our work) in building Nova Earth.
That principle was enunciated by Werner Erhard nearly forty years ago: The principle of a you-and-me world.
A world in which somebody is out to eat our lunch is a you-or-me world, the social-Darwinist world of the struggle for survival.
A world that works for everyone, as Werner envisioned it, is a you-and-me world.
For me the hardest thing of all has been to relax my vigilance, stand down, and get that a you-and-me world is now possible.
Once one has forgiven everyone in one’s life (and there will surely be shown to be levels of that), the very next step seems to be the setting of the context in which forward movement is seen and created. A you-and-me world is for me that context.
I feel as blissful as if I were lying on the beach at Cannes with a drink in my hands and the sun beating down on me. The feeling is no different and I just saved myself a few thousand dollars by simply experiencing the feeling.
This bliss, like transformative love, arises from my very own heart. My heart feels like a radiant heater, exuding bliss.
Bliss differs from love in its effects. Bliss seems meant for me personally and I revel in it. Love seems meant for me and others and I radiate it.
I notice that any belief – I don’t deserve bliss, this can’t be happening to me, etc. – inhibits the flow. I have to absolutely surrender to the experience for it to really unfold.
I do surrender and I end up in a state in which I cannot move. Run into it, dive into it, fall into it. Any way you can, immerse yourself in the Lake of Bliss.
This bliss feels like the pinnacle of experience, although I know it’s not. (2) In it I am complete. Nothing in my experiential world feels lacking. There’s nothing more I need do, nothing more I want, but to remain open to deeper and greater bliss.
(1) During the vision experience I had on Feb. 13, 1987, I was immersed in bliss and that made it possible for me to know exactly what was transpiring. Allegedly, bliss brings all things to remembrance. I experienced it more as allowing me to know things in the moment; where that knowledge came from I don’t know.
(2) Ecstacy and exaltation lie above it.