Credit: www.galo.com
This is my last posting on the planetary heart opening which others are calling “the Event.” Well, for now….!
I’ve brought all these articles together to form a booklet on how to understand and respond to the planetary heart opening when it occurs.
Available from “Download Books” and from here:
The real Reval is the reset from ordinary love to transformative love.
Ordinary love cannot keep us from being enmeshed in conflict, dissension, attempts to control, manipulation.
Transformative love leaves no room for them. There’s no question of them bothering us.
Ordinary love is like a fire. It can blaze pretty high. But transformative love is incandescent. Its flame cannot be quenched. Unless we leave it voluntarily.
It will never leave us.
Transformative love is worth more than gold and rubies. Open the treasure buried in the field and you’ll find inside … love.
If I am bereft of love at this moment, I must have abandoned it. It would never abandon me. I repent.
Where to find it?
How many masters have said: Seek it in the heart. The heart is the wellspring between us, the personality in the Third-Dimensional suit of armor, and our soul, the Self, the Christ, the Atman.
Love comes from the Self via the heart. The heart is an artesian well of love. So of course we’d seek it in the heart.
Once it’s located, once the door has been opened, we discover that love is a flow. It has to be received, but it cannot then be hoarded or saved. It must be passed along.
And it cannot be passed along to some and not to all. Love, like rain, makes no distinction among sentient beings. It flows over rich and poor, all religions and nations alike.
So our love, to be transformative, has to take in everybody. That can be challenging, but it gets easier the deeper into transformative love we go.
Love yields to bliss. Bliss yields to ecstacy. Ecstacy yields to exaltation. But these are all in the end, it seems to me, forms of love.
Just as the other Reval produces value, so this spiritual Reval does the same. The more people who witness transformative love, respond to it, and achieve it, the greater the amount of heart-conscious value is produced for the whole world.
Ask for a heart opening. Twenty-five hundred years ago, you would have had to meditate to have it. In the End Times, I’m led to believe that one need only ask.
Planetary Heart Opening