(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Nevertheless, we may have to “wait” some more. This is a world-wide, total system reorganization. Of it, Michael says:
AAM: Understand, they are all united so when we speak of the Revaluation, we are speaking of a continuum of which this aspect of the Reval is one. … It is tied into the restructuring of systems. …
We are talking about the restructuring of humanity. (1)
He goes further in his explanation on another occasion:
AAM: The other events that are taking place of course is, first, the shift in what we would call the economic circumstances of many.
Now note what I have said: the economic adjustment. And you know well what I’m talking about, but that is the way I wish to phrase it, and it is the re-evaluation not only of money or currency.
It is the re-evaluation of the purpose of money, the purpose of life, where the values lie, that they can be reflective of the sacred divine qualities and in alignment with Universal Love rather than the human inclination that is passing, but is not past, of greed and control, of avarice, etc. (2)
Why are we involved? Michael answers:
AAM: The Galactics have no shortage of money and so there will be some very massive projects and the funds will be made available but they will really ask for human leadership in order to not be seen as trying in any way to assume control. (3)
It involves removing government leaders from power without raising fear in the public, closing down intelligence agencies and black operations, deconstructing national banking systems, having the heads of multinational corporations step down, getting 209 countries to agree, etc., etc. All this is done while being opposed by a mass media that is active or complicit in the problem.
The Reval and everything connected to it will fix the pattern for the new society – compassion, sharing, and dedication. The cast of millions behind the curtain is risking their all … and all the audience knows is waiting.
It’s a shame that we can’t know more but that would increase the danger to those doing the work. (4)
So, yes, we may wait. But for heaven’s sake, don’t put your life on hold.
Mine hasn’t been these past seven years. The Company of Heaven doesn’t want me to. They want me to live fully … as fully as circumstances allow (thank Gawd, I’m an intellectual, rather than an experientialist or I’d go stir crazy). (5)
And for me fully means … doing what I’m doing right now. Organizing knowledge. (6) Being a flow through for channeled ideas. (7) Plumbing the depths of my being with my fingers on the keyboard. Serving the Divine. What’s not to love?
I suspect that I’m very much on mission and on purpose so long as I do these things. I say that because time and again the Mother and Michael have said do what you love and you will be on purpose. Here’s Michael on the matter:
Archangel Michael: So, dearest Steve, for example, you are a writer. You are a communicator. This is the essence of who you are. This is the essence of what I would term your power, your passion, your contribution, your talent, and the choices that you are making with your free will.
Now, I am not asking you to go and be a landscaper, because that is not your passion.
Now, there are others, and others that are listening right now, whose passion it is to go and get their hands in the dirt and talk to the trees and dance with the elementals. And that is fine. What is key in this is the true connection to power.
It is that alignment and it is the exercise of free will choice, not in authoritarian, coercive ways, but in absolute cooperation of the highest realm of love, of loving actions, of loving energies.
Because the love is the energy that is going to help you create, whether it is a cake or a garden or a nation, that is what is going to create [a world that] works for everyone. (8)
I know Michael approves. He wants me to write more than he does run companies. (9)
So change waiting into doing what you love. That’s the highest service we can render because only from loving can we create.
How much more hard-nosed permission-giving do we need to just do what we love?
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal Reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015. Hereafter AAM.
(2) AAM, May 27, 2016.
(3) AAM to Kathleen Mary Willis, Nov. 13, 2012.
(4) AAM: Now much of this, by necessity, in order that there not be any input to further chaos or mayhem, selfishness or greed or abuse of resources, is being kept very quiet. It is being kept very much behind the scenes and that is so that things aren’t interfered with, but also for the safety and security, in a very practical sense, of those who are involved. (AAM, June 9, 2017.)
(5) AAM: Dear friend, you are truly a monk at heart. (AAM, March 3, 2011.)
AAM: [Nevertheless] you did not come to live as a [monk] in a western or eastern manner…. Part of your and part of our recommendation to you is to play, to laugh, to enjoy, to be physical, so that you are anchored in the physical reality – because you are here to be a transition point and to be able to show people how to do both.
If you were completely involved in your full awakening, you in very great likelihood would not be forming a platform with me. You would be off somewhere in an ashram meditating.
So that is what we have meant. Ground yourself. Be human and love the experience of being in form.
Steve: OK. Boy. Eat, drink and be merry!
AAM: It is difficult, no?
Steve: Yes, it is. (AAM, May 6, 2013.)
(6) “Being the organizer of great teachings is your purpose. You give a platform for the students of ascension & the guides, teachers, & masters of the golden age.” (Divine Love through Suzanne Spooner to Steve Beckow, June 3, 2011.)
AAM: Yes, in many ways you are a gatherer and a harvester of information. You put pieces together that people have not perhaps made the linkages between.
You give readers in plain speaking, albeit elaborate at times, ways to understand not only what you are saying, but their own journey, their own process and their own [movement] forward. (AAM, Feb. 7, 2013.)
(7) Both from my guides, as Annastara notes:
“Not everything you do is just you single-handedly and you have the good sense to know this, which honors us, that you allow us to help.” (Annastara in a personal Reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 9, 2010.)
And from Michael:
AAM: I am whispering in your ear. …
Steve: [laughing] Are you here all the time?
AAM: Yes, I am. (AAM, Feb. 18, 2011.)
(8) “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael on the Source of Power and Authority, AHWAA, March 9, 2017,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/03/18/transcript-archangel-michael-on-the-source-of-power-and-authority-ahwaa-march-9-2017/)
(9) Steve: I know you want me to make the ultimate decision in matters of policy but, apart from that, if I carve out a lifestyle kind and attentive to the needs of awareness writing, are you alright with that? That’s really my first love?
AAM: I am over the moon with that! You can do the writing and I will do the art and music! (AAM, Aug. 2, 2017.)
AAM: I advise you to manage that [busyness] by getting a number of assistants and technical people to help you so that there is time for writing.
The core purpose is the writing. (AAM, Aug. 6, 2013.)