Credit: The Telegraph
I’ve been wondering if we should have two Lightworkers Congresses – one for folks 35 and under and one for folks 36 and older.
Does the presence of older lightworkers hamper the efforts of younger?
We older yogis already know that the youth of today have been deprived by past generations of satisfying work at living wages, with benefits plans, including a pension.
We also know that many of the youth of today are born already ascended and are destined to take over the management of this world, sooner and more competently than in the past.
How can the older generation – the Boomers – make their experience available without in some way impeding the younger generation – the Millennials – to create the new?
I’ve noticed the disproportionate numbers of older folks at most events having to do with the Reval. It looks like a major role for us will be dispersing funds.
But, apparently, the younger generation already has the template for post-Ascension society all worked out.
I wonder if we Boomers can do our job as pipelines of finance to the Millennials with humility, impartiality, and fairness. We’d be drawing on our experience to do this part of the overall service. They’d be drawing on their inner wisdom and drive to build the new world.
I know of one person in this category who’s extremely developed psychically and yet wrestling with all the heartache having those abilities has brought her. So even though the younger generation was born ascended, they haven’t escaped dealing with such things as ridicule, cynicism, etc.
I’d like the younger generation to know that I know that you were deprived of a comfortable and secure future by people who put profit before everything. Later we discovered that, behind them were people who wanted to eliminate 90% of the population and enslave the rest. The more we knew, the worse it got.
There was a time (somebody start playing “Camelot”) when people had challenging jobs, with good chances of promotion and better pay, on a permanent basis.
Those people in some countries (like my own) had a fully-developed benefits package, in a society that had universal medicare. They could look forward to retirement with assurance. They might even be able to travel if that was their wish.
Automation, offshore outsourcing, union-busting, just-in-time production, and many other cost-cutting initiatives (labor is a cost) have left you scrambling between gigs, never knowing how you’ll pay your next month’s rent. I want you to know that we oldie moldies know this.
Until now, there hasn’t been anything we lightworkers have been able to do about it. Or homelessness. Or single mums living on a pittance.
We’ve banked our hopes on the Reval occurring soon – and we’ve waited patiently – in largest part because we know this is a way we can assist you to have the future that was our present.
And now could be our gift to you.