Someone in my readings – and I cannot find the quote – said something cryptic to me a long time ago that’s been rolling around in my head ever since.
It was a new inner space to explore and, at the time, I couldn’t make heads or tails out of what they were saying.
They said a day would come when sexual love would transform into love for Planet Gaia.
How could that be? It was like Werner Erhard talking about a world that worked for everyone. How could a world work for everyone?
What was the process? What were the steps by which sexual love would, etc.?
I had part of the puzzle: I already knew the destination. It was higher-dimensional love. I’m good on that subject.
In the Fifth Dimension and higher, the love we experience is absolutely consuming. Sexual love does not even make a blip on the screen. That’s how far above it higher-dimensional love is. Like Tang next to freshly-squeezed orange juice.
Love has to flow. Because of its volume it can only flow outward; we only need for ourselves a tiny fraction of it. When it flows outwards to the world, it flows indiscriminately. (1) It doesn’t give a yes to Robert and a no to Mary. It goes out to all.
Its extent is enough to have me think that I can love the whole planet. In the midst of experience of the inner tsunami of love, I send it it out with “wild abandon,” to paraphrase Mary Magdalene. So I get that higher-dimensional love manifests as love for the whole planet.
So I already know the destination: Higher-dimensional love.
And I already know that making love is an order of magnitude more satisfying than having sex. I’d already reached the point in my development where having sex held little interest for me any longer, but the desire to make love had only increased.
Anyways, it all happens gradually. No need to do anything.
So I have those pieces of the puzzle already.
But how do we get from sexual love to love for the entire planet? I don’t have the piece that identifies the process.
Is it through Tantra? Is it through sublimation? By what route?
Just as I didn’t know how a world could be made to work for everyone – before I had my heart opening – now I don’t know how to get from sex to higher-dimensional love.
This morning the penny dropped. It hit me. Thank you, my guides.
It’s the energies we’re being bathed in that will prove to be the agency that gets us from sexual love to higher-dimensional love and, with it, a love for the whole planet.
As a result of all the energies beamed our way (Tsunami of Love, Tsunami of One, Porlana C and everything else since then), our vibrational levels are rising.
As they rise, I notice that my sexual drive is decreasing. But I also notice that the amount of love I experience and hanker for, from my own heart as well as from all different sources, is increasing.
Less sex and more love wanted. I think that about sums up the direction in which I’m leaning.
In this space, the supreme delight for me is to have my love received. I don’t find myself seeking anything in return, but to be allowed to flow and be received. Or, at the least, not rejected. That allows me someone to direct my love to and I experience it as it passes through me and out into the world. I need nothing else.
So it’s the energies themselves that will work the miracle of moving us from attachment to sexual love to a desire to love the entire planet. That’s the answer I was seeking.
From a biophysical point of view, we’ll move from being focused on our orgasm to being focused on love. We then may see that this same love lies at the heart of our orgasm anyways. It was love we were seeking all along and we found it, not in someone else, not even in our orgasm, but in our very own hearts.
In place of a desire for sex, we now experience a torrent of higher-dimensional love from the opened heart, gushing forth rivers of bliss, joy, and ecstacy, sweeping away all concerns in its path.
Love in all its forms has to go outwards because of its extent and flowing nature. When we experience it, we want only to be permitted to keep being used as a channel for it, to keep letting the inner tsunami of love flow through us so we can enjoy the experience.
This is our spiritual currency, that Archangel Michael keeps encouraging us to ask for. This is the real wealth. Have this and we’ll want nothing else.
So my cryptic guide was right. I now understand how sexual love will transform into love for Planet Gaia.
Through the gradual process of Ascension, through the slow raising of energy/vibration levels, our hearts will expand until they open (2) and higher-dimensional love flows out from us to the entire world. In giving, we receive.
The outcome of that process is a world that loves unconditionally and universally. Its love is orders of magnitude stronger than what passed for love in the Third and Fourth Dimension.
In that space every being will naturally and normally feel love for the entire planet.
(1) There’s no such thing as “universal love.” Love is always, already universal. It cannot be contained, directed, funneled, stored up. It can only flow, indiscriminately, to all. It invokes no conditions; it flows universally, by its very nature, independent of us.
(2) The heart aperture, called hridayam by Vedantists, opens and love flows. This is fourth-chakra enlightenment, stream-entering or spiritual awakening.