FEBRUARY 25, 2018
We of the Arcturian Group honor you who have chosen to assist Gaia and her people during these times of change and awakening. Thanks to you, many are beginning to see for the first time which is adding more light to world consciousness.
Many young ones on earth at this time have incarnated for the sole purpose of assisting the ascension process through their Light and awareness. They carry with them no karma to balance, no lessons to learn, and no energy to awaken, but rather chose to incarnate out of love, for the sole purpose of assisting in the awakening of a world still held in, but ready to graduate beyond the third dimension.
Many of these evolved children and teens have been categorized as “problems” simply because they do not fit into the accepted third dimensional “belief box”. They are out of sync with many concepts and beliefs regarding body and mind simply because they do not resonate with that energy.
The commonly accepted use of prescription drugs to “cure” them has caused many of them to lose sight of why they came and who they are. Drugs must be used with great discretion and with the awareness that they effect the energy of an individual.
Many in today’s world are expressing anger, fear, frustration and other negative emotions because the false sense of security that comes with many universal beliefs is dissolving. Try not to become too involved in the nitty-gritty of world appearances. Be aware of them, do what you are guided to do, but continue to understand them for what they are, expressions of duality and separation. This does not make them any less painful for those experiencing as well as those observing, but when you hold fast to the higher truths, it helps dissolve the impersonal beliefs manifesting as these things.
There is an element working very hard to prevent mankind from awakening because if the majority was to awaken they would lose the “power over” and control they feed on. These dear ones function from a consciousness of fear and separation, and so fear mongering is their favorite tool for controlling the masses and blocking Light.
BE ALERT to anything you find yourself fearing and you will soon recognize the particular concept or belief you hold as power. Then you can take back that power and say to your mind–NO MORE.
The earth still carries energies created over eons of time by people fully programmed into a third dimensional belief system. The human mind is a powerful instrument of awareness but when conditioned by these beliefs can only access what is floating about in an impersonal world consciousness–that which is already known.
Every thought ever thought and every belief ever believed makes up the consensus consciousness accessible to everyone. The contents of this consensus consciousness are impersonal and never become yours until you claim them as yours. When the energy of a person’s consciousness is in alignment with the energy of certain concepts and beliefs, they unknowingly attract them.
For example; a person who has experienced many lifetimes of disease and ill health is often wide open and receptive to thoughts, beliefs, current ideas etc. regarding physical health simply because he is still carrying energy that aligns with them. Individuals living fully from a third dimensional state of consciousness will often accept whatever floats into their head, allowing the suggestion to become theirs, and then declare themselves “victims”.
Stay alert to what comes into your mind knowing that no matter how obnoxious a thought, it is not yours until you accept it as personally yours. Everyone has experienced some negative thought and wondered; “Where did that come from?” Whether it is old cellular programming surfacing or something from the un-awakened consensus consciousness, it is never real, permanent, or yours unless you allow it to be. The only real qualities you have or can ever have, are God qualities.
That which flows from Divine Mind is power. That which flows from the human, conditioned, un-awakened mind is not.
Nothing new can flow from a strictly “human” mind simply because the human mind has no way to access anything other than what is already known. When an individual begins to spiritually awaken, heretofore closed energetic doors begin to open, allowing the Source of creativity to express. Example–Music created around some cliche or from concepts already known, can never be powerful and inspiring because the substance from which it was formed is already “old”.
New ideas regarding every facet of life on earth can only flow from the Source of creativity which lies within. The world often terms new ideas as breakthroughs–deeper, higher, better, advanced ideas of science, art, music etc. but many of these so called breakthroughs were actually “whispered” into the ears of a spiritually and technologically prepared scientist, musician, artist, healer, etc. by those on the other side seeking to advance the consciousness of mankind.
There are some very creative people able to access their inner creativity without spiritual awareness. They usually believe that they personally are the creative source and that it is coming from their mind which can lead to the development of a large personal ego. They have opened their creativity in other lifetimes through either spiritual work or through actual practice and have carried it with them into this life. There are no child prodigies, only souls who over lifetimes have perfected some ability.
You can talk to your mind just as you can talk to your cells and tell certain thoughts and beliefs; “No, mind, we are not doing it that way any more”. This practice is not done with resistance, judgement of self, or fear, as this only gives these things a power they do not have. Do this exercise simply as an acknowledgment of habits and concepts still clearing or broadcasts from an impersonal universal human mind.
See the world you want and feel the emotions that come with it. Let your creativity flow in the directions of peace and enlightenment for Gaia and all forms of life upon her.
There is a war going on–a battle raging between the old and the new, the false versus the real. However, since nothing real can ever become unreal, you need not battle. Everything real already is and forever will be. What do you accept as real? This “war” can only be fought through the consciousness of its unreality and non-power thus starving appearances of their substance.
Many traditions taught and still teach ceremonies, symbols, words, and actions for protection. The need for protection was and still is based in the belief of two powers, good and evil. This continues to be promoted through film, TV, books, etc. Long ago, knowledge attained in the mystery schools and even before they came into being, was misused by those not spiritually evolved enough for the information. They saw it as an opportunity for self gain and a way to control and manipulate others. These activities are now termed the “black arts”, still practiced by some for self gain and “power over”.
You need not fear these things. With evolution comes the realization that you need no protection–protection from whom or what, if God is all that is? Lower resonating frequencies cannot enter into the higher unless you align yourself with denser energies through fear and the belief that they have power. Protection simply is–a facet of the conscious realization of ONE POWER– your consciousness when imbued with Light and truth.
Yes, but, you say; “Look at all the people being harmed by others at this time.” Know that these types of situations are usually not random. More often than not, especially in these times, they involve souls who have agreed either as a group or individually to experience something for the purpose of; 1.-clearing some personal or group karma, or 2.- providing some unselfish service to mankind’s ascension process through an event or experience that will impact a lethargic world into awakening in some necessary way.
There are no “good” people, only enlightened ones. There are no “bad” people, only hypnotized ones. God is the only person there is.
God does not love or seek pain and suffering. Suffering is not and never has been a facet of Divine Consciousness. If it was, pain and suffering would be eternal realities held in place by Divine Law. The days of hairshirts, flagellation, and “offering it up” in the misguided belief that pain and suffering pleases God and makes a person more “holy” are finished. The past must be let go of.
Ascension means evolving into a higher dimensional energy. In spite of what so many believe, the third dimension is the bottom wrung of a very high ladder. You have all worked hard to get to where you are now and Gaia is ready as well. You were fully aware of these times as being times of change before choosing to incarnate. know that you are are Light workers and no longer victims regardless of any past experiences.
Everything surfacing at this time is doing so because of the expansion of consciousness taking place as so many begin to awaken. These energies of enlightenment are serving to expose everything hidden and dense both within and without. The temptation for everyone at this time is to slip back into the past, where things were familiar and comfortable, and where the “bad things” were hidden from view. Nostalgia has become very popular.
Try to stay present in each now moment, for when a person continually looks to the future, they are actually in the past, seeing and pondering things from what is finished. Stay present doing the best you can in each moment while living from your highest state of awareness. This is the work.
Many are hurting and suffering at this time, love them in the ways you are able to. Love yourselves, for you block the flow unconditional love if you eliminate yourself from the wholeness of ONE (belief in separation). Love as well, the troublemakers through your realization that they also are expressions of Source, in spite of their ignorance.
Love, pure unconditional love is the answer to everything because it is the only Reality.
It is the realization of a consciousness of ONEness.
It is your essence.
It is your soul.
It is God.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/25/18