In my view, completion is the object of forgiveness.
When we’re complete with the incident in question or the person, we can move on.
Completion brings us back into balance. We find ourselves back in the middle, the center.
Is that not curious? Do we take that fact for granted? Does it go unnoticed, tucked away in Werner’s background of obviousness?
Why, when we make progress, do we find ourselves back in the middle, the center, the heart?
I should just leave that as an open question for the incredible value there lies in answering it – again and again. Deeper and deeper into an enquiry into why the center is so valuable.
What is it about the center? I was a mathematician in another lifetime and just now feel inspired to say that studying geometry will show us a system rooted conceptually in the center and building outwards. The way we think is shaped by our systems, which are all of them based on the importance of the center.
Forgiveness, and the completion it brings, gets us back to the center in the first place. And then retaining our balance allows us to remain in the heart. Balance calms the fires of passion and urgency.
The person who’s forgiven everything, as Kathleen is well on the way to doing, has no velcro hooks sticking out that get snagged by another person’s upsets.
Kathleen is remarkably untouched in these circumstances and is able to listen neutrally. The depth of her forgiveness allows her to remain in the middle, the center. I am nowhere near that. She’s definitely leading the way on this one.
At some point, we reach the place where we’re willing to admit that swinging out into extremes of passion are our choice. We have the absolute ability to choose to do it or not do it. We just choose not to be aware of our choices.
Watching Kathleen, I’d hypothesize that the more we forgive and reach completion with ourselves and others, the easier it becomes to remain in the center. The less rattled we are. The less swept up in things.
Is that it? Is that the whole reason why all roads lead to the middle, the heart, the center? Does that answer why this universe is built that way? Is there no more to be said or learned from it?
I’m not going to offer my personal answer to the question. It’s one, I suspect, that can be followed all the way back to Source.
Adding my intellectual information to it, by way of answer, would rob it of much of its magic and utility. I’m leaving it open.
What’s so magical about the center? Make that a line of enquiry. Invest in the center. Remain in the center. Discover what is there for us in the center.