Dear friends,
I am Earth. Feel me in the ground beneath your feet, in the air you breathe. Take a moment to sink down into me and relax.
The tension that arises from the activity in your head settles into the tissues and muscles of your body. Know that your body will help you to let go of this tension because it is not natural for the body to hold so much tension: it wants to release it. Let your mind become empty, and allow your awareness to go lower in your body. Become aware of your feet, your ankles, and your knees, and allow your breath to descend slowly into your abdomen.
One of the reasons why you often do not feel secure or safe in your life is that you are not well grounded in your body. There is often a basic tension that pulls you upward, and causes you to center your awareness in your head – and you do this far too often! You are then overwhelmed by thoughts about other people, about what you still have to do, about what went wrong; all thoughts that cause anxiety and unrest and do not even necessarily match the actual facts.
Take a rest now from that busy head work, and your body can help you to do that. It would like you to relax and to rest. Allow the tension to drain away and your thoughts to gradually slow down. Feel your roots deep in the Earth. Your body belongs to this Earth; it is an extension of it, an expression of it. The cells in your body know how to strive for balance through a process of recovery.
Ask your body the questions: “What do you need in order to relax? What does it take to get me out of my head? What can help me to embrace the natural state of my body, and to move along with it?” The body carries much wisdom in itself and is without ego. It wants to work together with you and to serve you, and is naturally focused on balance.
If you look at what emotions disrupt the body the most, you will see that fear is the main one. Fear grips your energy and causes you to lose your grounding, which in turn causes you to not listen sufficiently to the natural flow of your heart, your body, your soul. When you are taken over by fear, you contract into your ego and you withdraw your light from your body. The light can no longer flow naturally throughout your body or radiate outwardly. As a result of such contracting, you eventually become tired and exhausted, and you do not nurture your body in an optimal way.
The second energy that upsets a body is what I call the compulsion to control: to want to control things, to make them orderly, to set them to your will. When you insist on having too much control, to forcefully direct and try to be in charge of your circumstances, you then put too much pressure on life. You want to set it to your hand, and that drains and exhausts you. It brings you into confusion, because you try to control life from your head, and this often fails because there are larger forces that should be taken into consideration.
I want to tell you something about the interplay between soul and Earth, in whatever form that interplay takes between soul and body. Your soul is older than this one life. Your soul has visited the Earth many times and every time the soul again tries to create a channel, to form a path toward the Earth, so it can be seen through the body and manifest itself in this reality. And the body wants to readily cooperate. It wants to receive your soul and to let your soul-light radiate, because it is the nature of the body to take part in this process. It wants to receive the light of your soul into itself, because by doing this, the Earth itself is also nurtured and fed. I love to receive your light!
So you could say there is a vertical flow from Heaven to Earth. The soul descends and the body becomes imbued with the light of the soul – it is nurtured and inspired by it. The body receives the soul and the light passes through the body into the Earth. From that point of view, there is nothing to worry about and everything is fine, just as it should be. Why then all the anxiety, tension, and compulsive control? These obsessive, reactive energies have their origins in human society. They come from the thought forms that prevail there: the ideas, the standards, the judgments, especially those from the past.
So along with that vertical flow from Heaven to Earth, where your soul and body stand in positive relation to each other, there is also a kind of counter force at work. This happens more on the horizontal plane and creates a hindrance. These horizontal currents are the opposing forces from society that are based on fear and judgment, on the idea that life on Earth is entirely about survival, struggle, and competition with your fellow human.
Feel this energy for a moment in your own body. First see the positive flow from above to below; how your soul wants to descend and the Earth wants to receive your light through your body. That is how it is meant to be. See if you can feel this flow from head to toe, in an uninterrupted way. And now feel the influence that comes from society. Those urgings are mixed with fear, struggle, competition, the need to be better than another person, having to work hard, obligations, being in debt. Look what that flow does to you.
You can often feel, on a purely physical level, where those limiting negative energies affect you. They may already be in your stomach and abdomen, your chest and upper back, your throat. What matters, however, is that on your path in life, you feel ever more strongly the connection that runs vertically, the connection between Heaven and Earth, between soul and body. It is important that you are faithful to that flow so you feel very strongly that you are capable of facing the opposing forces of fear and mistrust on the Earth, so that in the end, they no longer have much affect on you.
When you begin to feel your vertical connection – this vertical channel – more strongly, you start to form your own counter force against those old energies and light then flows through you into the world. You are then helping to shape the collective energy on Earth and redirect it by making it more light and more radiant, so that it is easier for other people to believe in their flow between soul and body, their connection between above and below.
When living from your soul becomes a choice about how to live your life, it does not mean that you just align with your inner light, the flow from above to below; it also means that you separate from the old energies that are still working in society. It is then that you make a double movement. You break with the old world and, by connecting with your soul, you take a step into a new world that is intended to emerge and gradually grow on the Earth and become a reality.
In that sense, you are a consciousness pioneer, a lightworker who opens new possibilities, simply by traveling your own path. For many of you, it is that you stand at the cutting edge of turning toward a new path. However, you can still feel affected by the opposing forces in your life that you have absorbed from society: the judgments, the limitations, the negative thoughts that keep you back and impinge on your courage and your faith. Have pity and compassion for yourself when this happens. There is alive in you a child who is, on the one hand, full of inspiration and able to reach high into the sky with its dreams and visions. But on the other hand, it is fragile and sensitive to love and recognition from others. This child needs you with your strong, powerful consciousness that takes it under its protection when necessary.
Imagine that you now feel this child present in the area of your abdomen and heart: in the middle of your torso, in the center of your body. Feel the wisdom of this child and also the freedom from care and its originality. This child, in its originality, does not concern itself with what society thinks it should and should not do – it is just what it is. Feel for a moment that radiant light, so earthly and so heavenly at the same time. This living child in you is a beautiful fusion of heavenly and earthly energies. At the same time, it is a child who has to learn to find its way in earthly reality and for that it needs you.
When the child is overcome by fears: a feeling of being too small, of not being able to stand up to fear or negativity or judgment from the outside world, it needs you in order to feel nurtured and supported. Whenever this child seeks love or recognition outside itself, the intention is that you support it, that you give it what it needs. Envelop this inner child with your strength and love. And by that I mean the energy of the Earth: the security, personal space, and strength that is so needed by the child.
Boundaries are also necessary for this child. In this earthly reality, it is essential that the child in you learn when to give and when to receive, and when it is appropriate to not involve itself and to set a boundary. Feel how the child needs that firmness from you, and give it to her or him.
Maybe you think: “Doesn’t that child know these things already?!” But the child has need of an adult, a guide, in order to find its way here in the earthly reality. A child is naturally unlimited, which would work well in a reality in which the energy of the child is the same as the energies around it, when there is a like-mindedness and the energies are naturally given and received. But in this earthly reality, and the arena of any given social environment, it is necessary for you to know where your energy is welcome and can flow well, as well as to know where and when to withdraw and to draw a boundary.
This is the process of attunement that you need to do for the child. The child allows you to see what is needed through its emotions; if it becomes sad in a particular situation, for example, or angry or restricted. And it is up to you to be responsive to this signal in order to protect the child and support it by way of your actions. That is your job as an adult. Then the child feels safe and secure, and feels seen and heard by you.
When you are receiving your soul-light in your everyday life, it is necessary that you guide that energy toward the Earth. The child in you wants to receive and radiate and live from that energy, but it can also be made anxious by the opposing forces which exist in the world, and you can guide it. You want to set down something grand and beautiful and light from your soul. However, from your inner child there are sometimes also anxieties or deep fears that hold you back. You are the channel between the two: your soul and the child.
When you want to connect from your heart with the Earth, and to follow your inspiration, imagine that you hold on to your soul with your left hand. Imagine it as much bigger than you are. It stands to the left of you and you hold the hand of this soul figure that is the essential you. You can see it as an angel, or a beautiful radiant figure. Feel the stunning grand light of this figure, imbued with love, joy, and wisdom.
Now imagine a child next to you on your right side and you also hold its hand. You reach out your right hand to this child. This child is also beautiful and radiant, but in a childlike way, innocent, sometimes naïve, and, at times, somewhat impulsive. The child is the keeper of your life force, it contains your roots to the Earth. The child is your connection to the Earth, and the intention is that a fusion, a union, take place within you between soul and child, Heaven and Earth. Sense whether you can now feel this: the child on your right side and your soul on your left side. Be the channel between the two.
Or you can imagine that your soul stands behind you, a big, warm, loving figure, while the child is centered in your abdomen and you let the energy flow in that direction, from behind to in front. Whichever way you do it, become aware of your own position in the middle; literally, you are a mediator. You are the guide for the flow of energy. You sense when it is time to take a new step or direction in order to allow the soul energy to flow, while taking into account the deeper emotions of the child in you who has to carry out this step in the reality of everyday life.
I would like to illustrate this in concrete terms. Imagine that you are in a situation in your everyday life with a job that initially attracted you. However, you now increasingly feel: “This is not me at all, there is something in me that is not being addressed in this work”. You feel discontent, and maybe you sleep badly. You feel tension in your body and you try to first solve this dilemma in all kinds of ways without changing anything at the core. Maybe the problem is one of not being recognized sufficiently, or of feeling that you cannot express yourself in your work, and this is true for many of you.
When that happens, it is because your soul power is awakening. It knocks at your door and this raises anxiety in you because it announces change. You could say that your inner child reacts by dividing into two aspects. On the one hand, it longs for more imagination, freedom, and space to move in. It feels the need to play and be creative. On the other hand, it is afraid of being scolded because it is veering off the beaten path by wanting to do something new, outside society’s accepted norms.
A child is naturally more vulnerable to external influences and it reacts more strongly to them, so it needs your strength, your perseverance, your determination not to listen to them. It needs you to let go of feelings of anxiety, nervousness, and fear, and instead to surrender to your soul power. See how you play a mediating role. Whenever you are more open to your soul – and you want that because that is the purpose of your life – then, firmly by the hand, hold on to your inner child with its need to feel safe.
You can give the child that security, and the key to doing that is for you to know you are the anchor for this child; not the world, but you. It is you who teaches the child that you are able to offer it the security it needs, so the child does not have to seek that safety from parents, the work environment, friends, or colleagues. You are the anchor, the foundation is in you. That is your job – your role as a mediator between Heaven and Earth. Be the parent of your inner child, be its guardian and protector. Your soul energy can then descend deeply into the area of your abdomen, into your emotions and your roots. The child in you can then feel safe and secure and supported, and be able to step out with confidence into the outside world.
In many people, it happens that they are open to the light of their soul and the inspiration that goes with that: the longings and the dreams. However, the area of their abdomen remains closed to them, because there are emotions of fear alive there that do not want to be seen, because of feeling shame or powerless. As a result, the inspiration, the soul-light cannot properly anchor, cannot be properly rooted in everyday life, in everyday thinking and acting, which in the end, throws a person out of balance. The result is a gap between your dreams, wishes, and desires on the one hand, and the day-to-day reality on the other. But your soul’s intention is for you to bridge that gap, so you may believe in, and realize, your dreams and your desires.
Take the child in you by the hand; teach it to turn inward and come to you when it is full of doubt and uncertainty. Teach it to be independent of the influences from the world outside you. Then you become strong, powerful, and grounded and the flow of your soul can be channeled into the Earth.
This is a process that takes place step by step, and each person travels a unique road. Feel the forces of Heaven and Earth that want to support you in doing this process, and feel at the same time your main role as a mediator. In this role resides your greatness: that you cooperate with these forces of Heaven and Earth, of your soul and your inner child.
Thank you for your attention and it is my deepest wish to extend my love to you.
© Pamela Kribbe
Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan