Working etherically with areas around the world engaged in war, I discovered reflections of that conflict in me.
There is an account of Dr. Hew Len experimenting with the Hawaiian practice of Hoʻoponopono, reconciliation and forgiveness, (1) using the mantra, ‘I Love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you,’ on mental patients. I decided to try this out with several war zones around the world, from the Middle East to North Korea.
In the understanding of the inter-connectedness of everything — self is All — I assert that we are responsible for what we see in the without.
Archangel Michael, in his Plea for Peace Now! Meditation (2) gave us huge clues on how to create peace within for the creation of peace without by “claiming our creator self” as “an Act of Love” — Love is forgiveness of everything — when he said:
“It does not need to take nations making decisions. It does not need to take decades or years. What it takes is you claiming your creator self in sacred union with us, and deciding right Now:
‘Enough! We will proceed, and we will anchor, not merely as an act of will, as an act of creation, but an act of Love.’”
Archangel Raphael has been asking us to use his Emerald Elixir as a “poultice of Love” — again forgiving everything — for anything that is irritating, or brings up feelings of anger or fear.
“My intention is to be the Love and to accept that ‘I Am the Love. . . I took the form to be the embodiment of the Mother/Father One’. . . clarity of intention. . . Intend for the entire planet to experience only Love and that translates, sweet ones, into every interaction that you have. . . so it is the beginning and the ending.
“The more you are steeped in the Love, the more there is. . . no, it is not being in denial. It is being the most powerful healer on the planet, so that when you see someone in that incoherent chaos, when you see the murder and mayhem, as healer, you apply the poultice of Love, because if you apply irritability or anger or fear then that is what you are creating.
“Your intentions determine the outcome of the Plan. . . . so I give you my Emerald Elixir.” (3)
Writing Love with St. Germaine and the Torch of the Violet Flame (4) is also a way to work with forgiveness.
But what is forgiveness?
What I discovered as I went deeper into forgiveness is that it is directly connected to my 4th (bridge of the nose) and 3rd Eye chakras, my own self-worth and self-Love.
The mantra, ‘I Love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you’ became:
I love you
I’m sorry for judging you/myself
Please forgive me for judging anything
Thank you
From my understanding, almost everyone of us has fallen into disarray during our many lifetimes on Earth.
If I judge the leaders or countries at war, what I’m doing is judging myself, my own lifetimes of disarray here.
Compassion is having the knowing that all journeys are honoured as pathways Home to the heart.
I’m here at this time to send compassion
if I discern disarray,
and to hold the highest vision.
Sanat Kumara told us, while teaching the Universal Law of Dispensation, November 2013:
“You do not have permission or the wisdom to judge anyone.” (5)
I begin saying:
I Love you
I’m sorry for judging anything
Please forgive me for my lack
of self-Love and self-worth
Thank you
Forgiveness is pure Love for all lack of self-Love and self-worth — every thought, word, action, forgiveness of everything — in every lifetime, and especially this one.
We took form at this time to be the Love,
the embodiment of the Mother and the Father.
Each and every one of our soul designs is Love and worth.
We are the Eternal flow, forgiveness of everything.
(1) Hoʻoponopono from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, at httpss://
(2) “Archangel Michael: Plea for Peace Now! Meditation,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, September 21, 2015
(3) “Archangel Raphael: The Time of Victory is at Hand – Video,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, December 2, 2017,
(4) “St. Germaine – Write Love Everywhere” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, August 8, 2017,
(5) “Sanat Kumara on the Universal Law of Dispensation,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, November 1, 2013,