It should be no surprise that I had a personal reading a short time after the elimination of fear from my life (1) (Oh, I hope it proves permanent).
So often something big happens before a reading and then we have an opportunity to discuss it.
I reproduce this discussion at some length because … well, I never knew that fear itself could leave a person. I feel like a 16th-Century explorer having discovered a new world.
I know he wants me to reproduce it because earlier in the reading he said: “So I am giving you this as food for thought, not so much even for your sacred self but as food for thought for how you discuss things with those who are our faithful readers.”
Archangel Michael began the reading by alluding to the transformational incident:
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 15, 2017. Thank you to Dana for our transcript.
Archangel Michael: You are learning at a much deeper, higher, profounder, wider level that seldom, and I do mean rarely, is there a need for defensiveness.
And yes, with the elimination of what you have tagged and what we have tagged as fear, you are seeing that there is a broader universe to be embraced, to be explored and to be engaged with. And this is a gift.
But this is also a gift that through the deeper recognition of your own beloved self-worth, your own divinity, your own choices, that you have claimed; to which we say, “Hooray!”
When it came time to ask questions, I asked him for more detail on what role he had played.
Steve Beckow: Thanks, Lord. Yes, indeed I do. So you took the fear away for me the other day, is that correct?
Archangel Michael: No, that is incorrect. Let us rephrase this, my friend.
I did not rip it away from you. You surrendered it to me. So were they a mutual co-creative act? Yes. And it was done with your tacit and actual permission.
Steve: The reason I ask is because readers may be curious as to what happened behind the scenes. I described what happened in the moment. I was writing while it was happening.
AAM: What happened behind the scenes … and would you like to go back to the age of three or four?
Steve: Please, absolutely.
AAM: Think of this. You have these things called pressure cookers so hold that off to the side in terms of an analogy.
But from a very, very young age, this pressure – and we are not just talking about spiritual pressure, we’re talking mental, emotional, causal, etc. And situational, behavioral, physical pressure – began to build with the discordance – and that is a very gentle and polite word – that was in your family.
And even at that very young age, as you know, or maybe you don’t. No, you do. The first roughly 24 to 36 months, depending, the infant is very much aware of the connection to home, to the divine and there is a latitude as to whether to stay or go and that is an occurrence that is often known as “sudden death.” Yes, “crib death.”
“Crib death” was the thought I was having. Below we look at the unfoldment that preceded the falling away of fear, in me.
(To be concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) Which itself came a few days after Tanga’s email. See “Thank You, Tanga!” Nov. 14, 2017, at