Join in this beautiful meditation to discover that what your ascension is about is the full awakening to your purity, the acceptance that you are co-creators with the Divine Mother, and from that place of tremendous strength you create.
Saturday Conference Call November 4, 2017
Thanks to Mare for the transcript.
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Video & Transcript Meditation – How To Activate Your Purity
Saturday conference call, Nov 4, 2017
So, let’s begin today with this meditation on purity, first by relaxing, by letting go of your ‘to do’ list for the weekend, letting go of your ‘to do’ list for what you feel you may not have accomplished during the week . . . just by letting go.
So, relax your hips, your knees, your ankles, your shoulders, your jaw, and feel yourself sink into the chair, the floor, the bed, wherever you are . . . the car seat. Open your crown chakra and feel that beautiful crown, that golden crown, with violet flames coming out of it. And in the center of that chakra, the soft spot on the baby’s head, the fontanel, feel it open like the aperture of a camera.
And let’s start by breathing white. Not the dim white light, and not the blinding white light, but that purity of that beautiful, tolerable white light. And we’re going to fill it with a gazillion sparkles, yes, like diamonds, radiant sparkles of gold and of purity.
And feel this as if our Mother is pouring into your crown this sparkling white light of purity. Feel it. And feel it as it comes into you, going into your pituitary, your pineal, and literally filling your cavity of your head, your brain, of your circuitry, with this sparkling white light. And as She continues to pour, feel it coming down, filling your Mouth of God, between your occipitals, down into your central channel, your entire spinal cord, right down to your tail bone.
And let’s not forget the front of us, filling your mouth, shining your teeth, filling your throat . . . make room for it . . . down into your clavicle, and your high heart, your heart, your Halion bridge, your rib cage, your lungs . . . let’s sparkly up those lungs . . . and take a deep breath of that sparkling white light . . . let’s fill those lungs. Take a deep enough breath that you feel it conjoining with your spinal column that is already filled with the purity of light.
Bring it in to the golden yellow of your solar plexus and your sweet belly button, your kidneys, your liver, your gall bladder, your pancreas. Let’s fill them up . . . and breathe. Fill up your entire tummy . . . that sweet little tummy. Fill up your intestines, your colon . . . this is the best kind of cleanse we could ever do. Let’s polish up our hip bones . . . into your sexual, reproductive, productive area, to your root.
Add that sparkling white light to your cherry red and see it continuing down your red cord as you send this sparkling, beautiful white light to Gaia, through the floor and the soft dirt, the hard dirt, the rock, the gaseous layers, through the water, right to the heart of Gaia.
Now fill your legs, your thighs and your knees, every ligament, every bone, your calves, your muscles, your ankles, and your sweet feet. Paint your toes with the sparkling white light of purity. Don’t forget the soles of your feet, so as you walk on Gaia you’re sharing and declaring your choice to carry purity, this sacred sense of being. And breathe.
Now, come back up into your heart . . . deeper . . . into your beautiful tri-flame with your Pink Diamond, and our Mother’s Blue Diamond, and the Father’s Gold Diamond. And feel this mist, this sparkling white cloud settle on your tri-flame, adding the sparkling white light. And feel yourself expanding way past the sides of your chest. Keep going…and breathe. And breathe the sparkling white light of purity. And carry this with you wherever you go and thank the Mother for this beautiful gift.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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