Inviting everyone to join us, 8 @ 8, to hold the highest vision for humanity and our Nova Earth.
A 7.2 magnitude earthquake occurred along the border of Iran and Iraq today, killing dozens of people and injuring hundreds.

Orange dots are quakes around the world today, yellow dots are quakes within 7 days
Sending Love to all areas in disarray around Gaia from earthquakes to war (especially Yemen) to the opioid crisis. . .
With yesterday being an 11:11 portal we can open more deeply to, and trust more fully, the Mother’s Divine Plan.
One of our readers, Val, wrote into “Contact Us” with an idea to hold the intention to “manifest a planetary opening of all hearts”:
“I was sitting on my balcony pondering this the other morning. It came to me that we can meet Mother Earth part of the way by showing her we are serious — through focused intention — in helping her manifest a planetary opening of all hearts – without exception, leaving no one out. I can’t think of anything else that would help us understand what real love feels like.“
Thank you, Val, and also for sending this encouraging post:
Hate lost, and diversity won, on Election Day
in Virginia and around the nation

Hala Ayala is one of the first two Latinas elected to Virginia’s House of Delegates
Election Day 2017 wasn’t just a big day for Democrats. It was a big day for the diversity that makes up the Democratic Party and the United States of America, the diversity that Republicans campaigned so hard against.
You have only to look at Virginia, which elected Justin Fairfax as lieutenant governor, just the second African-American statewide elected official in the state’s history.
Virginia also elected its first two Latina members of the state House—Hala Ayala and Elizabeth Guzman—and its first Asian-American woman in that body—Kathy Tran—along with Danica Roem, a transgender woman who defeated the aggressively homophobic author of the state’s (failed) bathroom bill, and, immediately after election, showed what a gracious winner looks like.
Also in Virginia, Donte Tanner and Jennifer Carroll Foy flipped Republican-held seats.
Another notable Virginia win, if one by a white man, was Chris Hurst, who ran for office after his girlfriend was shot and killed on the air while working as a television news reporter. Unsurprisingly, gun violence was an important part of Hurst’s platform.
But it’s not just Virginia.
Last week Love Love Love for gun violence incidents in America.
Sending Love and writing Love with the Violet Flame on all pain. . .
Representative Jayapal Shares
Constituent Letter on Gun Violence
Japan has almost completely eliminated gun deaths
— here’s how
- Japan is a country of more than 127 million people, but it rarely sees more than 10 gun deaths a year.
- Culture is one reason for the low rate, but gun control is a major one, too.
- Japan has a long list of tests that applicants must pass before gaining access to a small pool of guns.
Last week I wrote a post called:
The War on Drugs: Pain
American band, The War on Drugs, released a song called, Pain, August of this year.
Within the lyrics are the words, “I resist what I cannot change.”
From personal experience the hardest moments to let go — forgive and accept — are the most painful, the ones I really don’t want to look at, what feels the most shameful.
“Pull me close and let me hold you in,
“Give me the deeper understanding of who I am.”
When I have the courage, when I allow myself to remember and be with my pain, I free myself.
In the interconnectedness of All, when I do this and let go, space opens for others to do the same.
My pain is your pain is my pain is your pain until I let go. . .
Please join
e v e r y night
8 minutes at 8PM
holding the highest vision
for heart opening of every Gaian,
letting go, forgiving, accepting, trusting,
and sending Love into situations not of love:
“Think about what I say
Love feeds and grows Love.
It is the essence of All,
and the more it is fed and nurtured,
the greater it grows.”

An Invocation
I invoke Universal Mother Mary
for heart opening of every Gaian.