Candid observations from Sanat Kumara on the fact that there are no accidents in the Divine Plan or our plan. (1)
From “Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara, August 27, 2013, Part 1/2,” at
There are those of you who would say, “Sanat Kumara, Raj, I cannot believe that I chose to come to this planet with this disability, with legs that don’t work,” and I would say to thee, “Yes, you did.”
And you may have come in this representation to simply activate the collective compassion, or humility, or to work with the laws of change, of transmutation, of elimination, but there have been no errors. First of all, the Mother doesn’t make mistakes. And in your divine self, my friends, neither do you.
And yes we have often heard this, “Oh, I am sure I made a mistake. I came to the wrong family.” “No. You didn’t.” Now, did the exercise of old Third-Dimensional reality and free will perhaps affect the outcome? Most definitely. But do not think it was a mistake. There aren’t any.
Now, anchor it and accept it. This truth – whether you are black, white, yellow, tall, short, impaired, brilliant – that you are the exact replica inside the container of your divinity, is a very important starting point.
And within that container, within your heart in the understanding of your very specific and unique mission and purpose, are those desires of what you wish to bring forth, what you wish to experience.
And everything that is in that basket of desires that is of truth – not ego and not lack – is ready for you. It is within you and it is also without. It is also existing either in the universe or upon your planet. And you are as capable of drawing something across the universe, which you have just done, as hailing a taxi.
The greatest obstacle that we face with you and that you face is you accepting how powerful you are, that you have this innate ability. That is why we speak of Universal Law, creation formulas, divine qualities; we are simply your memory joggers. We are your assistants.
This is part of our service to the Mother because in her design what has occurred is that you are the embodiment. You, not Saint Germaine, not Saint Teresa, not myself, even as planetary logos – you are the embodiment of the fulfillment of Her plan. Each of you.
Now this is not meant to send you in a tailspin or put a mantle of such responsibility upon your shoulders that you feel that you are overburdened. This is the dance, where you say I am doing what my heart desires, how I am led because this is in direct alignment with who I am above and right here and now. And if there is any variation I will correct it.
Stop doubting yourselves. You do not spend a great deal of time working with Universal Law. But what I am asking of you, particularly with this Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, invoke it. Because it brings forth that alignment. And it begins to bring it forth in tangible reality.
Each of you has a magnificent mission. You may think of it as small, but it is never viewed that way from our perspective. So when you are doing this, you are fulfilling your sacred purpose, your physical human heart desires. Your angelic heart desires. And you’re creating Nova Earth and the unfoldment of the Plan of fulfilling your Ascension – all at once.
I cannot emphasize to you, my beloved ones, how important this is. And it is not a guideline. This isn’t “Here’s a helpful hint perhaps you can use it, maybe it will work for you.”
I speak to you as the keeper of Universal Law. It is not malleable; it is a codex. It is the understanding of the truth of God, of how things work.
(1) Heavenletters presented a similar view in 2013:
“Your life is not an accident. To whom you are born is not an accident. If you were given up for adoption, it’s not an accident. No matter the occurrences in your life, no matter what, this is your life presented to you, and it is yours to do with. …
“You may not love all the cards dealt you. Still, this is your life to determine from here on in.
“You can’t quit. Your life is infinite.” (“Heavenletter #4607 More Than You Imagine,” July 6, 2013 at