Humanity is in the process of awakening from a very deep sleep, filled with myriad dreams and nightmares. Some of the dreams have indeed been enjoyable, but the nightmares have left many in intense pain and suffering – and they seem intensely real. When you awaken the memory of them will fade rapidly as you settle back into the divine and infinite field of Love, Reality, the state of perfect peace, joy, and harmony that in truth you have never left. It is your HOME! And there is nowhere else.
What you have been experiencing as humans for eons – in truth only momentarily – is unreal, illusory, even though the moments of joy and happiness you have had are experiences you would, as humans, want to remember, and probably repeat.
When you awaken, as you will, realization will dawn on you that there is nothing from the illusory experience that you would wish to re-experience or to hold vividly in your memories, because what you will experience when you awaken is way beyond any joy, happiness, or pleasure that you have enjoyed while you have been asleep and dreaming.
As humans, living the illusion, you have had joy-filled dreams, but on awakening they have faded away and been seen as very inadequate, because they were unreal, when compared to the joys and pleasures of the illusory reality that you are experiencing as seemingly fully awake humans.
Your Real awakening will fill you with joy so deep, so intense, that all memories of the dream will fade away instantly as you embrace Reality, Love, Oneness with your divine Source, the state in which you were so lovingly created to experience infinite and eternal joy.
You are, each and every human who has ever lived on Earth, awake, alive, joyfully, eternally, and fully consciously aware in every moment of your Presence in the Presence of God, your divine and infinitely loving Creator – Source, Father/Mother/God . . . whatever words work for you to name, define, or describe the Supremely loving and infinitely wise Intelligence that is All, that is Creation, that is YOU!
There is no separation, you are One with God in every moment of your eternal existence. You are an endless state of pure joy.
As humans, to awaken is your purpose and, as all are One, that includes assisting everyone else to awaken. When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary where the Light Of God’s Love is always present – even though you placed a flimsy and tenuous veil between yourselves and the Light to hide you from It – your intent to be only loving and to assist in humanity’s awakening process is enormously powerful and effective, even though you do not sense or feel that.
Your loving intent pierces the veil and becomes one with the divine intent that humanity shall awaken. Do not underestimate or disparage the power of your loving intentions, because when you do you effectively sabotage those same intentions.
You are all infinitely powerful beings, the perfect children of God, but you have, temporarily, hidden your knowledge, your awareness of this factual information from yourselves. When God created you He gave you everything that He had just by creating you One with Him. Everything that He is He shares or extends completely unconditionally with all of creation. You are all all that He is, in no way are you less than anyone else or less than God Herself, because God only creates perfect extensions of Herself.
It is not arrogant let alone insane to recognize and accept that you are not less than your divine Creator, because the Light, the Love, the Wisdom, the Intelligence, and the Power, in fact all that is God is also You. When you awaken this will be instantly and abundantly clear to you. However, in your apparently separated state as humans, that truth makes no sense at all, because your intelligence, your ability to understand divine truth is most severely curtailed.
While you are going through your awakening process all that you need do is open your hearts fully to the field of divine Love, in which all exist, and allow It to permeate your entire being. Do not block It for fear of not being worthy, not being good enough, or because you believe that God will judge, condemn, and punish you for the faults and sins that you believe you have committed.
Those negative self-judgments are part of the illusion, they are judgments of what has occurred while you were asleep and dreaming and, as you know from your experience as a human, what occurs in dreams is unreal! You wake up and find that nothing has changed, and the dream fades away.
Remember, GOD IS LOVE! That is where you need to focus your attention, because Love is unconditionally accepting of all of creation, which is what It is, and therefore, neither can you nor will you ever be excluded! God is your eternal Home from which you have never been refused entry or turned away, you just chose to experience something other than God, and built the illusion in which to have that experience. It is an unreal dream state from which you cannot avoid awakening.
Celebrate! You are now in the process of awakening into the Reality that is your permanent and eternal Home. Without your presence It is incomplete, but It can never be incomplete, therefore you must be there already!
To awaken is your human task, a task that you cannot fail to complete, perfectly. So, go within daily and commune with the Light of God’s Love that is ever-present there, as are You, and feel the Love that enfolds and embraces you in every moment, encouraging you to wake up.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
“Jesus via John Smallman: When God Created You He Gave You Everything That He Had,” September 24, 2017, at httpss://