The Divine Mother’s plan for a “massive heart opening,” that she revealed on An Hour with an Angel on Aug. 17, 2017, (1) is not a trivial event.
She said she wanted the news broadcast far and wide: “Share the good news. That is why I have come – to literally broadcast this to all of Gaia and Gaians.” I promised the Mother that I’d write on it.
It’s the best news to hit this planet since our distant past.
It’s not THE “Event.” There will be a series of events in all fields (ascension, abundance, disclosure, etc.), not simply one.
It must be that way because too much happening in the outside world risks panicking people. And too much happening in the inside world creates anxiety and worry (and visits to doctors, tests, etc.). Ascension is gradual with a few peaks, like this massive heart opening.
If it’s anything like the one I had in March of 2015, there’ll be no hiding it, especially since it’ll be followed (perhaps not at the same moment, but shortly thereafter) by a torrent of love that’ll sweep us clean.
The transformative love we’ll be left in – the real, true, or divine love – is like a big campfire that everyone loves to gather around.
I’ll post an excerpt from the interview as Part 2 of this article, below. But let me extract from it here.
Here, in the middle of her discussion of how hard conditions are in the world, she announced:
“I come this day to say that I am increasing the frequency of my Tsunami of Love. Yes, it has been intense. But this is a period of fulfillment. And, sweet angels of light, fulfillment is intense! Your hearts, your love, your ecstasy, your minds, your physical bodies. You feel – because you are sensitives – that you in many ways are exploding. Do not try, do not even think or consider tamping it down” (1)
When she used some of these words, my ears pricked up. (She probably used them on purpose.)
“Your hearts … you feel … are exploding.” Yes, that was exactly what happened to me, as I described many times. The energy crept up my leg and when it reached the fourth chakra, my heart (not my heart chakra) exploded.
Well, you can bet your boots I’m waiting to ask her to confirm and expand on what she just said.
But the chance didn’t come! She was saying her farewells and just leaving the matter like that (or she’s pulling my strings backstage or we’re all the Mother anyways)!!!
There followed what was for me a remarkable exchange. You have to realize that, in my mind and heart, I’m talking to the Mother of all Creation.
Steve: Mother, wait a minute. Don’t depart please, just yet.
Divine Mother: All right.
SB: May I please ask you a question?
DM: Yes.
SB: Have you described a heart opening and, if you have described a heart opening, is that what’s in store for us during this time of the Emerald Gateway – specifically the solar eclipse?
DM: You have it backwards, son.
SB: Thank you, Mother. Please correct me.
DM: You all love your signs and you pray and you beg and you plead for signs. And you are most certainly being given tangible signs. Now let me suggest to you, as your Mother, that the solar eclipse, all of these gateways – which I am very fond of, by the way – are reflections. A solar eclipse does not create a heart opening. It is a symbol of the heart opening. So the heart opening is already underway. (2)
So she is describing a heart opening and it’s already underway. The Solar Eclipse was a symbol and reflection of it. But the eclipse did not create it. (3)
She gives us a second confirmation:
“So is there a massive heart opening occurring on this planet? And can you point, as you have for millions of years, to the moon and the stars and say, ‘Now this is a sign’? I say, yes!” (4)
This being the case, I suggest that the whole planet is in for a treat such as few people have ever imagined. And to be doing it all together is … well, just what we wanted in 2012. It’s beyond beyond.
I’d want to enter into such a life-changing event in a state of surrender and gratitude. It may prove to be a temporary occurrence, whereas the final Ascension event (Sahaja) will be a permanent heart opening. But no one, I predict, will want a refund on that grounds. The experience is ennobling.
For as long as it lasts, we’ll be in a state wherein the world will work for everyone. Anyone in divine love has no ill thoughts or intents. Divine love sweeps them aside. The world will simply, naturally work.
I’m not surprised to see this happening around the same time the Reval is touted as happening (although we’ve endured countless false alarms).
If the whole world were in divine love and lightworkers had access to prosperity, oh my, heavens, righting the balance on Earth would be quick and easy.
Consider yourself put on notice: A Tsunami of Love is coming to the planet, in the face of which your heart will feel like exploding. Mine did.
All it does is remove the obstacle, the mass of beliefs and decisions, from your heart to allow the love to flow freely.
Know that any spiritual experience of this type comes from the Divine Mother and just surrender to it.
This event constitutes the first stage of enlightenment in classical enlightenment studies (“spiritual awakening” in Hinduism and “stream-entering” in Buddhism). It’s to be followed by even higher enlightenments, culminating in our Ascension.
Jai Ma! Victory to the Divine Mother. It’s awe-inspiring to watch her at work.
(Part 2, transcript of the Mother’s remarks, can be found here.)
(1) The Divine Mother in “Transcript ~ A Mass Heart Opening on This Planet,” Aug. 21, 2017, at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) The Mother says she does not need to use astrological alignments, although she may decide to delight us by using them. They reflect, but they do not create. (I wonder what symbolism 9/11 will be used for this year?)
(4) The Divine Mother in “Transcript ~ A Mass Heart Opening on This Planet,” ibid.