Everyday we say phrases to ourselves that are not of love.
These phrases are created in early childhood during situations we feel are traumatic.
We repeat these phrases over and over. They become the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and our core issues that we unconsciously and subconsciously create our reality with.
The false grids and our core issues are not of truth; they are not of love.
At this time of Ascension on Earth we can understand and eliminate the false grids, the entrenched beliefs, so our core issues, mental/emotional constructs, transform.
We can do this with the alchemical properties
of St. Germaine’s Violet Flame
and knowing the I Am.
In this post I will discuss our core issues.
Core issues are mental/emotional constructs, formed in early childhood, relating to our thoughts and feelings that ‘I’m a disappointment’ (to the Mother).
They are our sorrow, shame (often sexual), ‘being right’ (not apologizing or forgiving ourselves or others), over-extension, anger, fears that re-create over and over our mental/emotional suffering, depression, exhaustion, over-extension, addictions.
Triangles of energy form connected to the original triangle of the false grids we created.
Energetically these triangles — one ‘false grid phrase’ and two ‘core issue phrases’ — make overcoming the old paradigm of dis-ease seem difficult.
Here are some examples of our core issues, mental/emotional constructs:
‘Sex is shame’
‘I hate my mother’
‘I’m ruined’
‘I’m never enough’
‘I want out’ (creating addictions)
‘I don’t care’
‘I’m a failure’
The key here is to become extremely aware of what we are saying to ourselves — we often say these phrases quite unconsciously — to keep a notebook handy, and every time we hear ourselves repeating one, to write it down.
We can change and empower ourselves with St. Germaine’s Torch of the Violet Flame by transmuting and transforming our core issues.
The I Am can be used in this way:
‘Sex is shame’ becomes I Am Love, I Am Worth
‘I hate my myself’ becomes I Am Hope, I Am Forgiving
‘I’m ruined’ becomes I Am Worth
‘I’m never enough’ becomes I Am Balance
‘I want out’ becomes I Am Hope, I Am Gratitude
‘I don’t care’ becomes I Am Wisdom, I Am Joy
‘I’m a failure’ becomes I Am Change, I Am Freedom
We are the transmuters in form, here to help many know that God is Love, and that we can never disappoint the Mother, that the Mother forgives everything.
We can
the old phrases
to I Am phrases. . .
in a notebook, on a whiteboard.
Using the Violet Flame
write them in the sky!
We are the frequency, here to raise the collective frequency, with our knowing and our actions.
We are not separate from the Mother/Father One; we and the collective are them and they are us.
As we gaze upon another or a group,
we are looking at the One;
there is no separation;
we are Love/God
in form;
We raise our frequency, and the frequency of the collective, with St. Germaine’s Violet Flame and the transformative powers of the I Am.
Our ‘I’m unloveable’ daily phrases
can be transmuted,
by repeating
I Am Love
I Am Trust
I Am Worth
to un-condition
our conditioned behaviour
so we never reinstate the horrendous past.
Below is an example of how the ‘phrases’, the false grids and our core issues — there are many versions of “God is punishing” and “I’m a disappointment” — create disarray in our lives:
Detaching from the energy of the ‘phrases’ — releasing all judgement — and in Divine Alignment, we create balance in all areas of our lives: