Join in a gentle meditation to center into your heart and integrate your tri-flame.
Saturday Conference Call, August 19, 2017
Thanks to Mare for the transcript.
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Let’s begin by sinking into your beautiful tri-flame, and particularly into your Pink Flame, the Pink Diamond Flame of who you are, of the wonder and magnificence, the magnitude and the beauty of who you are…unique and gorgeous, fabulous and magnificent.
Feel that Pink Diamond and feel – don’t think – feel your beautiful uniqueness, that in the entire universe, not just on this planet, there’s only one you. You may have aspects that you send out to do various jobs for you. You’ve had past lives and future lives and now lives.
There’s only one you and you are the breath of the Mother and you carry Her Blue Diamond. And, you are the son and daughter of the Father and you carry that Gold Diamond.
Breathe in the gentle pink and sink deeper into your beautiful tri-flame. Open your crown…I’m looking around and I can see your crowns aren’t open…wide open as if you’re wearing a crown and right through the middle, here comes the pink.
And breathe pink, the softest, baby pink, carnation pink, sweetheart rose pink. Bring it a little deeper to pink lemonade and vibrant pink roses. And bring it even deeper to the fuchsia, that vibrant color – pink with a tinge of blue – and feel that fuchsia rose in your heart, in your hand, feel the gentleness, the velvet of those petals.
Feel yourself walking or lying or being covered in the beautiful soft flurry of fuchsia rose petals.
And breathe pink, be pink. The angels of pink are the strongest of the strong, defenders of the throne of One, in complete unity and harmony with each other and all. So, feel the pink and whether you are russet or orange or gold or blue, let the pink just embrace you today.