We’re soon to be empowered by abundance and asked to act as stewards of it.
We’re being asked to redistribute the wealth of the world among the deserving and the needy.
We’re being asked to be a world of givers, a world of donors.
I believe that idea may run against the grain with some of us these days. As our population becomes more and more deprived of gainful employment, jobs lost to the machine, social-safety net shredded, we seem to have become less charitable towards each other. More and more homeless are showing up on the streets and we don’t seem to do very much about it. (Some people are. Not saying.)
Our cellphone culture adds to our malaise by making us less and less connected to the outside world. The vast majority of bus users I see every day, including myself, are on their cellphones, and don’t make eye contact. We’re off in a world of our own, made possible by this ubiquitous hand-held device.
Against this background of insularity and awkwardness, we’re asked to form ourselves into companies and begin to redistribute the world’s wealth.
How many things arise when I try to wrap my head around that. How are we going to do it?
I am in the business of redistributing wealth.
I am in the business of giving funds to the homeless, the sick, the disabled.
Oh yes, yes, I forgot. I also work for an Archangel and behind him the Divine Mother. Yes, that’s what I said.
In my reflections on my own situation, I considered a project that raised the hair on the back of my neck, it was such a broad-based action.
But it also raised questions all over the place. And I knew I couldn’t manage the stress brought on by such complex involvements and considerations.
Nevertheless, I’m about to launch myself on years and years of complexity and orchestration, set in motion by me saying “I’m going to open up the Michaelangelo Fund.”
Is this what I want?
If I go ahead, how does one get big enough to handle the predictable maelstrom that financial stewardship could bring? How does one avoid it when one ventures forth into the world completely innocent of all and everything?
Too much stress and I crack. So finding myself in the midst of a financial maelstrom, self-created or not, is not what I want. That would nullify me – as an awareness writer.
Do I even want to be doing this? Wipe away the Superman greasepaint and, underneath it all, do I really want to involve myself in such a huge and complex process?
An awareness writer at King Arthur’s court. What is an awareness writer doing flirting with complexity?
Will I complain later that I did it in a fit of unconsciousness? No, I am conscious.
How does one redistribute the wealth of the world? Does anyone have an answer?
Neither do I.
I’m treating the matter of running a foundation as one which I’m undoubtedly not qualified to do. I wouldn’t hire me if I applied. From every angle. Not qualified.
The only thing I did was purchase currency. That doesn’t qualify me to run a company.
Maybe I should restrict my activities to extremely-small, front-end things and turn my earnings over to another?
But no. Michael has asked me to do this. I know it’s part of my mission so I’m not even going there.
If I remember my lack of qualification and seek counsel, I’ll undoubtedly be well guided. I haven’t done that up till now and my performance has been erratic and sometimes misguided.
Or will I take the bull by the horns and mould the Michaelangelo Fund into the instrument that serves an awareness writer’s needs. This is my experiment, to begin with, and I need to not feel ashamed of it. If I deny my own needs, nothing will work.
How might I position the Michaelangelo Fund that bests fits the needs of an awareness writer?
Simple. Position myself somewhere else on the abundance chain. The Michaelangelo Fund doesn’t fund projects. It funds projects that fund projects. That is, it funds foundations. The Gender Equality Project becomes the Gender Equality Foundation.
We become more of a middleman than a source of funds. We support the foundations, who are dispersing funds on the front lines. We foster the growth of foundations, hubs from which funds are dispersed.
Problem solved.
This holds the promise of keeping things manageable. This would allow me some downtime to write.
The large staff I’ve been contemplating can start small and remain small. Mine can be a small office.
Why must I rule over an empire? Who needs it? And no one asks it of us.
Michael has advised me to take a week completely off after the Reval. And I’m beginning to see why.
There are hard questions to reflect upon and hard decisions to make.
And answering them is necessary not past the starting gate, but here, right before us, before I start making decisions that will bind me and determine my direction
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Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for assisting us when our finances have reached such tenuous levels.
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