Here’s another relevant personal share from a reader ~
By BiBi
Probably the most common request/prayer of the Lightworker is, “show me what I still need to release”, knowing that the Universe uses our lifestream and physical experiences to give us clues. I think we all know to listen when our bodies speak to us through pain.
A toothache popped up out of nowhere, and seeing that I’ve entirely removed my need to ever run to 3D medical people, my human became concerned for fear of pain. So… I knew, “Must be time to meditate and get into it.”
So I went within to speak to my teeth, gums, cells and my physical and energetic body.
I sent love & gratitude to my body, teeth & gums, and asked for healing forgiveness. I did this for three days & the pain persisted. Clearly I wasn’t going deep enough.
I turned up the volume on my sacred space and ritual…more incense, sage, crystals, ceremony, all in preparedness to go into the deepest depths in meditation, calling in ALL of “The Gang”(1) for support and assistance.
Within the darkest still of blackness, I listened. And I heard the words, “Impacted” & “Root.” Two terms commonly associated with molars.
I received the “ah hah!” at that moment. I knew this pain represented an energetically Impacted Root issue I had yet to release. I let it go in that moment, as not to overthink the issue, and I continued my meditation. Connecting to the high vibe human heart grid, I focused on all open hearts sending and receiving Love Now as One, and I joined into this stream, sending out Love and receiving Love, all connected as One…and there it was.
Loud and clear. The root issue.
I was sending out Love, just fine, but I was unable to really feel and RECEIVE the Love back, the incredible magnitude of it.
I could feel a barrier, I knew it wasn’t right.
And then I realized, I’ve somehow always known it wasn’t right.
“Why am I not fully receiving Love? What is it?” And then I saw it.
I had built an etheric fortress, a wall around my heart. I wasn’t able to receive love at full capacity because I had constructed this ‘safety measure’, this filtering wall.
Well I was so pleased to know this and I immediately focused on dissolving it, but for some reason I wasn’t able to. And then I saw her, standing erect and at attention beside the wall. My super-stoic, super-strong and unwavering Guard of the wall. She was My strongest fear in form. She was immovable, yet so deeply sad.
I immediately started to cry as I approached her, all the while saying softly my standard heartfelt ho’oponopono. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you so much. Thank you. Thank you for showing yourself to me. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. Please forgive me…”
She wasn’t going to budge. She had stood guard over that wall around my heart for so very long. She knew No one was going to harm that precious heart again, not on her watch. No way.
I cried so hard. I’m crying now writing this. I held her so close and cried with her for a long time.
When we finally cried out our pain we decided it was time to let the guard go and release. That was the hardest part for me. Holding her hand and saying goodbye not wanting to ever let her go, for real. Forever. How could I?
Was I really ready? Was I able to move forward without my unwavering guard? My safety filter? Well I knew I had to, of course. Fear is out. So I called in my SWAC Team(2) and released her. I sent her away with Our Mother, filled and surrounded with my Love and gratitude.
I found new strength and down came the wall. Brick by brick, layer after layer.
I called forth once again, humbly and with gratitude, the Mighty Archangels, Angelics, Ascended Ones and Galactic Family of Light to assist me, as we cleansed, soothed and filled with healing light my precious heart space.
Gratitude overflows my newly fortified heart for this assistance.
Thank you. Namaste, Light Family.
My toothache is gone now.
I know I still have more healing to do, though I feel in this “here”, I’ve conquered a biggie.
I’m in tears on and off most days Now here on beloved Gaia.
Tears of overwhelming Joy and Gratitude for this great gift of BEING on the front lines for what is unfolding Now, within and without ALL THAT IS.
I Am Here Now.
Heart Strong!
Namaste to ALL as ONE.
I Love You.
So be it.
(1)-The Council of Love
(2)- My Divine: Stranger, Watcher, Admirer, & Critic