July 22-30, 2017
The experience of abundance – as a state of being – that I had the other day (1) comes and goes.
I get it and lose it, as with all our experiences (short of Ascension).
I notice that, in the face of stress and uncertainty, it becomes harder to get it or hold on to it if I do get it.
Stress and my reactions to it are not an area of my life that I’ve mastered so far.
The situation gets exacerbated on the awareness path because we become more sensitive, more aware of everything, most of all our reactions.
Leaving the stress of financial uncertainty aside for the moment, I shy away from making appeals or asking for help because of vasanas. (2) I’m making an appeal today the only way I know how: From a position of self-awareness.
From a position of no stress, master to master, please allow me to say: The Golden Age of Gaia, Hope Chest and InLight Radio need your kind assistance to keep going past this point.
From now till the end of the month, we’ll be running a fund drive. Low key. Balanced. Faith-based.
We’ve held on – first in expectation of Pre-NESARA funds, now of the Reval – for as long as we possibly could. It’s been seven years of the circle getting smaller and smaller. Of the original extended team of perhaps twenty, only four are left.
We’ve had four patrons to date, whom we’re eternally grateful to. You remember “R” who died of cancer? “R,” or Rosy, was our patron for several years.
But now we can’t make ends meet and we’re simply holding our breath.
May I leave aside the matter of voluntary subscriptions (3) [recurring monthly donations] for the moment, because we’re not yet set up for them. Mid-August is our expected date. I’ll return to the subject then, in a balanced way.
On the subject of one-time donations, we’re speaking especially to the wealthy folk among us (but not leaving others out): Now is the time to support the team with a one-time donation if you’re able to and so inclined. (4) Or become a patron of the site.
People with much lesser means probably need to see to themselves and their own. All that matters is that we all make it to the finish line.
A “patron” is a donor who makes an ongoing commitment to part or all of the upkeep of the site and staff support. If you’re reading this message, someone may have put a word in your ear.
The other side does put words in our ears. (5)
I believe I mentioned elsewhere that Archangel Michael had informed us that there are folks out there who are looking for a place to invest in, so to speak, as part of building Nova Earth. (6) To those who are in that position and were drawn to this article, please consider us.
Please don’t stress yourself or give if it’s going to get you into trouble with another. We appeal to those who can take up some of the line for the rest of us and are on the verge of doing so.
Now is the time. Master to master, please consider a donation.
For patrons, please use “Contact Us.”
For donors, please donate on the Hope Chest page at https://hopeche.st/donate/.
Please accept our love and humble gratitude.
(1) See “These Times Make a Diamond,” July 16, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/07/16/288768/
(2) These are the vasanas that I’ve uncovered so far: (1) My Mother tried never to look poor, although for a time we were poor. I shrink from looking poor. (2) My Father’s geneological line manipulated with money. I developed a dislike for the subject of money in reaction to them. (3) Most importantly, my Dad would usually attach conditions to the money he gave me or give a lecture. I grew up hating to ask for money.
(3) The Divine Mother has told us that the team is being intentionally used to excite compassion among lightworkers.
We go forward in the faith that our being in this position is serving the divine purpose. Obviously we’re learning from the experience every day.
(4) They will be voluntary. No one will be prevented from accessing, reading, or downloading everything on the site without charge.
(5) As they did with me. See “In the Midst of It” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=288793.
(6) Michael did say to me that the right people would be guided to our articles but that I needed to actually make the appeal – and to do other actions consistent with what I was creating. This fund drive is such a “consistent” action.
Even if we needed to go into hiatus until after the Reval, I’d still regard that as part of the Plan. Just a part I may not understand.