(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Currency Investors
Now a great deal of the movement in the physical realm that has come forth has been because of the lightworker community, the loveholder community holding the vision.
Many of those who have been the initiators of this re-calculation of various currencies have been of the military and in that there has been a certain attitude of light versus dark, good versus evil and a great degree of egoic belief systems and behaviors that, “We are in the right,” “We are the chosen people and everyone else needs to be destroyed.”
That is not the purpose of this undertaking. It is to create one community of Gaians, not a continuation of various hierarchies.
Now the work that the lightworker community has been doing, both actually and subtly, is with those within the sphere of holding currencies. Do you understand what I mean?
Steve: I think I do.
AAM: The lightworker vision has been penetrating, as have various Tsunamis, (1) those who believe themselves to be the future leadership rather than believers in equality.
Steve: Wait a minute! Those in future positions of leadership rather than equality!
AAM: Yes.
Steve: Now I am confused.
AAM: We thought you might be!
Think of a pool of those who are, and have been, involved in the Revaluation process. Within that pool there are various people. A huge segment of that has been military and those who believe themselves to be the, can we say, saviors of humanity.
But they have been at [on?] a very violent bent insofar as they have said, “Death to the dark hats!”, “Death to the illuminati”, death to this, death to that. Imprisonment, punishment – that is of the old realm.
Work of Lightworkers and Loveholders
Now, in the same pool, you also have many lightworkers and loveholders and they have been holding the vision of a world, to use our words, sweet one, that works for everybody.
Because you are in the same bubble, the energy of the lightworker/loveholder community has not only been penetrated outwards to the rest of the planet. In that enclosed bubble it has also been penetrating those who think they are the leaders of a new way, which is actually not egalitarian but hierarchical.
Steve: Okay, so I am with you up to here.
AAM: So that hierarchical thinking is being softened. Now we know that leadership and stewardship is necessary but you cannot have this process go forward and have it simply replicate what has been, only with new people in charge. That will never work.
Steve: Change of faces, yes….
AAM: Yes, it is like trading hats as you would think of it. So that has been, and is being, addressed and that is also part of what has been underway. That has need to be and is being adjusted in order for the completion of this exchange to go forward.
Back to the Undertaking
So there have been the practical [aspects], in terms of national agreements, financial agreements etc., etc., as well as what we have called the minutiae, the practicality, the programming, the arrangements with banking systems, etc.
And then there has been the spiritual component because let us tell you, none of us, from St. Germaine to the Mother, want to simply continue a system that is cruel and punishing and not egalitarian.
So everything is underway and it has reached a point where we would say, “Go.”
Steve: Do you want your comments to be posted on the blog?
AAM: Yes, they can be.
Steve: Alright, they are very useful, Lord. I think they should be.
AAM: And the only final thing we would say on this to the loveholder community is to continue to hold the vision and send the love, the truth, the peace, the freedom, the equality, not only to those within that circle, that bubble, but to the entire planet.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 10, 2017. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
(1) Two waves of energy hitting the Earth have been called “tsunamis”: The Tsunami of Love, originating with Father/Mother God and the Tsunami of One originating with the archangels and ascended masters, on and off planet.