I’d like to thank my co-host, Kathleen Mary Willis, for conceiving and organizing Global Peace and Love Week.
As a result of my participation in it, I’m willing to take responsibility for the entire human family, as Werner Erhard invited us to do. (1)
As a sovereign citizen of planet Earth, I call upon all nations of the world to lay down their arms as soon as possible and to follow the ways of peace.
I call upon all soldiers, sailors, and pilots to question why they’re fighting. Without inviting reprisal on yourself, allow your vision to take in the many manipulations that lie behind wars.
As an historian, I realized at one point in time that the farther back in time we go, the more likely it is that the study of history becomes a study of wars. The Egyptians against the Hyksos, Persians against Greeks, Romans against Carthaginians, Christians against Muslims, the Thirty Years War, the Hundred Years War, two World Wars, war, war, war on Planet Earth.
Why do we rush to war again and again?
And why is war to be rejected unequivocally?
I answered the first question in another article. (2)
On the second, I reject war because it causes widespread misery for victor and vanquished.
There’s nothing glorious about it. War gets ugly quickly and has no redeeming feature.
It never goes according to plan. If it did, both sides would win.
As soon as a war starts, plans go out the window as elements of the plan are destroyed. The rest is a scramble to overcome and survive, with countless innocent civilians getting caught in the crosshairs – or worse.
The death and destruction from the last world war among the civilian population or the population of neutral and nearby countries is beyond taking in.
Whole sections of countries were devastated – Poland, Russia, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, China, North Africa, Indonesia, etc.
Innocent families were murdered or exterminated; children left orphaned; the means of subsistence in whole regions destroyed.
The only ones who won from war were arms merchants, the banks, and the people they paid off.
Behind wars is corruption and behind corruption is greed. We have to root out the corruption in our governments and economies if we want to blunt the historical momentum towards using war to settle our disputes and satisfy our greed.
Efforts to do just that are underway by the white hats in this real-life movie we inhabit, without any need for us to join in.
No, we’re not going to hang anyone from the nearest lamppost, as George Bush Sr. feared. Revenge simply keeps the cycle going.
The “end” in these “end times” is the end of divisiveness, of vengeance, and of force. The “end” is the end of cabalistic domination.
The cabal’s end is being handled legally and compassionately. The legal ground has been under preparation for years. It was one of the first things I heard about in 2008 when I first heard of Ascension.
The new international banking regulations show global willingness to clean up banking and finance. The Reval will dislodge the Illuminati from power. Our Ascension will ensure that corruption never rots the woodwork again.
After cleansing the body politic and financial, we have to commit ourselves to using only peaceful means to resolve conflict among us. And we need the guidance of wisely-framed laws to restrain those who’d break the peace or exploit others, unless restrained. Sooner or later, the rising energies will make this kind of behavior obsolete; those espousing it will simply look like cranks.
Conflict-resolution mechanisms at an international level will need to be put in place. Tribunals of arbitration. International mediators. They’ll need to take into account the universal laws as well as the human.
I think a new world court is in order, following legal rules that I don’t believe have even been formulated yet.
Armies need to be converted into peacekeeping forces, there to avoid war not to serve it … and to explore the cosmos.
All of this is going ahead, behind the scenes, according to Plan. What we can do is to add our prayers, meditations, and transmissions of love to the collective consciousness.
I’m becoming more and more convinced that that creates a climate of opinion, an environment of sentiment weighted in the direction of peace and love, that is sensed rather than known.
I think we’ll find that we’re indeed the hundred monkeys of collective consciousness that can shift public opinion and generate the collective will to have peace on Earth.
Thank you again for participating in Global Peace and Love Week. Let our combined work go forth into the collective consciousness and inspire peaceful thoughts and intentions in many around the globe.
Please join us 9PM (your time) tonight for this last meditation of Global Peace and Love Week, for 8 minutes, to allow Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace to pass through us to humanity. . .
Stand or sit, it matters not. . .
We are opening our hearts like magnificent French doors to receive and surrender to his Blue Breeze of Peace. “When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and love, then peace will reign.” Archangel Michael
Click here for more information: Project Peace & Love
(1) “Taking Responsibility for the Entire Human Family,” April 29, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/04/29/taking-responsibility-for-the-entire-human-family/
(2)”A World that Works for Everyone is a Win/Win World,” April 29, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/04/29/a-world-that-works-for-everyone-is-a-winwin-world/