[Thanks again to Ellen for this transcription]
St. Germaine With A Fabulous Update!
“You have never before been at this juncture, at this particular point where you are truly in readiness, preparedness and waiting for the waving flag to signal a go in terms of creating, physically creating, tangibly bringing forth Nova Earth.”
Heavenly Blessings, April 4, 2017
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal
[Meditation from 6:35 to 18:03] Link to show audio.
St. Germaine: Greetings, I am St. Germaine.
Suzi: Welcome.
StG: And welcome to you, my beloved friend, and welcome to all of you, all of my beloved friends all over the entire planet!
For yes, I address you as my brothers and sisters, dear hearts, allies, but I also send this message out across the entire planet and far beyond, because why would we ever exclude any being, any Star friend, any angel or stray [chuckles] being of sheer energy? No, we are not talking evil forces, although they could use a good dose of this too! Let’s send them our love.
Now Michael has said to “stay the course” and never… well, perhaps I am exaggerating slightly, [laughter] but never were wiser words spoken! And Gabrielle has asked you to learn a new level of cooperation, and she is absolutely correct too.
“Staying the course” is filled with excitement. As soon as Mi-ka-el has said these words, I have placed myself back on my exciting voyages across oceans defined previously… [chuckles] what they thought of as ‘undiscovered’ which was ridiculous; they were well-inhabited lands. Many mistakes were made, many missteps. I do not come to talk of those because that has been resolved in various ways. No, it does not mean over and done with. I simply mean that is not where I wish to bring our focus today.
What I wish to share with you is that excitement of literally finding new lands, new adventures, new ways of thinking and being. That is what fascinated me! It was not gold and jewels, which I could create out of thin air. It was the adventure of discovery – and, my beloved friends, the excitement of any journey, when it is truly honourable and based in the excitement of discovery, is wondrous.
Now previously, you have heard me say that I had no intention of returning to Earth, to this glorious Gaia planet. And I have clarified and said that, of course, what I meant is that I have no intention of returning to “old Earth” with all the difficulties, with the darkness, with the heaviness, with the old paradigms of greed and aggression, hatred and war, rage. These do not create anything but mayhem.
But you and we in service and joy to the Mother are on this new journey. It is not a journey that is about to start next week or next month; it is a journey that has already begun! We have already set sail. We are already underway. And it is exciting, it is exhilarating, at times it is terrifying and frightening because you do not know the oceans, you do not know the creatures that live in the oceans, and you do not know everything that lies ahead. But that is also part and parcel, key to the excitement.
What you do know is that you are done with the old and that you are building and participating and anchoring brilliant Cities of Light, city states, that you are anchoring and building and creating new institutions, new societies, new structures. Why? Because they are based on new ways of being – which is really original Plan, original self, your true self.
How are you doing? Magnificently!
Now, when you have been out to sea for a long time, what happens? Sometimes provisions run low, you get sick of the same old scenery, you are seeking new land, you are hoping for good wind, you are praying [laughter] that your crew does not mutiny. All of these things are exactly where you are.
So mixed in, folded in to your excitement and anticipation and your hope, your trust, your vigilance is also this level, not of fear… most of you, beloveds, have been very good at letting go of the fear… but there is this hint now and then of trepidation, the ‘what if’s’ creep in. That is alright. It is alright if it does not become the pattern that you live by, because then what you are occupied with is the ‘what if’s, the when’s, the how’s’ rather than paying attention to the sea, and might I say, the sea change and the shift in winds and currents.
And that is what “staying the course” is about. It is about paying attention to the shift in seas and currents and wind patterns, because everything is changing. As you move from ocean to ocean, equator to equator, continent to continent, universe to universe, things change. You don’t know exactly how or why because it is too complex. And I am not Einstein – you may invite him another day! But even then, we would not explain it all, because what you think of as science is very limited.
This channel has asked recently about black holes, white holes, how the Star beings travel from universe to universe or planetary to planetary system, and it was explained to her that there are also many portals of this nature upon the planet. This is new information for each and every one of you. And what do you do with it? You’re not sure, but the time will come. And you, in fact, are using many of these portals – white holes in particular – to pull in the Cities of Light, to anchor the Nova Reality which you are occupying, the interdimensional reality.
But do you need to know all the science? No. What you need to know is that you are the captain of your ship, of your vessel, and you are setting the course. And you are not simply, beloveds, setting the course for yourself. You are setting the course for those who are following behind you. There is a whole armada! And you are setting the course for those who are travelling with you. And yes, you are in a state of enormous change.
Now, let me be clear. I am going to differentiate between “flux” and “change” because “change” is an unfoldment of a plan and a process; “flux” is more of a blip on the screen. You are in the change, what you have called “the shift”. You say, “Oh, we’ve been there since 2000; we’ve been there since 2007, 2008, 2012.” Well, in fact, you have not been at this juncture ever before, and humanity, the collective armada that you are leading, has never been at this juncture before.
Is it cause for excitement and celebration? Yes. And is it cause for prudence? Yes. It is not a coincidence that both of you have begun this very show by speaking about breathing. When you are in a state of enormous excitement, of jubilation, of celebration, you say, “Oh, my goodness, it takes my breath away,” and it is a literal occurrence. You feel that for a moment you can’t breathe, that you are overwhelmed, overcome with joy. And that is one of the reasons that we continue to say to thee, “Breathe! Stand back!” Not ignoring the chaos but almost!
Think of it again. When I have left Europe, I have left that chaos behind. It could not accompany me because it would be far too distracting. Now, the chaos continued on and unfolded in the journeys of those involved and the choices of free will that they were making, but I did not allow it to interfere with my voyage. And even if I wanted it to interfere, it was too far, too far removed for me to have to impact other than sending my love, my energy, my blessings, my Violet Flame – yes, even then!
So everything has need to be in the balance of perspective and a true adherence. And that is a word you don’t use very often, do you? It is “adherence” to your mission, purpose and soul pattern/design/talents/capacities/abilities, and in that adherence is the balance, is the alignment with divine heart/mind/will, and in that is the supreme joy, bliss of love.
And when you are anchored, when you sail that ship of love, then you are in the clarity and the purity of the Mother and the Father – and you are in the determination and the will of the Mother and Father.
So how are you doing? You are doing magnificently!
And yes, some of you are exhausted. You say, “I have run the marathon and I can see the finish line. Oh, but I’m not sure if I can make it.” You’re going to get your second wind! And how do you do that? By doing what brings you joy, by focusing on what gives you joy. And yes, by not taking the distraction or the chaos or any of these little minor setbacks personally.
There have been many hiccups, many “flux” situations along the way. But it does not change the direction, that forward thrust; it does not alter. If you are tired, let the wind and the current carry you. You are entitled to rest, you have need to rest. It is where we inspire you when you are empty… and yes, sometimes when you are flat-out busy, individually and collectively. You can feel it. It is not your imagination – and it is your imagination! Your job is to anchor and be who you are.
The trends right now are accepting the bliss. You are being flooded! And yes, you can ask for more. You can ask for more love, you can ask for more of the Mother, you can ask for more of the Father, and you most certainly can ask for more Porlana C. I would if I were you! And by the way, I am you and you are me!
The trend is cooperation in a way that is kind and loving and gentle, and clear but not aggressive, hopeful and trusting, based in a firm understanding and knowledge of what you are capable of, and what you together are capable of.
The trend right now – and I have spoken to you about this – is pay attention and nourish, love, luxuriate, surrender to your beloved body!
The Mother has dreamed – not commanded, not required, not ordered – She has dreamed of this beautiful planet of such magnificent diversity and beauty, a place where angels can play in form, be it a tree, a mountain, a brook, a stream or a human being. That is what you are and that is what you are doing. So do not always be thinking, because it is a thinking process “Oh, I have to work at this.” No. You have to also – yes, pay attention – but also allow.
Do not try and shift the currents of change. Flow with them in integrity, in truth and allegiance to who you are. No two pathways are exactly the same, identical; not even identical twins have identical pathways. Be true to yourself. But also know yourself so that you have that wellspring of you to draw upon, so that all of you in physical form can be present to proceed in this wondrous unfoldment.
It’s good enough to tempt me to come back! What else can I say!
Dearest Suzi, where do you wish to begin?
Suzi: [Laughter] I will begin with thanking you for joining us right now. There’s a number of things that come to mind after how you’ve spoken. So it’s how we respond to the events in our lives that is what actually matters. Are we not being observed to see where we’re at and how ready we are for what’s coming and the roles we’ll be playing?
StG: Well, of course you’re being observed. You are being observed [laughter] and we have been observed for billions of years. But you are really asking about the readiness factor and yes, you are being observed.
Now I want you to note what I am saying. You are being observed. Now, some of you have the feeling that you are being tested – and you know to whom I speak – and you will say, “St. Germaine is speaking directly to me!” And you are correct. I am, in that what you feel as challenges, as situations that are being presented to you of a wide variety, because the situations that are being presented to you are uniquely designed for you.
So for some of you, it will be emotional memory, abuse, betrayal, wealth, abandonment, illness, despair… You are being presented with these situations that can be confusing, not because we are testing you – we are observing how you as the divine implementers of the Mother’s Plan are doing. Are you ready for the next step?
So, in some ways it feels like “Oh, my God, I thought we were almost there and now this is like the biggest challenge I’ve ever faced!” And you are absolutely correct. So the biggest wave comes right at the end!
Suzi: Yeah! Well, for me it’s been “What am I going to do with disappointment?” and it’s happened over and over again in a very big way. Every time it happens, I want to explore and really see “What is in here for me?” and it’s been a very interesting journey in the last month or so.
StG: And in that, you choose whether you will be in the trough of disappointment and allow it to swamp you into despair, or whether you will simply observe it and use your brilliance to climb out, redirect and fall upon your enormous resources to change course.
Suzi: Yes, and it’s what we put out. Our thoughts are what we put out into the matrix of creation, so we need to make them really good ones. So even in disappointment, to really hold onto the dream and keep putting that out there because trust is like total surrender. It’s like when it gets really tough, what choice do you have but to just get over it and say, “You know, it’s going to be fine!”
StG: And to let go, as I have said, of the ‘how’ because you do not have access; because of the construct of your planet and your universe, you do not always have access to all the various factors of the ‘how’.
Now many of you have been fabulous in developing your intuition, your channelling, your precognition, your telepathic information. You have been doing stupendously. But still, because when you are particularly in disappointment or hurt, you don’t always have the clarity of the ‘how’. What you do have is always the ability to trust.
I do not know – and still, on this side – I do not know how one proceeds without trust, without hope, without faith.
Suzi: You said something before that triggers a need for me to ask, “Do we need a second wind?” [Laughter]
StG: Yes! Now you need to be very clear and you are trying to be subtle about this. [Chuckles] And you might notice that I am not particularly well known as being the subtle master!
Suzi: I feel like the kid in the back seat of the car “Are we there yet?”
StG: But that is not the question you have asked, so let me be clear.
You’re pulling into the campground, you’re pulling into the movie theatre, you’re pulling into the bowling alley, you’re pulling into grandma’s house… So yes, you’re almost there. But when you get there and as you get there, my dear hearts, you need a second wind! Because you have been in this state – and it is a fine state to be in – of readiness. You have been in preparation, you have been in clearing, backing up, backing up… Now you are in a state of readiness.
But what about when your mother turns around from the front seat and says, “Jump out of the car.” Well, in the meantime, many of you may have been dozing, quietly reading, falling asleep, arguing with your brothers and sisters about if you’re really going on a surprise trip. So when your mother says to you, when our Mother says to you, “Jump out of the car, jump out of the ship,” yes, you need that second wind [chuckles] because you are going to be very busy!
Suzi: I love that, and I’m glad I asked the question because that’s a very good answer, thank you! [Laughter]
StG: You are welcome! [Laughter] There are times that everybody needs what you call “a second wind” and there are times… and I speak to those of you who have wavered and have been disheartened. Do not think I [don’t] know what that feels like; of course I do! So everybody also needs a second chance, a third chance, a fourth chance. Do not write anybody off!
And individually, never – please – write yourself off, because that is what you do when you say, “I give up.” It is not ever that you are giving up on the Mother or the Father or your path or us, the ascended masters, the archangels. What you are doing is giving up on yourself. You are denying the love of self and you are denying your capacity to actually make that journey that you determined before you came into form. Never give up on yourself.
Suzi: You said that we have never before been at this juncture. Would you be more specific about what juncture exactly?
StG: You have never before, individually and collectively, been at this point. I think that you have collectively called it the “flipping of the switch.” You have never before been in this point of your ascension process. You have never before been at this juncture, at this particular point where you are truly in readiness, preparedness and waiting for the waving flag to signal a go in terms of creating, physically creating, tangibly bringing forth Nova Earth.
Now I am not one – yes, even though I am well known for manifesting gold and jewels and what have you – I am not one that simply focuses on abundance. Yes, I am infamous and famous for it, but the key is the emotional, mental, spiritual readiness to use wealth.
One of the reasons that I decried returning to the planet, to “old Earth,” was that I had witnessed far too much abuse of power, abuse of wealth, abuse of resources, because the primary driving factor in the correct use of that wealth was the correct use of will, which was based on temperance and prudence and fortitude and joy and bliss and truth. So that preparedness had need to be there.
The quotient… if you wanted to look at it as a mathematical formula, you had to be at a percentage of your individual self and the collective self to be in a position to maturely, spiritually and emotionally and physically, manage the creation process of building new societies. And these are societies and friendships and families and sacred unions and political arrangements that are based on cooperation as a fundamental, but on kindness, on gentleness.
So, you have never been at this place where you are saying, “Okay, we’re all lined up and we’re ready to break ground.” So put on your party dress and get ready for breaking ground!
Suzi: Well, that sounds really wonderful! [Laughter] You mentioned the old Earth and I’m just thinking “Is the old Earth even still around?” which then brings me to the thought that our perception of what’s around us and what we pay attention to is what creates our world. So, would this tipping point be around enough people coming to that realisation that what we pay attention to… like we understand what’s going on but we don’t go into camp chaos, as was mentioned last time?
StG: That is correct. Now the Earth is eternal – beautiful archangel – so when I say “old Earth” I am referring to the old human paradigms that have desecrated this gorgeous planet. And so, more and more, even with camp chaos, there are more and more of you who are saying, “I do not want to live in camp chaos and that is not what I choose to think about, that is not where I choose to bring my attention, that is not my daily life. I do not want, choose or live in these distracting vibratory aberrations.”
It is not just where you put your attention. That is the starting point and the finishing point, but in between is also what you do with it. So, in many ways, “old Earth” does not exist anymore.
Now think of it in this way. Upon your planet, you have many people who love to live in the past. Even when I was on planet, I had friends and allies and acquaintances who would love to live in the past. So there are those among you who are still choosing to live in the past. For some it is the near past, for some it is the distant past – but it is not real. It is but a vague, amorphous memory It is not what is currently the reality. And I am not talking about the spectrum of time. I am talking about the spectrum of belief systems.
So there are those who are still in the belief system… for example, you will hear people say, “Oh, we must return to family values.” What I would say is, “Why do we not co-create and anchor true family values?” Many of the family values that they are talking about were authoritarian, were based in uneven distribution not only of wealth but of power, of stewardship, the denigration of women, children as chattels…
Suzi: Absolutely!
StG: I would never suggest returning to that. And yet, there are those who dream of this falsehood.
Suzi: Well, I have to say at this particular time that I am shockingly uninterested in very many of the things that life has to offer right now, and I just am looking forward to it becoming more interesting and I’m really holding space for that. And I’m just wondering if my job is going to be off-planet because “Are things going to get so much nicer here?” I don’t know. It’s hard to say.
StG: You see, many of you are thinking “Is my job off-planet or on-planet?” and what I would suggest to you is that is limited thinking. Why would it not be both and all of the above? You would not say, “My job is in North America” or “in Europe.” You are a Gaian community, and as new modes of transportation are introduced and available to you, as you learn to more clearly bilocate, you can be in Beijing in the morning for breakfast and in Seattle for lunch and Cape Town for supper!
Suzi: Well, that’s fabulous!
StG: Yes. And you can do it all by visiting your friends on board ship in between.
Suzi: Oh yes, I love that. I’ve been thinking so much that I’m not really excited about flying because of the whole TSA and security unpleasantness, and it would just be so much nicer to hitch a ride on a ship!
StG: It is first class all the way! [Laughter]
Suzi: [Laughter] Oh, of course we get to the question of “when?” now and I’ve been assured by Galea that this year’s looking very good for that!
StG: And I would suggest that you take Galea at her word!
Suzi: Alright, I can do that.
StG: Go with my love, dearest heart, and go with my love, all of you. You are doing famously! Look for the rise and fall of the old, and know that it is in completion but you are not part of it. You are sailing to new worlds and you are right there. Shore is in sight. You are almost there, dearest Suzanne.
Suzi: Beautiful, thank you.
StG/Suzi: Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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“Transcript ~ St. Germaine With A Fabulous Update, April 4, 2017,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at https://inlightuniversal.com/heavenly-blessings-st-germaine-with-a-fabulous-update/