Join with us at 3:15 pm (15:15) Saturdays and 9 pm Sundays wherever you are on Gaia, in meditation, Rain of Love, especially for the millions suffering severe drought in Yemen and the Horn of Africa and Plea for Peace Now!, especially war in Syria.
Please remember. Set a reminder on your phone.
Our consistency and increasing sense of clarity helps create the change, personally, and on a global scale.
Truth is clarity.
With the Mother’s Clear Blue Gift of Clarity, hunger, war, spousal abuse, child abuse disappears — all lack disappears — all lack of self worth and lack of self love vanishes.
The Mother and the Mighty Ones,
Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel and Gabrielle,
join their energy with ours in sacred union
in Rain of Love and Plea for Peace Now!
Knowing of the Mother’s Family Plan and Her Gift of Clarity, we are fully capable to rain Love, be the Blue Breeze of Peace, within and without, and especially with the ones who are suffering in Yemen and the Horn of Africa: South Sudan, Somalia, northeast Nigeria where they are facing starvation and famine.
A post in the New York Times, March 27th, 2017 states:
“One powerful lesson from the last famine in Somalia, just six years ago, was that famines were not simply about food. They are about something even more elemental: water.
“Many more Africans may soon need it. Sweltering days and poor rains so far this year have left Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania parched and on the edge of a major food crisis.”
The Mighty Ones, our Guides, Guardians, Gaia and the water element work in tandem with us in wondrous ways helping us to create Love and peace everywhere needed.
We can post the archangels around our space and ask, pray, meditate for help.
We can also talk to the element of water. St. Germaine in November 2014 urged us to talk daily to every molecule of water, saying:
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
He said when we do this we are going to see positive proof of how truly powerful we are — not just in bringing forth our own abundance but in creating the beauty of harmony in partnership — and not just with the elements and Gaia herself but with our human community around the globe.
Mastering our inner climate — becoming more Loving, gentle and peaceful — helps balance the weather and all situations of conflict on Gaia.
Being the Gentle Rain of Love, the Blue Breeze of Peace, and speaking out loud to the water element, we connect to the All breaking through old barriers of isolation, separation and repression of expression.
Rain of Love — 15:15 Saturdays
Plea for Peace Now! (meditation starts at 10 min) — 9pm Sundays
If the group meditation times do not fit your schedule — know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time. For example: “I jump time to the group time of 15:15 for Rain of Love.”
Circle of Blue: Water News
Fews: Famine Early Warning System
Other Group Meditations
Every SUNday, Sandra Walter — Unity Meditations — for 30 min at 8:11 am, 11:11 am, 5:11 pm (wherever you are)
The Portal — Full Moon Peace Meditation — Tuesday, April 11th
With gratitude to the Council of Love,
Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love,
the Company of Heaven, Star Brothers and Sisters,
Suzanne Maresca, host, Heavenly Blessings radio show,
Steve Beckow, host, An Hour With An Angel, Golden Age of Gaia
An Invocation for Love and Peace for All Gaians:
I invoke Mother/Father One, the Mighty Ones, Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos, St. Germaine Keeper of The Violet Flame, our Star Brothers and Sisters and the Universal Laws of Change, Transmutation and Unification for all on Gaia.