Join us 15:15 Saturdays and 9 pm Sundays wherever you are on Gaia for meditations: Rain of Truth and Plea for Peace Now!
Please remember. Set a reminder on your phone.
A senior United Nations official, Stephen O’Brien, says the world is facing the largest humanitarian crisis since the end of WWII with over 20 million people in Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, and northeast Nigeria facing starvation and famine.
Drought and conflict are entwined in these areas.
As we meditate for rain and peace, Saturday and Sunday, please join us in praying, asking for help, from the unseen realms — our Divine and Galactic friends — for all places where there is suffering, within and without.
As we give away all ways of being that are not of love, lack of self worth and lack of self love, and open to receive with greater and greater ability to hold more and more Love, Who We Truly Are, balance in all realms emerges.
Giving away and receiving — give and receive — creates balance, within and without.
Our ways of being in daily life affect All.
The Mother has told us all prayers, even the smallest whispers, are heard.
May our mastery of Love, joy, peace, balance
be our reflection everywhere.
Thank you so much to all participating — above and below — Rain of Truth and Plea for Peace Now! (meditation starts at 10 minutes).
Thank you, thank you, thank you to each of you,
and a special thank you to Linda Dillon
for the meditations.
If the group meditation times do not fit your schedule — know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time. For example: “I jump time to the group time of 15:15 for Rain of Truth.”
Links of interest
Circle of Blue:
Superb data for California (be sure to scroll to see info, use Firefox for best viewing):
Up-to-date global precipitation:
All There Is Is Love and Peace