There are words that are spoken that open up new panoramas. When putting together a book of pivotal messages, I was struck by a few words in the following passage from Archangel Michael:
“Divine Father, Divine Mother, in that conjoining, in that place of ultimate love, and the bringing forth of All, to which you will all return, is the blending of energies that is not either/or, but what you think of as the One and the All.”
God has been described as Everything/Nothing. Now the One and the All….
The Mother is the All, the Everything. (1) The Father is the One, the No-thing.
What a perfect way to describe the situation – the One and the All. From that distinction, all else flows. Life at the very highest levels is being described here.
The One is … everything. In that everything, a world of matter is born. Matter/mater/Mother. The Mother is all that is material. The Father is what the material returns to in the end – which to it appears to be nothingness.
He makes requests of us as we heal from a wilful, male-dominated order. He wants us to blend our views of the Divine Father and Mother, come out of 3D consciousness (either/or) with Them, and embrace the Two of Them. Reposted from Sept. 2016.
Archangel Michael: When people talk about, and yes, sweet friends, I am talking about many of you who are lightholders, loveworkers, you have tended to think of the Divine Feminine – and I am splitting hairs here, but it is important – that this has been more the nurturing, yes, the birther, the bringer, the caretaker energy, but you have not thought of the gusto of will of the Divine Mother that has tended to be more in the Divine Masculine – not Divine Father – Divine Masculine arena. So I do not want you to think of such stringent delineation.
Now, to make it even more confusing, Divine Father, Divine Mother, in that conjoining, in that place of ultimate love, and the bringing forth of All, to which you will all return, is the blending of energies that is not either/or, but what you think of as the One and the All. And that [stringent delineation?] was the distinction that I was hoping to eliminate in terms of Masculine, Feminine, Father, Mother.
It is important as you become Nova Beings, which is already well, well underway, that you realize in your core being, in your subatomic particles, in your organs, in your central column, in your spiritual DNA, however you wish to construe this, that you have that blend of the Divine Father, the Divine Mother, the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine.
There has been a separation of these elements, these qualities, these aspects because of the preponderance of the skewed masculine, the skewed will upon the planet. So of course there has been in the rebalancing more attention brought to the knowable Divine Mother, (2) the implementation and the anchoring of the Divine Feminine coming from the Mother. But in the return to not only who you are, but to all, do not try and segment that Divine Father, that Divine Mother. Embrace that totality within you.
You may not know it all. You may not understand it all. My beloveds, you don’t have to. You have need to allow it to grow, to expand, to express, to learn and continue on. There are many gifts, many presents that are being unfolded so do not limit your understanding. Now, has that muddied the water even further, my friend? (3)
No, it clarified a great many things, Lord.
Where does this generation get off being so lucky as to have the matter explained as clearly as this?
Notice again however: Another challenge to spiritual orthodoxy. Don’t rigidly compartmentalize the Mother and Father, Michael says.
Our conventional spirituality would need to bend to accommodate this new tendency. Probably unconsciously, we’ve been distinguishing between the two in rather rigid terms – Phenomenal/Transcendental, Stillness/Movement, Silence/Sound, the Void/the Material World, Source/Creator-Preserver-Transformer – This/That, what Michael would call “either/or” terms.
Now Michael asks us to relax the rigidity of our view and allow the Two to blend. Just embrace them.
I need the reminder. I welcome the molding.
(1) For an examination of the nature of the Mother, see “On the Nature of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit” at
(2) Only the Divine Mother is Knowable – audible, visible, sensible. The Divine Father (the One) is Unknowable. She is Him in form; He is Her beyond form. In form, she is All and Everything. Beyond form, He is said to be One and Nothing. One and all; everything and nothing.
(3) “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: Understand the Divine Gift of Will, AHWAA, September 22, 2016,” at