Please join with us 3:15 pm Saturdays, wherever you are on Gaia, in meditation for Gentle Rains For Global Drought.
Remember by setting a reminder on your phone!
Thank you so much to all participating, above and below, for the elimination of drought, lack and limitation globally. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and a special thank you to Linda Dillon for all her amazing work.
It has been raining and it is raining around the planet!
Archangel Uriel tells us, “Drought — spiritual, emotional, physical, mental — is not of love,” and he entreats us, “My friends, with me, I ask each of you:
“Throw out your arms
and gather unto you
every molecule of moisture,
of water that is upon this planet,
and that is designed in its sacred purpose
to be the gentle rain of renewal.
Feel this gentle water come within your core,
within your heart, and let it fill you. . .
E x p a n d
Let me help you become
the wonder of Who You Are,
“Feel it, not only restore the very ground, quenching the thirst of Gaia, but washing away, not merely the physical dust and debris, but the lack and illusion.
“You are invoking
and we have supplied
the alignment with Universal Law.
You have claimed your role as our partners
in this creation of Love,
in this creation of joy.”
Join with us Saturday, 3:15 pm, wherever you are, in meditation for rain for Gaia and so much more. . .
As Archangel Uriel says, “The future is now.”
Plea For Peace Now! with Archangel Michael
9:00 pm Sunday,
Wherever You Are On Gaia
Please Join With Archangel Michael
The Council of Love, Our Star Brothers and Sisters
Plea For Peace Now — meditation begins 10:00 minutes in
Archangel Michael tells us peace does not need to take nations making decisions and “It does not need to take decades or years.
“What it takes is you
claiming your creator self
in sacred union with us
and deciding
right Now, ‘Enough!’
Peace is gentle.
Peace is kind.
Peace is Loving and considerate.
There is no violence
no war
no abuse
that can ever be justified
and there is no room for this
on our beloved planet.
The people of Yemen are suffering — Yemen at ‘point of no return’ as conflict leaves almost 7 million close to famine — calling on our Universal Selves to help and asking for prayers, invocations, meditations on behalf of many.
Please join in Sunday 9:00 pm, and everyday, wherever you are, anchoring peace — that internal brilliant blue glow of Love, of kindness, gentleness, consideration — in Divine partnership with Archangel Michael and All above and below.
“Let us do this together Now.”
If the meditation times are not appropriate for your schedule — know that we can jump time, forwards or backwards — from the time you are able to do the meditation, to the group time. For example: “I jump time to the group time of 9:00 PM for the Plea for Peace Now meditation.”
Another important part of peace is karmic forgiveness, forgiveness of self and others for everything.
Archangel Michael explains:
“. . . long ago we have talked about doing the Meditation for Karmic Dispensation and most of you have done this.
“What we would recommend is that you do this meditation and you take — you can choose — you can take countries or tribes or situations.
“Take them along with you to the Karmic Board, and allow them to receive the karmic forgiveness, erasure, that can take place, and finish this off rapidly.
“That will contribute mightily to the peace brigade.” (1)
In this time of Karmic Dispensation, this time of Ascension, connecting daily in meditation with Archangel Michael and his Blue Flame of Truth (2), with St. Germaine and The Violet Flame, The I Am, and with the Life Force Energy of Porlana C of our Star Brothers and Sisters, allows our heart consciousness to blossom.
Heart consciousness is conscious awareness of our sense of wholeness and our partnership with the higher realms in Love, joy, gratitude for the gift of life purpose, humility, and forgiveness of everything, peace.
(2) Archangel Michael carries the Blue Flame of Truth, of Righteousness, of Communication. In meditation everyday, we can invoke Archangel Michael and the Blue Flame of Truth to burn away doubt, denial and limitation, sitting and allowing The Blue Flame to expand and expand.
With this expansion, we can ask Archangel Michael:
“What is the expression of my Infinite potential?”
We are remembering, letting go and coming to acceptance of the fact that we are Love, that we are loved and lovable, that we are the essence of Love.
An invocation: I invoke Archangel Michael and The Blue Flame of Truth for greater and greater understanding and knowing of the truth of Who I Am, my Infinite potential.