The emails that you send us with your feedback are very helpful. They help us steer the craft, so to speak.
Also helpful is the mirroring I – and others – get from the celestials and ascended masters that we’re able to speak to. In our case that would either be in radio interviews or in personal readings, through channel Linda Dillon.
It’s like celestial project management on a joint celestial/human partnership.
I’ve shied away from posting material that could be interpreted as self-laudatory, puffery. But I also deprive you thereby of watching an archangel work with his servant, especially in divine co-creative partnership.
I can tell you that the loving treatment I receive at Archangel Michael’s hands keeps me going many days and weeks, when I’m bone tired. I can’t wait for the time to arrive when we’ll talk again.
This particular piece of mirroring I received really did help me get a sense of what it is I’m doing, day after day. That’s all it took to revive me – a sense of where we’re going.
I’ll add to it (tomorrow) a few comments he made later in the reading in which he told me to take a break after the Reval and go on vacation, inviting readers to plumb the resources of this site – the downloadable books, the library of articles, the databases of quotes arranged topically.
There’s a huge amount of information on this site on a variety of subjects, all relevant to what’s happening right now. But it took him saying it to have me see it.
I got it. I am really tired. I do need a break. After the Reval….
Archangel Michael: Welcome, dearest heart, brother and ally, friend, warrior of peace and warrior of love. That is who I am and that is who you are. And, yes, we step forward in the fulfilment, you on Earth, on this beloved planet called Gaia, I as your wing man, quite literally.
We are a team. We are allies and we are brothers and the truth of this comes forward more clearly for you every day.
And, yes, it is important, my friend, to enjoy and to be in the fullness of your body, in the inhabitation of this sacred space because how else do you truly enjoy the bounty, the diversity, the beauty and the wonder of Gaia?
You do it from a different perspective. But even I, in one of my most delightful undertakings, with cooperation from beloved Gaia – to paint her skies. I do it with her, in honouring of the Mother. And you in a different way are painting the Earth.
And first you are laying a foundation, a primer coat of compassion and willingness and preparation and expansion and a depth of understanding, most sublime and practical, that allows the fine tuning and the next coat and the next coat and the next coat to be applied.
And you know as practical human – no, not handyman – (1) but practical human, that you cannot apply the additional coats. (2)
Michaelangelo (3) began with the primer coat so that what he painted would adhere for hundreds of years. And of course there have been beautiful touch-ups and refreshers but the pattern and the beauty is sustained and that is what you are doing.
So don’t underestimate this preparatory phase. We know it feels at times like endurance but you’ve also been given many aspects and glimmers of delight of late. (4) That is helping as well.
Steve: It is.
AAM: So it is that fine balance – refined balance – that you are in the world and of the world and understanding what is transpiring, not only with Lightworkers, but with humanity. Because of course, that is the bulk of [our] work.
Now what happens is the Lightworker/Loveholder community are the Pathfinders, the Wayshowers and the tipping of the scale. But you cannot tip the scale and bring the collective to somewhere they don’t want to go. So all of the work that is being done, both subtly and actually and practically, is helping. Understand this. (5)
Tomorrow we hear what he recommends for me when I go on three-week vacation after the Reval. This discussion is not like anything you’d hear from an earthly boss.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) He knows that I loathe being asked to be a handyman. My father would not allow me near his tools and so I never learned to work with them. I’m not attracted to the handyman role.
(2) I cannot do it all myself. I’m forced to delegate. He knows me.
(3) He knows I love Michaelangelo.
(4) Glimpse of the Natural Self, experience of the door opening up when I saw that I was love, peace, and bliss, etc.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017.