I very much enjoyed what I believe to be the Divine Mother’s description of Ascension on An Hour with an Angel last week:
“So think of it in this way: that you have dropped or weighed anchor far out on a very, very stormy sea and you are but a row boat. And you have been tossed and turned and sometimes upheaval has occurred and you have had your little boat full of water and you thought you were sinking.
“And, this has been the state, both individually and for humanity, for a very long time. Do not think, my beloved ones, that I am not aware or do not care about the turmoil that you have experienced both in the immediate present, past and distant eons.
“Now, what I say to you is you are taking that row boat, your beautiful sacred self, [by] my Plan, and let us say that the archangels are in charge of this transport, along with your star family and we are transporting this sweet little row boat to a placid little lake or an inlet in a favorite cove. And the water is crystal clear and your anchor is simply gently upon the bottom and you bob up and down now and then, or you simply stay perfectly still. And you enjoy the peace, the beauty, the harmony of existence.” (1)
The second paragraph seems to be a description of Ascension. The last two sentences echo with enlightenment motifs: placid lake, crystal clear, stay perfectly still, enjoy peace, beauty, and harmony of existence.
Well, I know what she described is what I want. I’ll sleep out overnight to be the first in line when the store opens.
She’s becoming more intimate and tender with us at the very same time that she’s offering us metaphors for Ascension. That suggests things to me.
The Mother seems to be preparing us for something. I have no idea what it might be.
Is it related to the inflow of Porlana C energy? Is it a milestone in our gradual Ascension? A sudden spurt ahead? Again I don’t know.
Interestingly this description brought out the happy child in me. Keep in mind perhaps that my relocation to this area of Vancouver has been a healing event for the very young child in me. Now here is the Mother, speaking to me as a mother would her very young child. That really resonated with me and the happy child aspect came to the fore.
Oh Gawd, it’s been such a long time since I felt like a happy, carefree, innocent child. I just have to be with that one and welcome this aspect of me back home too.
If this little row boat gets to shelter in a favorite cove, the storm before the calm will have been worth it.
(1) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.