Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
Meditate on this intel, it is provided for a deeper comprehension of our Ascension into pure Creator beingness.
In Ascension Path, we discuss how the SUN is used as a prism to project fractals of our consciousness into co-created realities. This is directly related to the holographic nature of our experience, the projection of planetary consciousness, dimensional bandwidths, timelines, and the illusion of an individual experience.
Think of the SUN as a film projector running several films at once. Your Higher Levels are using the projector. Your Higher Self projects several versions of lower self through the SUN, and through your Heart center, which also serves as projector of realities, onto the mirror-like screens of Gaia, allowing for multiple films at once. Gaia would support many versions of your personal film, as well as the collective films, and reflect back collective outcomes. The personal screen shows the film or films your consciousness is capable of focusing on, your vibrational perception.
The Heart Center operates like a Solar projector, altering your external film to meet your internal vibration. Perception is based on personal vibration; we see clear examples of this as the realities divide. We have seen the new projection of 5D Gaia, we know it exists already. Altering the personal and collective projector to only show 5D films is done through our Heart Center and our DNA resonance.
Our perception of multidimensionality was limited by our DNA, which can access multiple timelines (several films at once) when it is activated and rebundled to its true HUman crystalline state. To enable this state of DNA, a vibrational match must be attained in order to match the background energy of the unified field of creation.
The unified platform of this Universe is Unconditional Love; the crystalline/Christ/Krysthl consciousness vibration. Divine HUman DNA contains markers for this Universal consciousness. Participation in the Ascension process, the increase in photonic light, and the dimensional shift of Gaia activates these markers, allowing for an entirely new projection through the SUN, Gaia and our Heart Centers.
Cosmic Template Approaching our Solar System
We now add a massive cosmic stargate to this equation. As these cosmic templates from the Great Central SUN approach, they are rewriting Galaxies into alignment with the Source command for the New. The cosmic templates look like geometry to me, stacks of gold-crystalline light-encoded templates. Some may perceive it as a spiral of brilliant light, or massive fields of Solar plasma. All have presented for me, though I tend to see it more often as cosmic geometry and light symbols.
The moment this template aligns with our Solar system, the SUN and all planets will instantaneously be affected. It will change the projectors, altering the way in which we co-create our reality into a purer, unified form in alignment with the background energy of Love. This is why so many Gatekeepers had visions of the SUN exploding back in January; the energies are already affecting our realities, and our perception is changing as we take on our new HUman templates.
The December vision of DNA splitting the timelines indicates the effects of this cosmic stargate. They are connected. This Solar shift affects consciousness; our experience and perception of creation. Your Heart Center projector and DNA can align you with the brand new film of New Earth, and Gaia’s 5D Solar Self becomes a perceivable reality.
In order for this to become the dominant film, a projected reality of the high-vibe collective, embodiment of the crystalline/Christ consciousness must be attained by a small percentage of the Light Tribe. That is why embodiment has been a focus of our Ascension process. It must be willingly anchored into the HUman heart grid and planetary noosphere to initiate the quantum domino effect. This exquisite higher vibration will shine through all choosing Ascension, and lift the veil on the reality of New Earth.
These cosmic template frequencies are already being anchored into the HUman heart grid by those graciously embodying the new template of Self. This will be a palpable manifestation within the High-Vibe collective, greatly accelerating through the Equinox. While the final event of a complete dimensional shift happens in one exquisite blink of a Zero-Point moment, the stages of anchoring this into the collective Heart Grid, the collective perception, are greatly accelerated by the higher timelines.
We will create and witness new realities coming into manifestation as our new templates of Self are integrated. This is a truly high level of service which requires focus and dedication to engaging with the New Self, and complete surrender of re-creating the old templates. It is a passage to acquaint yourself with the New You. You may look, feel, perceive and create in brand new ways.
Pure Creators, this is a passage to fully comprehend what is unfolding and integrate the New Template. Some may feel sleepy, blissy or spaced out as this stargate approaches. New skills will be activated. The merge of Higher and Lower Selves becomes much more palpable. The cosmic stargate is a dimension-changer, a rewrite of the Solar projector, which simultaneously changes the Gaia projector and screens, and our personal Heart-Center projector.
It is intended to support the consistent Gatekeeper and Gridworker request for the frequency shift, the Solar expansion. Lightworkers are actively participating in the co-creation of Unity Consciousness as a permanent manifestation on Gaia. Unified meditations, daily invocation, Gridwork, Gatework, and demonstration of Crystalline consciousness in thought, word and action are calling forth the Solar aspects of Gaia’s 5D higher trajectory.
Personally I cannot get enough meditation or rest this year, and my pineal has been in hyper-drive since the eclipse. Revelations about my personal trajectory continue to present, and I integrate them with the deep focus they deserve. We persist in our service work, adjusting the new trajectory of Self, however the alignment in stillness – at least twice a day – is key to clarity and integration.
Conscious Media Festival
I AM off to the Conscious Media Festival in Austin, Texas this weekend, where I will speak on the Creator State of Consciousness and creating in alignment with these new energies. While the focus of the festival is on disclosure and conscious content, I AM invited to speak on spiritual disclosure and creation dynamics. It feels like the new template will be stepping forth, and I welcome the opportunity to inspire others to explore this brilliant unfoldment.
Unity Meditations for Global Support
Kindwhile, join thousands in the Light Tribe on SUNday for Global Unity Meditations. We have been doing this since June 2016, and the activations, visions, and support for higher timelines increases each week. The greater the number, the greater the acceleration. We have vast support from the higher realms, as well as the HUman High-Vibe Tribe. If you have an existing meditation group, consider moving your meditations to SUNdays to aid in this Divine activity of Light. This is a passage to demonstrate our capability to embrace Unity.
Trust the Process, Trust Your New Self
If you are experiencing confusion with dropping the old templates, or if the body consciousness is experiencing fatigue or fear, we encourage you to let go and trust the process. Resistance or judging the New Light because it is unfamiliar contracts your DNA. Keep your DNA open, send it love, activate it daily. Stay calm, creative and patient, support the detoxification effects, eat high-vibe and stay hydrated. Embodiers are experiencing a deep calm in this phase. Keep the cosmic perspective and go deep with these revelations. Gratitude and forgiveness provide instant release from lower timelines. All is incredibly well.
In Love, Light and Service,
“Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN,” by Sandra Walter, March 2, 2017, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: March 2, 2017