Dear Ones,
Divine Light has blasted the foundations of your past programming leaving you feeling untethered to all that you have known. It is now time for creating a practical grounding for the base of your new reality.
This moment in time is brought to you by the Letter A.
You have been asking to live in Abundance. Abundance includes living with a sense of pure Beauty using specific tools that raise your vibrational frequency so that your heart and mind are uplifted. From this place you are inspired to create a new foundation that grounds you into a fuller sense of Wellbeing. The Light Field of Abundance can then bless every area of your life with more Freedom and Expansiveness.
Abundance can playfully create the base chakra connection that allows you to be dancing in the pure flow of joyful awakening – A-Bun-Dance – as you stabilize the new foundations that will serve you as you move forward into new life. This playful attitude helps to bring you into the Light Field of Alignment with your Highest Soul’s Reality.
Whatever the question, Alignment is the answer.
Alignment is a powerful sense of being connected to the Source of All Life. Alignment gives you an empowered anchoring system that helps you ground all your old, worn-out patterns into the Earth as compost for your new life. Alignment give you a foundation that can be likened to the spreading root system of a massive tree, anchored and safe in the Winds of Change. You can stay in balance when you are in vertical Alignment with the Light of Source energy working in and through your life.
From this place you can Allow yourself to flow with the changes that life brings you on the Path of Mastery.
Allow the flow of the River of All Creation to work through you. In this flow of Light you are connected to the Divine Feminine energy and can Allow new levels of receptivity to open you to the Law of Grace working in your life. You Allow yourself to wait in your heart for the inspiration that spurs you into Alignment with action that is in perfect Divine Timing.
Allowing saves you from trying to row upstream in the River of All Creation. Instead you are able to relax and receive as you Allow the flow of Grace to work in and through you.
At this time you and all humanity, are in an Awakening process that is like nothing you have experienced before. You are learning to co-create a new life in every moment with your choices.
As you Allow yourself to be grounded in a new foundation of Wellbeing, you become a Sacred Vessel to hold the frequencies of the Light of Abundance flowing through you. Your grounded foundation empowers you to stay in Alignment from Heaven and Earth within your physical body.
From this place of Alignment you can Allow yourself to be loved and supported in new ways and be blessed with the Benevolent Outcomes you desire to create in life on the new Earth opening within you. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
February 21, 2017
“Archangel Gabriel: Brought To You By The Letter A,” Channeled by Shanta Gabriel, February 21, 2017, at