Most commentators today are working on their year-in-review (or year-end review).
I found myself practically unaware of what might be happening in the outside world, aware only of what’s happening in the fields we follow, and doing what developed into a dimension-in-review instead.
There are so many paradoxes in life when we begin to vaguely make out objects in the spiritual landscape around us.
I was watching a historical video. Most are on war or praise military action. And I was trying to get at what the folks who started the last war wanted. And the word “glory” came to mind. Thank you to my guidance.
Glory. What a paradox.
Our immediate reaction is probably judgmental. Only God is glorious. No glory attaches to us. It’s egotistical to want glory.
Our second reaction might be to almost guffaw. Well, of course, we’re glorious. We ARE God. God is everything. How can we be part of everything and not be God? Therefore how can we not, in our higher-dimensional aspects, be glorious?
Immediately our peace is sacrificed to cognitive dissonance as the two voices argue back and forth with each other.
Both are right. Only God is glorious but God is also everything and therefore everything is at least potentially glorious.
Our glory manifests at a higher dimension. We can see it when our consciousness finds itself in that dimension. We’re less obviously glorious in Third Dimensionality but much more obviously so in Fifth.
Bringing the attention down to ourselves, there’s an “I” that’s glorious and an “I” that can be inglorious.
The “I” that can be inglorious we call ego. If it’s left to run the show, and engages with the world from low-density habits and conditioning (Third Dimentia, I call it), then what we think, feel, say, and do can be inglorious.
Self-serving, greedy, lustful, beastly, destructive. Just look at human history. Just look at … Well, I’ve been there. As I recall the last time was yesterday. (And the day is young.)
Our ego is a product of our conditioning and our crafting. If our world goes by the law of the jungle, our ego will reflect it. We’ll condition ourselves to jungle behavior. All we may want is to be good at it … No, the best at it. Our scruples may not be enough to keep us from going with the herd.
We can craft our beingness, as opposed to simply accepting society’s laid-on patterns (trends, fads, fashions, all the ways we manipulate ourselves in Third Dimentia).
Spirituality, the growth movement, New-Age lightwork, and other similar groups are about dismantling ego-built structures (the constructed self) and re-crafting an environment in which the being can be itself. Awareness, creativity, self-love, and self-expression are important tools in allowing the being to unconceal and be itself.
Many lightworker efforts are aimed at crafting an environment in which all living beings can flourish and proposing ways of being with each other – listening, non-judgment, transparency, etc. – that will maximize the flow of love among society’s members.
Many of their efforts are about revealing sequestered healing and energy technologies.
Many are about funding a world that works. Everyone is pitching in. Everyone is playing their part.
We may hear loud protests from the ego. The ego sees only separation and is all about its own survival in what seems like an unavoidable competition for scarce resources.
Survival is defined in Third-Dimensional terms as survival of the body and of the bodies of all others whose survival is important to ours. Together with the means of our survival – our houses, cars, jobs, money, etc.
The ego may adopt a camouflage of one sort or another, but below it lies self-interest.
We learn to dress it up, dress for success, dress the part. We learn to succeed in office politics. We learn to walk the walk, have the look, have what it takes.
On and on go the ways we have of describing the self-image we construct that we then sell to others as if it’s really who we are.
We’re trapped in here. Message in a bottle: Send help please!
We’re not shell-shocked. We’re in the recovering stages of Third Dimensionality. It’s like strong drink.
As we leave it behind, the shape and nature of it may become clearer to us. But it wasn’t clear to me as long as I was in it. You may think I sound sardonic, and I probably do, but, for me, it’s not a year-in-review; it’s a dimension-in-review.
It’s a retrospective, a looking backward, that’s true. But not in sadness. I’m glad to be moving onward.
As I look back on the Third Dimension, I’m amazed that the heaviness, the denseness of this physical body prevented me from seeing solutions to matters that are obvious in these lighter energies.
I can’t believe how foolish I was to think that anything I was doing interpersonally from so heavy a space would bring very much success. I got what my manipulations deserved.
I looked long and hard at what those manipulations were. I worked and worked, scrubbed and scrubbed. And I wasn’t getting near to what ailed me.
All the time I was studying games people play, I was so mired in them myself at such a subtle level that they escaped my attention.
I was enabled to feel a few different states that revived me and allowed me to see more and more.
That says something about the density of Third Dimensionality.
It says something about the density of this human body – this India-rubber encasement we struggle around in, some struggling more than others.
And it says something about my own density.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)