The “After Ascension” series looks at what we can expect after we gain the Fifth Dimension.
Let’s consider next what transportation will be like in the Fifth Dimension, again, using a question-and-answer format.
Q: I suppose what we’re all wondering is how Transportation will change.
A: Angelic Guides: Transportation will change quite drastically. The current forms of transportation that you have are quite damaging to the environment as well as particularly time consuming.
Many of the advancements will allow you to travel to any point on your world in a matter of an hour or two at most. As more and more of you leave your ‘jobs’ and follow your passions, you will no longer have the need to travel so regularly. You will be able to provide your services from any location. The vehicles, for lack of a better word though they would hardly be considered as such, will be quite efficient and run on crystal energy. (1)
A: Matthew Ward: Your customary modes of transportation and the energy that powers them will gradually give way to new vehicle designs. Energy sources that even now are being developed will come into common usage. (2)
The technology will drastically propel you to a world in which space is no longer a barrier. We are not just referring to ‘outer space’ but also to the space on your planet. Currently your planet is a very large place in which not all beings have the ability to travel to any place they desire to visit. This will change. …
Another large change will be in how you travel around your world. Transportation will change quite drastically. The current forms of transportation that you have are quite damaging to the environment as well as particularly time consuming.
Many of the advancements will allow you to travel to any point on your world in a matter of an hour or two at most. As more and more of you leave your ‘jobs’ and follow your passions, you will no longer have the need to travel so regularly. You will be able to provide your services from any location. The vehicles, for lack of a better word though they would hardly be considered as such, will be quite efficient and run on crystal energy. (3)
Q: Will we keep our cars?
A: Ashira: You love your cars! You probably love your cars the same way that we love our little ‘to-and-from’ ships, shall we say …
… our little explorer ships. So, we are not suggesting that you will lose your cars, but we will assist with – very rapidly – to clean up the cars. You can keep your car – they will be modified, let us put it that way!..
But then there will be other forms of transportation that are more efficient or effective, but that does not eliminate the ‘love affair’ that human beings have with their cars. (4)
We realize that in many areas of your planet that cars and traffic, airplanes and airports, and all means of transportation are becoming less desirable. We have technological solutions to these problems. I want to assure you that this will become one area that you will find to be most favorable. We know you are anxiously waiting for these new modes of moving about. We can’t wait to present them when the time is most appropriate. (5)
Q: How do you view our human transportation technology?
A: Hathors: Humanity’s current methods of transportation can be seen as outdated compared to the advanced travel ability you’re to enjoy in the time ahead, as much advanced technology awaits humanity’s use, which will make many avenues of your current existence much easier and more free-flowing. (6)
Q: What will we use for space travel?
A: SaLuSa: What you call ‘Flying Saucers’ – which are planetary vehicles – are not equipped to go into Deep Space, and are not new to your Solar System.
As knowledge and understanding of them grows so you will find that very ‘conveniently’ they are your Inter-planetary vehicles. Matters are speeding along so that when you ‘come of age’ everything you need will be available to you. You are Cosmic Beings in your infancy and are evolving very quickly so that when you have full consciousness, the Universe will be yours to explore. (7)
A: Sheldan Nidle: You are to learn how to create ships that can easily and quickly traverse space, thereby traveling from one world to another.
These travels are to take mere minutes and thoroughly dispel notions that you long have harbored. Use these times to relearn your true history and interstellar origins. These realities are to be yours as you become more conscious. The key to this is how you allow yourself to go forward. It is all about Spirit and not what you call material energies. (8)
The Guides: Technology will drastically propel you to a world in which space is no longer a barrier. We are not just referring to ‘outer space’ but also to the space on your planet. Currently your planet is a very large place in which not all beings have the ability to travel to any place they desire to visit. This will change. …
Another large change will be in how you travel around your world. Transportation will change quite drastically. The current forms of transportation that you have are quite damaging to the environment as well as particularly time consuming.
Many of the advancements will allow you to travel to any point on your world in a matter of an hour or two at most. As more and more of you leave your ‘jobs’ and follow your passions, you will no longer have the need to travel so regularly. You will be able to provide your services from any location. The vehicles, for lack of a better word though they would hardly be considered as such, will be quite efficient and run on crystal energy. (9)
A: SaLuSa: Distance is of little consequence as you will move by thought, and could if necessary negotiate wormholes into other Universes.
You will of course be given the necessary tuition so that you can safely travel around. (10)
Let’s say that, instead, you fancy having your own craft – well, that too can be created by you.
As with the Galactic Federation, there are times when physical craft are needed to travel within the lower dimensions, and it is only in the higher ones that thought creation is possible. (11)
Q: Will we be welcomed at other venues in the Cosmos?
A: SaLuSa: Remember that you will have become the Masters that you really are, and will be welcomed into other life streams.
Life is bountiful, and exists everywhere making its way along an evolutionary path as you have done so. Much of it is invisible to your eyes because it vibrates at a different rate to yours.
As an ascended Being and through the power of thought, you will be able adjust to it just as we sometimes do. (12)
Q: What might be our next step if we wanted to be a space traveler?
A: SaLuSa: If you are ambitious to be a Space Traveler, you will be able to do so once you have reached a certain spiritual level such as the state of Ascension. (13)
SaLuSa: There are mysteries galore in the Universe that you will be motivated to explore. (14)
Ker-On: Wherever you find yourself, experience is still what you seek, and there is a compulsive drive towards obtaining knowledge about everything within the great Cosmos. (15)
SaLuSa: You will have the freewill to choose your next experience, and the freedom to journey anywhere in the Cosmos. You may join us or travel elsewhere in service to other souls who need the benefit of your experience, as it will be your choice. (16)
Q: What is life like aboard your space craft?
A: SaLuSa: Our Space Craft are totally self-supporting and provide all of our needs. In fact we could easily survive in them for several hundred years, as you understand time.
Time is not constant and you would find inter stellar traveling strange at first, but you are now grasping the idea that the past, present and future are all in the Now. (17)
Q: We’ve never been able to roam freely.
A: SaLuSa: In the future you will be free to move around from one place to another, into the past, or forward into the future and your experiences will be quite different to now. Life will be exciting and full of challenges, as there is so much to discover that is outside of your present existence.
Life is certainly not dull on Earth, but you are never totally free to do as you wish. Real freedom is when the Galaxy is yours to travel, and that will come to you in good time. With our advanced forms of transportation, distance is no problem and we can make frequent journeys to far-off stars whenever we want. (18)
Q: We haven’t seen very much of our own world, never mind outer space.
A: Hathors: Every soul deserves to travel around your world and experience the most beautiful places She has to offer, but this right has been denied you as your travel has been restricted to commercial airplanes, cars and trains for the majority of people.
Technology that can see you transport yourselves to different locations instantaneously has been suppressed for reasons your cabals would have you believe are related to national security, and these technologies will be widely disclosed and understood by all as your collective uproots the forces of corruption and tyranny from your world and uncovers what they’ve hidden from you. (19)
Q: Soon we’ll be discussing time travel.
A: SaLuSa: We know that many of you understand that in reality everything is in the Now and that when you reach a certain level by the power of thought, you will be able to move either backwards or forwards in time.
The dark Ones have individuals that can operate at such a level, and given some thought it is not too difficult to imagine why that would be of interest to them. Even so, they are not allowed to travel wherever they wish, their activities are continually monitored, and they do not have the freedom they imagine to do as they like. As we have technologies that can see through solid matter you will understand why we are confident that there is no hiding place for them. (20)
Matthew Ward: With continued advancement in intellect and spirituality, eventually you will be able to teleport around the planet and astrally travel to other worlds. … And yes, everyone will have the ability to communicate telepathically. (21)
Note from Steve: I’ll continue this series when time permits.
(1) “Angelic Guides: A Whole New World – A Look at What’s to Come,” channeled by Taryn Crimi, September 9, 2014, at
(2) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 22, 2008, at
(3) “Angelic Guides: A Whole New World,” ibid.
(4) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Commander Ashira Returns for a Further Discussion on Galactic Life,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 25, 2014, at
(5) Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. Channelled by Valerie Donner, August 6, 2013, at
(6) “The Hathors: Influential Awakenings, Accepting Unexpected Truth and Creating Collective Revolution,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 16, 2013 at
(7) SaLuSa, Sep. 26, 2014, at
(8) Sheldan Nidle, Aug. 30, 2016, at
(9) “Guides: A Whole New World – A Look at What’s to Come,” channeled by Taryn Crimi, September 9, 2014, at
(10) SaLuSa, June 29, 2011, at
(11) SaLuSa, Oct. 29, 2010.
(12) SaLuSa, May 28, 2010.
(13) Loc. cit.
(14) SaLuSa, Feb. 4, 2011.
(15) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.
(16) SaLuSa, Dec. 6, 2007.
(17) SaLuSa, May 28, 2010.
(18) Loc. cit.
(19) “The Hathors: Influential Awakenings, Accepting Unexpected Truth and Creating Collective Revolution,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 16, 2013, at
(20) SaLuSa, Aug. 7, 2015.
(21) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 22, 2008.