My training in academia socialized me to watch what I spoke on.
If I wasn’t claiming to be an “expert” in a field, then I’d best be modest and remain quiet.
If I presumed to tackle academia head on to persuade them to loosen up and accept more than simply “expert opinion,” I risked having the various weapons that academics use turned on me.
That was then. This is now. I need to drop the socialization that only expert opinion counts, along with so much else, if I’m to have the flexibility to do what needs to be done after the Reval.
An example would be if and when I write on subjects that I don’t know about, my critics don’t know about, probably nobody does – but which need to be broached and discussed. Activating the collective will is an example.
Come to think of it, that fits a lot of what we’re discussing these days. And it’ll probably just increase.
In financial wayshowing, I’m going to be wandering in several fields – as a decision-maker, but not as an expert. And I can’t allow myself to be dismayed by that. I can’t kowtow before “experts” and I won’t. I also won’t create a vasana around it. Remaining in the center, the middle, will be a necessity.
We lightworkers face the task of organizing ourselves as a body, irrigating society, building new structures, designing new processes, etc., all of it in aid of creating a new society, a society that has never been tried before, never been possible before, though dreamed of by a few visionaries.
It isn’t satisfactory any more for me to refrain from speaking out because I’ve been socialized into a belief that only experts have the right to speak – a belief that was corrupt and manipulative from the outset and used only to harm people.
No one’s an expert in building Nova Earth. We need creative explorers and imaginative theorists who’ll step out from behind academic walls and curtains and break new ground.
The cabal perfected the technique of ridiculing people who attempted to identify the truth about galactic spaceships, disputed the official version of 9/11, or opposed the various trumped-up wars and concomitant ill treatment of supposed “terrorists” and “enemy combatants.”
If we’re to stand up to the dark, even inwardly, which is all that’s necessary anyways, we’ll have to steel ourselves to their techniques. In particular to ridicule.
How many times have you seen a homie from a violent inner-city gang say that all he wants is R-E-S-P-E-C-T? Respect from others goes about as deep as anything social that we long for. Ridicule aims at taking away the grounds for respect.
Those who stand up to the cabal find out quickly that they need to be beyond needing respect if they’re to get to the truth.
So don’t be stopped because you don’t consider yourself to be an expert in a subject. That’s just a form of ridicule, designed to stop you, to control you.
Apply your native intelligence to the problem. As one of my favorite movies said: “For heaven’s sake, just do it.” (1)
Have we ever noticed how many technological innovations happen during wartime? There are many reasons for that but one is the fall of academic barriers before the overarching need to win the war. Just do it! was their motto too.
We’re making war on war. We’re peaceful warriors, who participate by not participating in corruption and control, but who are also at work doing something loving and humane about it. And the something we’re doing is destined to increase and multiply, providing we follow the divine plan. (2)
Unlike many others in society, we know what’s going on and that’s our invitation to contribute our insights to a process none of us have ever engaged in before – building a new world. We need no other invitation.
We actually need none. All hands on deck.
(1) An attempt to awaken the man’s will.
(2) It isn’t my place to interpret the divine plan to others. Everyone is responsible for deriving their own understanding of it and their place in it. I will say this however. Think of what gives you the highest, most sustained experience of bliss. That could very well be your place in the divine plan because the Mother intends all service to be potentially or actually blissful.