Ahhh, that was wonderful.
Thank you for that rest. Thank you to Suzi and the GAoG team for taking over for me.
A lot of the time I lay there almost comatose, just being Froggy the monk (selfie, above left).
I think my incontinence was used to keep me at home because, the minute my holidays looked to be over, the incontinence eased. And AAM actually more or less confirmed it in a reading on Sept. 2.
This is the way the archangels work with a servant who has surrendered his will to the Mother. An illness is used to keep a person at home, with their overarching permission.
That guaranteed that I would rest. It increased my opportunities to go inwards. And I did.
Some things I was doing in my life were not working and I looked at them closely. I’ll look at them in more depth in the next two articles.
You recall how the Company of Heaven said that things we do that are unproductive will no longer work for us as the energies rise? Well, I’m certainly seeing that in my own life. That’s for sure.
What I haven’t cleaned up so far, I’m being invited …. errrrr, urged to clean up now. I’m aware of the need to dig deeper.
Because I’m going to be heading up several companies, I can no longer afford the luxury of tolerating my own unworkable ways.
So I spent a part of the time getting right down to the bottom of it. … We always say we got to the bottom of something only to find we haven’t. Let’s call this my latest cut. More in the articles that follow.
In the course of it I proved to myself – as I’ve discussed on other occasions – (1) that cognitive dissonance (like confusion, uncertainty, opposition) can be a road leading to paradigmatic breakthrough (a sudden realization, an “Aha!” moment, strong enough to cause a paradigm shift).
I induced the process in myself to handle the dilemma I’d created. I needed to get through it quickly because there’s much to do.
I watched myself progress from cognitive dissonance to an act of will and finally to breakthrough/paradigm-shift/resolution.
As I’ve said before, I’m making it up as I go along and making my share of mistakes. And I’m having to reframe [recontextualize] situations on the fly because I can’t afford the luxury of cognitive dissonance.
When I’m in that space, I’m about as grumpy as they come, projecting vasanas right and left like depth charges. The awarewolf. No more room for that now.
What was it my guidance said? A diamond is a lump of coal that made good under pressure?
I’m distinctly lumpy at the moment. But I do feel the pressure. And I’m ready.
(1) See for instance “Paradigms of Paradigm Change” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/01/01/social-development-chaos-and-compassion/ and “The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 2/2,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/02/23/the-principles-of-largescale-employment-projects-part-22/.