(Continued from Part 1.)
On other occasions, I’ve used the testimony of terrestrial sages, who give voice to God. to state the purpose of life for God. The Sufi sage Ibn Arabi, for instance, said: “I was a hidden treasure and I loved to be known, and I created the creation so that I be known.” (1)
I created the heavens and all that is in them to be known, God is depicted as saying. Beinsa Douno put the matter more prosaically: “Why did God desire to create the world? So that He might be made manifest.” (2)
But there was a purpose given to creation beyond simply manifesting God. That purpose was for the individuated sparks to realize their true identity.
The moment of enlightenment is a moment of delight for God, as Sri Ramakrishna explains: “It is the Godhead that has become these two [God and devotee] in order to enjoy Its bliss.” (3)
The Godhead is God in its formless aspect as complete stillness and silence, voidness and transcendence.
Ramakrishna, humorously, pictured Shiva’s delight upon realizing himself: “When Siva realizes his own Self, He dances about in joy exclaiming, ‘What am I! What am I!’” (4)
Ramana Maharshi depicted us as food for God, enlightenment becoming the feast at which we’re consumed: “Self-perception or God-realisation is said to consist in the Jiva or soul becoming food, i.e., object of enjoyment or experience, to the Lord.” (5)
Our enlightenment is God’s delectable dish. We lose our individuality after the final enlightenment; stripped to the bone. Utterly consumed as an individual to arise as God alone.
Bayazid of Bistun offers us a word-picture of what a moment of Self-Realization is like: “I went from God to God, until they cried from me in me, ‘O thou I!’” (6)
O thou I! God and I are One. God and you are One. We are all One. God has become everything.
Our higher-dimensional sources say much the same thing as terrestrial sages. The Council of Angels asks us: “How would I get to experience Myself if it were not for you?”
“Before you there was just Me, before the Earth and all the planets and star systems and galaxies and universes there was just Me and only Me. I needed to create I needed to split apart and individuate so I could know Myself and see Myself and see all the wonders of creation. You are all ME!” (7)
Just reading that on a page is only intellectual knowledge. It must be realized to alter our lives.
Jesus gives his explanation of how the divine mystery was born and developed:
“God is the soul’s Source, its Ground or matrix, and the goal toward which the soul strives. And God creates the soul so God can find gratification in the soul’s urge toward becoming, with the depth of feelings that result.
“The mystery is that God Itself, in this way, becomes visible, tangible, experiential through the individual awareness that the soul carries within herself. That is the purpose of the birth of the soul.” (8)
So God experiences all this through us. And we experience God through this mysterious divine contact without contact.
The Angels through Tazjima tell us that “physical life was meant to offer … an opportunity for God to learn more about itself.” (9) Learn more, experience the novel, meet Itself.
The Heavenly Hosts agreed with the Angels, that life “is all just experience to satisfy the Creator’s desire to experience Itself through Its creations.” (10)
God through Goldenlight sums up our true situation in life: “You are Me knowing Me. Yes it is I, your loving Source from which you came and to which you shall eventually return.” (11)
From God we came; to God we return. We’re all on a carousel going from God to God.
In between are lifetimes spent in matter, experiencing, enjoying and learning who we truly are.
This series will be continued at a later date, when we’ll look at the purpose of life for us, rather than for God – we’ll pretend there is a difference.
(1) Muhyideen Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 3.
(2) Beinsa Douno, “Life is the Musical Manifestation of God,” The Wellspring of Good. Downloaded from https://www.beinsadouno.org/lib/sg.htm, accessed 21 Feb. 2005, n.p.
(3) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 305. [Hereafter GSR.]
(4) Paramahansa Ramakrishna, GSR, 393.
(5) Ramana Maharshi in “K.” Sat-Darshana Bhashya and Talks with Maharshi. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993; c1931. , 65. Similar to Kahlil Gibran.
(6) Bayazid of Bistun in Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 12.
(7) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Source Creator: Upgrading to a Multidimensional Operating System,” channeled by Goldenlight, October 4, 2013 at https://thegoldenlightchannel.com.
(8) “Jeshua: The Great Mystery,” Channeled by Pamela Kribbe, March, 2016, at https://www.jeshua.net/mornings/mornings13.htm..
(9) “Tazjima: Another Message from the Angels – Encouragement,” as channeled by Tazjima – March 24, 3013, at https://bluedragonjournal.com/author/tazjima/.
(10) Heavenly Hosts, “Let it Be,” 10 Nov. 2006, at https://www.ashtarcommand.net/profiles/blog/show?id=1985014%3ABlogPost%3A273050&xgs=1
(11) “12-12-12 Message from The Council of Angels and Source via Goldenlight: I Am Always with You, Ever Near, Ever Loving,” as channeled by The Golden Light Channel, Dec. 12, 2012, at https://thegoldenlightchannel.com/12-12-12-message-from-council-of-angels-and-source-i-am-always-with-you-ever-near-ever-loving/.