I don’t know where ideas come from. In my case, an idea sticks out and I know it wasn’t mine. Who is it that’s feeding me this information? I ask.
Michael has acknowledged some and my guides the rest, I imagine. I really don’t know.
Here’s an example of an idea that suddenly popped into my head and I’m 99.999999% sure it didn’t come from me. And it was hugely useful.
I was walking down the street, among a moderate flow of people on a sunny day when I began feeling slightly nauseous. Then I felt sad and hurt. And then another unwanted feeling and another. Overall I began to feel drained.
I started to think I should probably go home.
Then the idea suddenly popped into my head (from where, I know not) to surround myself in an impenetrable bubble, built of whatever I wanted – titanium, gold, the violet flame. I thought of it as an “energy bubble.”
I built it around myself, in my imagination – an impenetrable wall of all three – and more.
I was inside that bubble, even while being around people, and all was quiet.
The drain of energy that I felt going from me to others immediately stopped. I could breathe inside the bubble. It was amazing for me.
I’m not well-versed in energy matters. I prefer to dwell on thoughts, feelings, and behavior. So I’d never have thought of surrounding myself in a protective energy bubble.
To use St. Germaine’s word, we’re called upon to surrender to what’s using us.
The use is so subtle. I have to look closely at each thought to see whether it came from me or more likely from someone else.
Be that as it may, I’m happy to be used and I need to go with the flow, to surrender, and I know it.
But pushing off from the shore is hard.