(Concluded from Part 1.)
In terms of their communication strategy, when, why and how do they intervene with us as individuals?
The Arcturian Group gives an example. In this instance of intervention, they don’t communicate with us by words. When our spiritual longings begin to open up, they tell us, “you may be guided to a book or a class as new directions unfold for you.” (1)
Another of the times they intervene, the Arcturian Group tells us, is when we need a wake-up call. They give the example of us clinging to old beliefs.
“Old beliefs are often held long after they no longer serve, simply because an individual has never felt it important to take a good look at himself or question his belief system. This is when a ‘wake up call’ may manifest.” (2)
Archangel Michael implied that my prostate surgery was just such a wake-up call – to get me to stop, rest and relax.
“My beloved brother, if you had moved [at] the speed of light and love that you were travelling at prior to this invasive surgery, and then all the shifts began, you would have, for a period of time, been running at the speed of light and love but your physical body would have had difficulty keeping up.
“So two things have happened. Well, a number of things have happened. First of all you have been forced – invited? – Into a period of reconstitution of a rest, of remembering what rest feels like; not just because of pain. …
“Was it important to have the seeds of cancer removed? Yes. But even more important was to have you come pretty much to stillness.” (3)
Seeing how little attention I was paying to things like rest and relaxation and then seeing its results as well, which he’s been talking to me about for years, was definitely a wake-up call for me.
He’s sharing this information with me, but ordinarily we wouldn’t know about these interventions.
The Arcturians offer an example of the rigid and demeaning beliefs that were forced on us in the past, that we’re now emerging from, with the help of their wake-up calls.
“You are Divine beings in your real identity and therefore have infinite sources of ideas and ways of doing and being. The problem has been that you have not known this and most were not ready to know this until now. In your ignorance you have believed yourselves to be less than the lowest.
“Churches taught that you were worms in the dust until you performed certain rituals or believed certain doctrines. In your ignorance, you accepted this, freely giving your power to those who would then claim it for themselves, convincing you that only they knew what was best for you.” (4)
As our understanding increases, their strategy changes. The CoH now engage us in more of a discussion than a soliloquy, as Sanat Kumara revealed:
“Now I am going to be very forthright in this discussion because you are at a level of maturity, spiritual and emotional, where you can truly engage in the discussion, not the soliloquy, but the discussion of ‘what does this mean? How does this occur?’” (5)
On another occasion he informed us that “we are at the point where we can have this broader, deeper conversation on the meaning of the journey.” (6)
AAM also informed us that “we have not spoken of this of a great deal but now you’re in a place where you will understand exactly what I am saying.” (7)
“Because of the expansion that you are experiencing, your being, not merely your mind or your heart consciousness, or your emotional body, but the totality of your being is more prepared to receive and integrate the information that I speak of now.” (8)
The CoH has been holding back some discussions until we’d expanded to a place where we could understand them. And as the energies rise, we’re becoming better able to do that and act as their partners.
As another indication of our progress, the Arcturian Group told us, “you have gone beyond needing others to tell you what is truth and what is not – you have achieved that state of consciousness where you can be taught from within.” (9)
Being led, being guided, being inspired from within are now open to us as avenues of learning. Hindus would say that the Atman (the inner Self or Christ) is the guru. We are now ready to be taught by the Atman, our Highest Self. We can feel its urgings.
Some of us may find the CoH’s truths too difficult to grasp. What are they talking about anyways? If so, who do they recommend we consult?
AAM says, under those circumstances, we should turn to terrestrial enlightened sages, most of whom, he says, communicate the intermediate truth, the truth short of that which they’d know if they’d have had Sahaja Samadhi. (10)
“Do not despair, Beloveds, if you have been led to our current teachings and they prove to be too difficult to understand.
“Our many messengers of Light [terrestrial sages] have labored tirelessly to bring forth our wisdom teachings that address the basics tenets of spirituality through the many intermediate levels, and now to the current advanced cosmic teachings.
“If you will seek out these past messages, you will find your own level of understanding and you may comfortably proceed from that level forward.” (11)
If that interests you, a bibliography of one of these groups – enlightened sages – can be found here: https://goldengaiadb.com/FDL_Bibliography
And their enlightenment teachings can be found here: From Darkness Into Light
An example of higher-dimensional beings addressing terrestrials in a format intended for the general population (i.e., intermediate knowledge) can be found in New Maps of Heaven here: https://goldengaiadb.com/Reincarnation_and_the_Purpose_of_Life. These are channeled messages from an earlier era. They’re more of an introductory nature, but on the same topics discussed, more recently, here; eg., Silver Birch, White Cloud, etc.
In summary, there are things that the Company of Heaven will not convey to us. There are matters which because we’ve made ourselves less than or more than, they’ve refrained from communicating until we have the necessary balance. There are matters which we weren’t intellectually ready for before which we are ready for now.
They’ve tended to feed us information in bite-sized packages. Sometimes they deliberately feed us info that we cannot understand to tantalize us and set us to work figuring things out. Sometimes they cause a book to drop before us to send us in new directions or give us a wake-up call when we need it.
Now our progress means they can have a dialogue with us rather than only a soliloquy.
For those of us who cannot comprehend the whole of their message, they recommend that we start with our terrestrial sages or earlier channels and work up to their non-dual, universal teachings.
(1) The Arcturian Group, April 12, 2015, at https://at https://www.onenessofall.com/
(2) Personal Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 27, 2016.
(3) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 3, 2014.
(4) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 16, 2011.
(5) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara – We Override Those who Want to Hurt by Anchoring Greater Peace Within – Part 2/2,” February 25, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/02/25/transcript-sanat-kumara-override-want-hurt-anchoring-greater-peace-within-part-22/
(6) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara” The Only Litmus Test is Love,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/10/sanat-kumara-the-only-litmus-test-is-love/
(7) Archangel Michael in a Personal Reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
(8) Archangel Michael in a Personal Reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 3, 2014.
(9) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 3, 2014.
(9) Very few of our sages have achieved Sahaja Samadhi, which is the stage of enlightenment that all achieve once we’re some distance into the Fifth Dimension. Those who know only Brahmajnana, a lesser stage, are said to be “halfway up the mountain.” They’re not liberated until Sahaja.
(10) “Archangel Michael – ‘Hold Steady, Beloveds,’” transmitted through Ronna Herman, Feb. 28, 2013, at https://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html