Hi Precious Heart, I AM very Grateful that you responded to the inner prompting of your heart and opened this email. With the monumental shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness we have experienced so far in 2016, we are truly in uncharted waters. The Company of Heaven is well aware of that fact, and they are intervening in gentle and Loving ways to help us maintain balance during these wondrous but challenging times.
The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are asking us to join together now in Divine Service in order to transmute the residue of the cause, core, effect, record, and memory of the obsolete patterns of our fear-based and fragmented human egos, which are no longer viable.
The Divine Intent of this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan for 2016 is to make our lives and the lives of all Life evolving on this sweet Earth easier by paving the way for a NEW and HEART-BASED form of Divine Government. This will be a Government OF the I AM Presence of Humanity, BY the I AM Presence of Humanity, FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity. A Government based in Oneness, Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life.
The United States of America has a vital role to play in this unfolding Divine Plan. At this time, our presidential election is clearly reflecting the antithesis of Divine Government. As the Light increases on this planet and the Earth prepares for the new patterns of perfection that will soon bathe the mental and emotional strata through the Portal of Divine Cause in Alaska, everything that conflicts with the patterns of Divine Government is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. Consequently, every day we are witnessing how very broken and corrupt not only our political system in the USA is, but how broken and corrupt the governmental systems are around the world as well.
As you read these words, know that you are joining in consciousness with thousands of Lightworkers all over the world who are reading this information with you. Together, through our collective consciousness and our focus of attention, we are co-creating a Chalice of Light that will serve as an Open Door through which the Light of God will flow to anchor the Immaculate Concept, or the Divine Blueprint, for the Divine Plan now unfolding within the presidential election taking place in the USA.
Nothing is taking place by accident. Even if it is difficult for us to see what the unfolding Divine Plan might be, the Company of Heaven assures us that with our assistance this facet of the Divine Plan will be God Victoriously accomplished in perfect Divine Order. We are being asked to focus our efforts in the Eternal Moment of NOW, knowing full well that not even the Company of Heaven can determine exactly when these changes will manifest in Earth’s limited time and space continuum.
It may take more than one election cycle to reach the critical mass that will create this unstoppable change, or we may reach that critical mass in what will seem to be “the twinkling of an eye.” The important thing is for Lightworkers to work with the tenacity and the heart commitment that these changes could manifest with the very next breath we take.
For aeons of time Humanity has fallen into the pattern of using pain as our motivator. As long as we are “comfortable” we are willing to stagnate forever. But if we experience a crisis in our life, we scramble around frantically striving in any way we can to improve or alleviate the negative situation. That is what is happening in the presidential election in the USA. Because of the shocking events that are taking place in this election process, people everywhere are waking up and paying attention. Now it is time for the next step. We must not only pay attention, we must take action!
Because of the urgency of the hour, our Father-Mother God have granted a Cosmic Dispensation to the Company of Heaven. Our God Parents have given the Messengers of God from the Heavenly Realms permission to intervene in our lives in new and powerful ways when we ask for their assistance.
For instance, when we invoke help from On High, the Company of Heaven is now able to amplify our prayers, meditations, decrees, affirmations, visualizations and every other aspect of our service to Humanity and the Light a thousand times a thousandfold. This means that every time we ask the Beings of Light for assistance, our Lightwork is increased to the power and might of a million people. Just imagine!
In 1977, we were told by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth that a critical factor in raising the consciousness of Humanity, and paving the way for the patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth, would be for the United States of America to fulfill her Divine Destiny. The Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan for the USA was co-created in the Realms of Cause by our Founding Fathers when they wrote the sacred documents guiding the behavior of American citizens. These documents are the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.
America was to model to the rest of the people on this planet a Higher Order of Being, a New World. This was to be a world that would heal the separation and reflect the Oneness of the Family of Humanity. The United States of America was intended to model the microcosm of the macrocosm for Planet Earth.
The name AMERICA is an anagram for the I AM RACE. The Divine Intent of this name represents a race of God Conscious people comprised of ALL races, ALL nationalities, ALL cultures, ALL religions, ALL creeds and ALL Lifestyles. A race of people who are functioning within the full embrace of their I AM Presence reflecting Oneness, Divine Love, Reverence for ALL Life, and decisions and actions that perpetually reflect the highest good for ALL concerned.
Needless to say, we have fallen far from the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan for the United States of America, but those patterns of perfection are still pulsating in all of their resplendent Glory in the Realms of Cause. They are awaiting the opportunity to tangibly manifest in the world of form.
In 1977, a plan was set into motion through the unified efforts of the Company of Heaven and Awakened Lightworkers on Earth that would reclaim the USA from the fear-based and fragmented consciousness of separation and duality and set her on the path to fulfill her Divine Destiny. In order to accomplish this Divine Mission, it was critical that the patterns for Divine Government be activated and recalibrated to a frequency that would reach into even the most asleep hearts and minds of Humanity.
In order to accomplish this mighty feat, a magnificent Angelic Presence from the Great, Great Silence volunteered to project her luminous Presence into the atmosphere of Earth above Washington, D.C. Once she took her strategic position there, she created a canopy of Divine Light and Love that embraces every facet of government in the USA at national, state, and local levels. This august Being is known throughout the Realms of Light as the Angel of Renewal and Restoration.
Since that Cosmic Moment, her canopy of Light and Love has been gradually recalibrating every particle and wave of Life associated with government in the USA. This Divine Intervention has been gradually preparing the USA for the time when the masses of Humanity would be Awake enough to manifest a Government OF the I AM Presence of Humanity, BY the I AM Presence of Humanity, FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity. A Government based in Oneness, Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life.
In 2003, we were asked by the Company of Heaven to take a sacred Pilgrimage of Lightworkers to Australia. While we were there we were guided to a wonderful artist named Karen Osborne. She revealed to us that she knew we were coming and that the Angel of Renewal and Restoration had asked her to paint a picture that would bring to a conscious level within the hearts and minds of Humanity a vision of the rebirth of the United States of America.
The Angel of Renewal and Restoration told Karen that the painting should be taken to the USA and that when all is in readiness the image would be distributed worldwide to activate within every person’s Heart Flame the codes for Divine Government that each Person’s I AM Presence has been waiting to reveal. NOW IS THAT TIME!
The codes that are being activated within every person’s Heart Flame contain not only the unfolding Divine Plan to re-establish Divine Government in the USA and the rest of the world, they contain viable solutions for the distorted and corrupt patterns of government that are surfacing to be healed and transmuted into Light.
This magnificent painting has been hanging in our sanctuary at the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, and empowering our efforts to pave the way for Divine Government on Planet Earth for 13 years. Thirteen is a mystical number that is reflected in the sacred geometry for the USA and all of our sacred seals and symbols. It is time for this image to be distributed worldwide, which we are doing now through this email newsletter.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This painting is copyrighted so that it cannot be altered in anyway, but Karen has given the NASHP permission to distribute an image of this painting in a poster. If you would like to have a high quality poster of this powerful image of the Angel of Renewal and Restoration to hang in your home or office to accelerate the activation of the codes for Divine Government you may order one through our website.
In addition to the blessings from the image being shown in this email, the Angel of Renewal and Restoration has joined with the Legions of Light who are holding the sacred space for the manifestation of Divine Government in the USA and for Planet Earth. These selfless Messengers of God have given us the following Invocations and asked that we recite them daily through this election cycle according to the inner promptings of our Heart. Together, with one-pointed consciousness and with Divine Intentions, we will clear the way for Divine Government in the United States of America and around the world.
Call For Divine Government I AM, I AM, I AM.
I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love…
I invoke the great Beings of Light associated with Divine Government to this planet, and I invoke the Beloved Ascended Masters guarding the evolutions of Earth.
Blessed Ones, blaze the Sacred Fires of God’s Perfect Will, Divine Love and Divine Illumination in, through and around every person involved with the governments of Earth at national, state and local levels.
Blaze the Sacred Fires of God’s Will, Divine Love and Divine Illumination in, through and around the electorate and governmental officials of all nations.
Let them feel and tangibly experience the Power, Wisdom and Love Nature of our Father-Mother God flowing through them as they elect their governments and vote on all issues before them.
SEAL this activity of Light in the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame anchored within the heart of every person on Earth. Expand this Light daily and hourly a thousand times a thousandfold.
(repeat 3 times)
And so it is, Beloved I AM.
Purifying Decree
In the Name of the Presence of God, I AM, and through the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire pulsating in my heart and the hearts of all Humanity…
I invoke the Elohim of Purity and all of the Legions of Light associated with Cosmic White Lightning of Purification.
I invoke Archangel Michael and all of the Legions of Light associated with his Sword of Blue Flame.
I invoke ALL of the Angelic Legions associated with the strength and purity of God’s Will, Divine Love and Infinite Wisdom.
I invoke Saint Germain and all of the Legions of Light associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.
Beloved Ones, come forth NOW…and blaze your radiant Flames of Light with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around…
(1) All of the embassies, chanceries, consulates and all offices of the international representatives in Washington, DC.
(2) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the Capitol Building, the Congressional Office Buildings and the Senate Office Buildings.
(3) Blaze this Divine Light through the State Department, the White House and the Executive Office Building.
(4) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the Pentagon, all military bases and every office and business concerned with military affairs in any way.
(5) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the Supreme Court and the entire Judicial System in the United States of America.
(5) Expand this Sacred Fire now through all of the remaining Departmental Offices of Government in the United States of America.
(6) Now Blessed Ones, expand, expand and expand this activity of Light. Traverse the planet North, South, East and West, and blaze these powerful, purifying Flames in, through and around ALL governmental and military buildings throughout the world.
Purify and transmute every electron of precious Life energy associated with the governments and military forces on this planet that are not reflecting Oneness and the Reverence of ALL Life.
Now, I ask the I AM Presence of every government official and employee to PURIFY (repeat 3 times) the consciousness and the mind of that person.
Replace all negative thought patterns with Divine Consciousness and the desire to manifest God’s Will—in ever-expanding action—until the reality of Divine Government is firmly established in the heart and mind of every person on Earth.
Close in upon and TRANSMUTE anything that is hindering the expansion of God’s Divine Plan for the governments of the United States of America and the world.
TRANSMUTE (repeat 3 times) ALL that is not of the Light cause, core, effect, record and memory before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained.
TRANSMUTE (repeat 3 times) ALL negativity into the pure Light of the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame and the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity. I accept this call fulfilled as God’s Most Holy Name, I AM. And so it is.
Gratitude to the Angel of Renewal and Restoration
Mighty Angel of Renewal and Restoration, in grateful humility I acknowledge your Presence in the Universe and the tremendous service you are rendering to Planet Earth and her evolutions.
I thank you for sustaining a canopy of Light over Washington, D.C. and the governments of the USA at national, state and local levels. I now offer you the Cup of my Consciousness and the good of my Causal Body to help you expand and sustain this canopy of Light over the foci of government for ALL of the countries of the world.
I ask you to SEAL all governments on the planet within a constant outpouring of your 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Flame of Renewal and Restoration, until all Life is purified, restored, renewed and manifesting God’s Plan for Divine Government on the New Earth.
This is destined to be a Government OF the I AM Presence of Humanity, BY the I AM Presence of Humanity, FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity. A Government based in Oneness, Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life.
I consecrate and dedicate my Heart Flame to be the Open Door through which the purifying process of this Sacred Fire will constantly flow, to restore all Life evolving on this sweet Earth into God’s Infinite Perfection. And so it is, Beloved I AM.
REMINDER: This painting is copyrighted so that it cannot be altered in anyway, but Karen has given the NASHP permission to distribute an image of this painting in a poster. If you would like to have a high quality poster of this powerful image of the Angel of Renewal and Restoration to hang in your home or office to accelerate the activation of the codes for Divine Government you may order one through our website.
Posted By Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Add Light to our Political System. By Patricia Diane Cota Robles. June 9, 2016. https://www.eraofpeace.org/news/