Greetings from our Pleiadian Starship,
Within your NOW we are beginning a series of transmissions from our Ships, which are just beyond your atmosphere. We send these transmissions to those inhabitants of Earth who are ready to expand their consciousness, and thus their perceptions, into the “Transitional Reality of Earth.”
For those who are able to attend to and accept the many writings, movies, blog posts and human communications that remind you that something is changing on planet Earth, what you may not know is that “where your attention is, there you are also.”
In other words, if your attention is limited to third dimensional news, communications, jobs, financial issues, and violent confrontations, your consciousness will become lowered to the level of fear that these messages create.
What you may not know is that those who have been in “Power Over” your reality for generations of your time/space reality purposefully create this worldwide fear. However, your consciousness is expanding, more and more into higher fourth dimensional and fifth dimensional states of consciousness.
As your consciousness expands to include the concept of higher dimensional states of consciousness and versions of reality, your perceptions increasingly calibrate away from your third and lower fourth dimensional worlds of illusion and into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional realities based on the ONE of the NOW.
We, your Galactic friends, see that more and more of you are having moments, days, or even more extended conscious experiences of delta and gamma wave consciousness. Your delta wave consciousness brings in enough awareness of your own inner power that you can “Let Go” of lower dimensional lies and illusions.
At first, this process of “letting go” can be somewhat disturbing, as you have released your old third/fourth dimensional operating system and have not yet understood and embraced the new fifth dimensional operating system.
In other words, you have completed your exploration of a third dimensional reality in the first stages of Ascension. But, as the frequency of that reality moves into the flow of the NOW of the ONE, your daily, “normal,” perceptions are beginning to expand into the higher fourth dimension of your reality.
Furthermore, an ever-expanding population of Gaia’s humanity is expanding their consciousness to include the next octave of reality, which is the fifth dimension. As you Awakening Ones now remember, this flow of the ONE expands your consciousness and perceptions beyond your fourth dimensional perceptions and into their fifth dimensional perceptions.
Once you have consciously felt the fifth dimensional energy fields as they flow into your meditations, your dreams, and increasingly into your daily life, the separation, limitation and sequential time of third/fourth dimensions become increasingly “old fashioned,” and you long to enter into the New World that you feel within your being.
As you continue to return to your true fifth dimensional expression of Self, your consciousness and perceptions become increasingly calibrated to more easily perceive the Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love that you so longed for during your long mission to third dimensional Earth.
As you have likely observed, Unconditional Love can be a challenge in a third dimensional reality, but it is also a transmutational challenge well worth exploring. Many of the members of our Away Teams to ascending Earth have had many incarnations on Earth in many different timeframes of reality.
Now, many of you are remembering your true SELF back home on the Ship. Therefore, we are asking you to share your experiences with us, as well as others within your current reality. Many do not realize that they are experiencing living in a reality that is in preparation for transmutation into the next octave.
We commend you all for choosing such a challenging life in which you are consciously observing and experiencing the impact of the duality of Love verses fear. Please remember that from your innate, higher perspective of also being on the Ship, you have the ability to observe the past, present and future of those realities.
From within the NOW of the Ship, you can collect all that you have learned from all third/fourth dimensional Earth. The fifth dimensional viewpoint of the Ship allows you to perceive the illusion of time within Earth’s three cycles of past, present and future, simultaneously within the NOW of our fifth dimensional ONE.
We have observed that by the “time” our Volunteers finally remember their true Multidimensional Self on the Ship, they have had many adventures on third/fourth dimensional Earth. Some of these experiences were “good” and some of them were, shall we say, “educational.”
We say “educational” because not only did these incarnations allow you to have the opportunity to help others on Earth, but you can also better inform us, the members of the Landings Party, about the readiness of humanity for our direct contact.
We have also learned, that many of our Volunteers to ascending Earth have had many challenging experiences and need to return to the Ship for regular debriefings and much needed R&R. After being in a polarized frequency of reality for a long “time,” they are ready to return Home for a much needed visit.
Before the finale of your long process of third dimensional life, after life, after life, many of you enjoy visiting the Ship. Some of you have only had one or two incarnations on third dimensional Earth, but some of you have taken many incarnations on many different locations and timelines.
Our Volunteers often forget their true self and become completely immersed in their third dimensional version of life on Earth. Some of these experiences were part of their mission statement, so that you could collect and bring back data about how we could best assist with the Earthlings’ personal and planetary transmutation.
It is one thing to observe the dramas, both good and bad, from a higher dimensional perspective, and an entirely different thing to observe it while you actually live within that physical/astral reality.
Unfortunately, because of this great challenge, many of our Volunteers have become trapped in the “Wheel of Life and Death” of a third dimensional planet. In some lives our Volunteers may have fallen into the lowest resonance of the third dimensional energy waves.
Often, this very brave mission was their choice. These spiritual warriors chose to live out as many incarnations as it took for them to remember their true Multidimensional SELF, while still wearing their Earth vessel.
When they did remember that they were interdimensional travelers, they could begin to document their experiences, so that others who are just beginning to remember could discover that they were NOT alone.
As many of you can now recall, you were visiting Earth in the timeline that is on the cusp of a consciousness breakthrough into the fifth dimensional octave of planet Earth. In fact, there are many within your “breakthrough reality,” as we call it, that do not have such a realization-YET.
Hence, it is important that those who do recognize the “feeling” of breaking through the dogma and separation of the third dimensional paradigm, know that the octave of reality to which you are beginning to resonate is the fifth dimensional version of the reality.
We can see that many of you are in dire need of some rest and recreation before you can move onto the next phase of your mission. Therefore, we lovingly invite you to visit our Ship in your night body or gamma wave meditation.
After you have had replenished your Earth vessel with our fifth dimensional Unconditional Love and transmuted your Earth vessel with our Violet Fire, we ask that you serve as a scribe and document your experiences.
We then ask that you share these experiences with others, as well as with us. We will begin our “landings on Earth” within Gaia’s fifth dimensional frequency band. In that manner only those with a fifth dimensional state of consciousness will be able to perceive us.
Because there is so much strife on your world within this now, it would create too much fear and further aggression (as aggression is created by fear — not bravery) if we landed in the third dimension of reality. On the other hand, if you can expand your consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimension, you will be able to perceive us.
You must remember, though, that your higher states of consciousness have different frequencies of perception. Therefore, you do not see us as you would a physical airplane. At first, you will likely perceive us as an “inner knowing” that we are there. Then, if you are away from a populated area, we can move into frequencies closer to your physical perceptions without fear or aggression.
If you use your higher states of consciousness to invite us into your home or property, we will appear within the fifth frequency of consciousness in which you invited us. In other words, if you ask via your fifth dimensional consciousness, we will enter at that frequency.
Once we know that the majority of people are ready to confront the beginning of an entirely different era of their reality, we can reveal ourselves more often. Earth is a very difficult planet to make contact with because it has such diverse cultures with vast ranges of readiness of personal and planetary Ascension.
As an example, some Earth humans will only be able to shift from their third dimensional, physical expression of self into their fourth dimensional, astral expression of self. On the other hand, some will be able to shift into their fifth dimensional, Lightbody expression of Self.
Some Earth humans are even ready to shift into their sixth dimensional Light Being or even their seventh dimensional Oversoul. Because Earth has always been such a diverse planet, some humans are even prepared to shift into their eighth through twelfth dimensional expressions of SELF.
Fortunately, many who could personally shift into the eighth through twelfth dimensions are only shifting to the fifth dimension in order to use their Multidimensional energy fields to assist the entire planet to shift into the fifth dimension.
Gaia is very grateful for this assistance, and those who do make that temporary sacrifice will experience the joy and adventure of Gaia’s transmutation into a fifth dimensional “Light planet.”
Since we on the Ships resonate to the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond, we know that Gaia will, and already has, become Her planetary Lightbody. Once this Ascension process begins, it will progress faster and faster because the process will leave third/fourth dimensional time and move into the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond.
It may take many incarnations before one who is totally lost in the third dimension can remember and totally merge with all the octave of their Multidimensional self. Fortunately, time is an illusion of the third/fourth dimension.
Once one begins their process of returning to their true, Multidimensional SELF, their transmutation moves faster and faster until they flow into the fifth dimension. Once they expand their consciousness, perception, sense of Self and reality into the fifth dimension, they leave the time/space of the third/fourth dimensions.
The lifetime in which a person, or a planet, is able to make that breakthrough is often called the “Transmutational Reality.” Just as you, our dear Volunteers, are experiencing more and more “unseen beings” who wish to assist you to expand your “imagination” and/or “state of consciousness,” so will many more.
Earth has become a Transmutational Reality. Hence, an ever-increasing number of Her inhabitants will be experiencing moments of “peeking through the veil of illusion” to find that which was always there, but they forgot.
A Novel by the Pleiadians. Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 4 – Sharman’s First Transmission to Earth. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. May 31, 2016.