Dear Ones,
In the expanse of all life, there are times when the messages of God’s Love come through the presence of Angels. These blessed beings of Light carry the powerful presence of the Divine to touch the hearts of all those who are open to receive.
Never before has there been a time when the gifts of Divinity are so available. You need no intermediary, as these gifts are a part of your Soul’s destiny. There are moments in life, however, when a personal loving touch from the Grace-filled Wings of Angels can act as a soothing balm to the soul who yearns for more Love, Peace and the pure joy of Divine Union.
And so there are Angels to bless, embrace, guide, protect, and love you into the eternal place of unity with God within you. The Archangels, as the leaders of the legions of winged beings of Light, hold a special place within the ascension of the Earth and all humanity. They are the architects of new life, and each one holds a special resonance that your soul recognizes as Truth.
There are even moments when the field of Light that holds this resonance coalesces to create a new life path, or to enhance the journey your soul has chosen. At those times, your most Divine Self has put out the call to receive a greater presence of guidance, empowerment and love into your life on Earth.
When you are ready for mastership — living in your most Divine Self while in human form — that is when your soul opens to receive a special quality of consciousness from the Archangel who is called. Your whole body responds to this essence in pure acceptance, and your energy system opens to the rewiring necessary for divinity to transform you from the inside out.
A new rainbow Light Body is being created within your energy system that has the capacity to hold higher frequencies and live in harmony with the Earth at the same time. The Archangels have been tapped by Divine Intelligence to work with those souls on the earth who are willing to walk with them on a new journey of Oneness.
It is not that Angels are the only path to ascension, but these beings of Divine Light are offering to ease the way for you and bring forth a new level of freedom so you can express your highest divinity in fulfillment and alignment with your soul’s destiny.
We want to work with the creation of your light bodies. We want to refine your energy systems to contain more Light from God, more Grace, more Love. All that we do together will transform physical reality and uplift humanity. The world needs enlightened leaders. The more people who are accessing the light frequencies, the lighter the planet becomes.
As you embark on this new discovery path with the Angels of Light, it will affect all areas of your life in a way that brings new awareness and Soul Alignment. You will find correlation within you so all is in alignment with Divine Union. Because the Archangels are here to teach the principle of Unity Consciousness, you will see how skillfully it all fits together.
The call has gone out. Who will answer? Let your Soul respond. And so it is.
Archangel Gabriel
“Archangel Gabriel: Everything is Coming Up Angels,” Channeled by Shanta Gabriel, May 31, 2016, at