I had a blissful holiday from reading the world news.
It started on Sept. 30, 2015, after the Blood Moon Equinox, when bliss first arose for me and lasted until around Jan. 1. 2016, when I started feeling a need to return to tracking the news
Oh, my, how hard it’s been since then. How difficult it is to enjoy anything to do with world news today, as it’s reported by a controlled mass media and the entertainment industry.
In the process of reading, I became aware of how much I’d been indoctrinated into a love of my country, right or wrong. Imagine it as a positive balance in a bank account.
I remember all the war movies I faithfully watched – and the “documentaries.” I now see the biases and manipulation in them. As long as I was dualistically “patriotic,” I couldn’t see them. The propaganda resulted in me making many positive deposits of trust in my patriotic bank account.
The more I became aware of what I later came to see as Illuminati crimes, the more that balance of trust began to shrink.
But, as long as there existed any positive balance at all, I resisted criticism of my country and its government, as uncomfortable as I began to feel.
Then came September 11, 2001 and “the war on terror.” Realizing in 2007 that 9/11 was an inside job was the explosive event that blew my bank account permanently to smithereens.
I’ve never recovered from that shock, that nuclear explosion of my trust and my belief systems.
I see now I was manipulated the whole time. Tricked into loving war. Tricked into blindly loving my country and, more specifically, its government.
Fast forward to the present. The number of shils operating today, the extent of deception, the range of disinformation simply leaves me feeling spent these days. On and on go the assaults on our peaceful co-existence as planetary citizens of Nova Earth. When will it end?
And when will reporters cover real events? When will they stop reporting false-flag, black operations as if they were real. They’re acting as henchmen – wittingly or not – of the people who profit from war and stage the black ops in the first place.
I simply have to let the whole thing go. I see no profit in addressing the subject of the controlled media.
I declare my independence of the controlled mainstream media and the entertainment industry.
You’ll have to follow us, my friends, because we aren’t following you any longer.
Follow us and get your vitality back.
We’re pledged to honesty and compassion, openness and generosity. We’re pledged to as much transparency as we can possibly manage. We’re pledged to love.
As brash as it sounds, we think we’re the way of the future.
Everyone is welcome on Nova Earth. Everyone can be accommodated. But the old ways of doing things that created a dog-eat-dog world you’ll have to leave behind, I’m afraid.
For the rest, pick up the alternative press. Goodbye to a controlled media. Welcome aboard any reporters, editors, and publishers who wish to join us.